Figura professionale: Ingegnere

Nome Cognome: G. M.Età: 37
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: Puglia, Lazio

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March 2015 – Present PhD project (temporarily suspended): Uncertainty based Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation of Space Transportation Systems Centre for Future Air-Space Transportation Technology (cFASTT), Mechanical and Aerospace Department (MAE), University of Strathclyde, James Weir Building, 75 Montrose Street, Glasgow G1 1XJ, Scotland, UK Principal topics: Space launcher systems Engineering and Operation modeling, Multidisciplinary design analysis and optimisation, Discrete event system modeling, uncertainty quantification and propagation Main gained expertises: mixed-integer optimization, genetic algorithms, Matlab programming, Petri Nets, computational (coding) efficiency

September 2013 – November 2014 Internship: Master thesis research Optics and thin film laboratory. ENEA Casaccia, 301, Via Anguillarese, 00123 Roma Tutor: Salvatore Scaglione. Principal topics: solar sailing, light scattering, vectorial scattering theory applied on solar sails, experimental verification, physical vapour deposition, optical characterization Main gained expertises: thin film deposition, superficial treatments (lapping), optical characterization (spectrophotometer, integrating sphere, FTIR and ellipsometer), investigation of micro-surface topography of materials (Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Stylus profiler) Softwares: Wolfram Mathematica, Origin (data analysis and graphing software), Gwyddion (AFM software)

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2011-2014 Master degree in Astronautical engineering (110/110 (Top grade)) University of Rome "La Sapienza", Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Via Salaria 851, 00138, Rome, Italy Main courses: ▪ Robotics systems: Control theory, LQR optimization, non linear control,. Kalman Filter. Control of a space vehicle. Attitude control optimization. MATLAB practical works: LQR applications, differential equation of Riccati, relative motion Chaser and Target, controllability, observability. ▪ Control algorithms: Signal processing, transfer function, closed-loop systems, feedback and feedforward architecture. Root locus, Bode and Nichols charts, Nyquist criterion. Simulink training. ▪ Electronics for Telecommunications: Signal analysis, electrical signals and noise, linearity, dynamics and frequency response of electronic systems, modelling of electronic circuits. Laboratory activities. ▪ Thermal control systems: Fourier equation, radiative transport, thermo-optical parameters, space environment, solar radiation, thermal effects on satellites, superficial treatments, MLI. ▪ Astrodynamics: two-body problem, Keplerian orbits, orbital parameters, orbital perturbations, drag effect, solar radiation pressure, ground track, three-body problem, Lagrangian points, orbital transfers, launch window, Lambert problem. ▪ Interplanetary Trajectories: Optimization. Calculus of Variations. Collocation technique. Interpolating polynomials. Solar-Photon Sails: solar radiation pressure, ideal and optical thrust model. Degradation of the optical quantities, deformations and thermal problems. Seminaries (G.Vulpetti): Solar-Photon Sails. Thesis: “Applying VST to Solar-Photon Sail thrust modeling: experimental response from PVD optical thin films of aluminium”

2006-2011 Bachelor degree in Aerospace engineering (107/110) University of Rome "La Sapienza", Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale , Via Eudossiana 18, 00184, Rome, Italy ▪ Main courses: Aerodynamics, aeronautical materials, analysis, chemistry, thermodynamics, mechanics and electromagnetism, flight mechanics, programming and numerical methods, propulsion, construction science, partial differential equations. ▪ Thesis: “Un modello numerico per l’emissione termica di Mercurio” (“A numerical model for thermal emission of Mercury”) 

2001-2006 High school diploma Scientific Liceum, Plinio Seniore, Via Montebelllo, 00185, Roma, Italy


Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) English (C1

Computer skills ▪ expertises with: ▫ MATLAB ▫ Simulink (course of "Algorithms to control space vehicles" -Astronautical engineering (2013)) ▫ Mathematica, Fortran ▫ OriginPro (data analysis) ▫ Office Suite ▪ COMSOL Multiphysics (Training Course, 10/02/2014, CNR, Florence) Other skills ▪ Musician: Cello student (March 2015-Present). Occasional pianist and keyboard player. ▪ Strong interest in Theoretical Physics (Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, String Theory).

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