Nome Cognome: G. G.Età: 52
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: TORINO

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From 2004 to now – Comdata S.p.A. Main Customers: Telecom Italia, Vodafone, Wind, Enel, Eni, Eon, Edison, Mediolanum, Santander, Generali, Sky [2009 – Today] BPO emprovement process and automation manager. At the moment I’m the coordinator of 9 RPA Expert involved to find out automation solutions on Operations or directly with our Customers. Here below my main activities:  Start-up management on the new Sites  Find new solutions in Operations introducing new technologies solutions as automation solutions or reviewing Operations activities  Collaboration with our Market unit to manage new requests or offer new solutions directly to our Clients. Our automation solutions allowed my Company to reach 200 FTE with automatic task and more than 7,0 milions of Euro per Year. Main and most important activities: o Process Operation reviewing on the Back Office Vodafone Projects Target: reach the 5% di efficiency through reviewing Vodafone process with automatic procedures. Duration: 4 years goals: reached 43 FTE with automatic process and saved 1,5 Milions of Euro / year. o Start-up Site in Comdata Argentina : (10 months) Coordination of activities for the opening of the site in Buenos Aires and Operation support o IT merging process between Comdata and new Turkish Company (5 months) Coordination of IT activities in order to connect our network and applications with the new Company acquired o IT merging process between Comdata and new Cech Republic Company (3 months) Coordination of IT activities in order to connect our network and applications with the new Company acquired

[2006 – 2009] Service Manager (IVREA). Ensure the achievement of operational objectives and suggest new solution to the Client Main and most important activities: o New Order management system to ensure the outsourcing of a team involved to a scanning activities of a Publicity Company target: outsource the activity Duration : 1 year Goals: reached the objective agreed with the same quality level results. o New Workflow Systems to organize all Back Office Activities for both service : Consumer and Business. target: Centralize all back office Activities through a new system routing to control 8 Operative site Duration : 1 year Goals: reached the objective agreed Is time as agreed with the Customer.

[2004 – 2006] Call Center Manager (Torino)  Ensure all Service Level requested by our Customer Enel,  Management of work shifts. 1996-2004 Telecom Italia Mobile Spa (now TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A.) – Telecomunications [2002-2004] Processes improvement manager .  Ensure all Customer Processes and system support to all Call Center according with Company needs [2000-2002] Start-up manager in TURKEY –  On the Custoemr service side , ensure all Customer processes to the new Call Center in Istanbul [1996-2000] Back Office supervisor 

ISNTRUCTIONS & TRAINING 1991: scientific high school – Liceo Scientifico “M.Curie” di Pinerolo Others training : RE-ENGINEERING PROCESSES – on behalf of Telecom Italy Mobile. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT – on behalf of Telecom Italy Mobile. PROJECT MANAGEMENT – on behalf of Telecom Italy Mobile. LITA , Lean IT Foundation certified : 5992357.20659405

COMPUTER SKILLS Good knowledge of MS Office and Ms Project and principal CRM System  MS Office – Good  Miscrofot Visio – good  Microsoft Project – good  Html – good  Asp – good  Wordpress – Good  Automate – Good  AutoIt – Good  Siebel 6, 7, 8 – Good  Sap Crm – Good

LANGUAGE SKILLS Good knowledge of spoken and written English. a fair knowledge of the Spanish language.

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