Figura professionale: DATA SCIENTIST/ANALYST

Nome Cognome: V. M.Età: 37
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Business Intelligence / Data Scientist / DWH
Sede preferita: Milano

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Associate a t Department of Public Procurements, Medical Faculty of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University , 04.2011 – 12.2017 Performing data analy:cs in Public Procurement Department, Management with ESPP (Electronic System of Public Procurements), implemen:ng all types of Public Procurement procedures, conduc:ng Public Procurements in electronic form over the web-based system that enables electronic trading between contrac:ng authori:es in R. of Macedonia and domes:c and foreign economic operators in order to obtain efficiency and cost-effec:veness of the contract award procedures

Lecturer o f Microsoft Courses at Computer Education Centre S EMOS , 03.2013 – 12.2017 (part-time job) Lecturer in MicrosoW Office 2010, 2013 (Excel, Word, Power Point)

TECHNICAL SKILLS – R programming – MicrosoW Excel Advanced (macros, pivot tables, data visualiza:on…) – Google Analy:cs – SPSS analy:cal soWware – Deep Understanding of digital channels (SEO, PPS, SMM…) – MySQL – VBA (Visual Basic for Applica:ons) – SAS Enterprise Miner

OTHER SKILLS – Excellent interac:on abili:es to establish and maintain good working rela:ons with people of different na:onal and cultural backgrounds, gained through aQendance of academic courses abroad – Posi:ve Aftude, curious, high energy – Well organized person – Work as a part of a team – Professionalism, Honesty and Integrity, Responsibility, Loyalty

CERTIFICATION – Cer:ficate of successfully passing the test of Robo:cs – Board of European Students of Technology, Vienna – Cer:ficate of Public Procurements, Ministry of finance, Public Procurement Bureau – MicrosoW Office Specialist for Word 2013 – TOEFL (English Language Cer:ficate) – FCE (English Language Cer:ficate)

LANGUAGES – Macedonian (na:ve) – English – Basic Italian – Serbian – Croa:an – Bulgarian – Greek

E DUCATION Specialized Master of Data Science for Management, Cattolica University del Sacro Cuore, 01.2018 – 01.2019(expected) Business Intelligence and Data Analy:cs, SoWware Development and Technologies for Business Intelligence, Sta:s:cs and Probability, Management for Digital Enterprise, Data Management and Warehousing, Text and Web Mining, Data Mining and PaQern Recogni:on Bac helor of Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje , 10.2006 – 12. 2010 Mathema:cs, Physics, Computer and mobile networks, Computer architectures, Informa:on systems, Computer systems, Real-:me systems, Distributed systems, Database solu:ons, Telecommunica:on services, Webdesign, Internet services Study program of wide professional flexibility that includes design, implementa:on and maintenance of informa:on systems

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