Figura professionale: Ingegnere Aerospaziale

Nome Cognome: D. D.Età: 35
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: Abruzzo: AquilaLazio: Latina, RomaLiguria: GenovaToscana: Firenze, Livorno, Pisa

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Ingegnere Aerospaziale


  • C++
  • Matlab Simulink
  • Fostran
  • Visual Basic
  • CFD
  • Nastran
  • Microsoft Office
  • OpenOffice
  • ENVI
  • Tecplot
  • Linux


Maggio 2014_Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria SpazialeNovembre 2011_Laurea triennale in Ingegneria Aer


ISSTT 2018 (The 29th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology) Title: Duccio Delfini , Martina Wiedner, Massimiliano Casaletti, Julien Serrazin, François Joint, Thibaut Vacelet and Yan Delorme Development of a transmit-array for heterodyne receiver

ISSTT 2017 (The 28th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology) D. Delfini, M. Wiedner, M. Casaletti, J. Sarrazin, Y. Delorme and H. Gibson Investigation into Possible Planar Heterodyne Receiver Arrays with large (n≥100) number of pixels

EUCASS (6th european conference for aeronautics and space sciences) Krakov, Poland D. Bianchi, F. Nasuti, D.Delfini Modeling of Gas-Surface Interface for ParaffinBased Hybrid Rocket Fuels in CFD Simulations

Master’s Degree: Aerospace Engineering (Space) ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome 24/11/2011-23/05/2014 Main subjects: Theory of the signals Remote Sensing Electronics C++, Matlab Simulink, FORTRAN and Visual Basic Mathematical Models Differential Equation Finite Volumes Analysis Solving FEM Analysis CFD Nastran Patran Fluid Dynamics Structural Dynamics Materials Science Structural Mechanics Space Systems Space Flight Mechanics Student activity: Satellites design team

Bachelor’s Degree: Aerospace Engineering ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome 01/10/2008-23/11/2011 Main Subjects: Aerodynamics Thermodynamics Programming Algorithm Modeling Maths Physics Electrotechnic Fundamental of Aerospace Materials Space systems Wind tunnel Laboratory Electronics Laboratory Physics Laboratory Thesis title: ‘Realization and testing of a magnetic cage for satellites attitude control systems’ FINAL GRADE: 110 cum laude/110 Student Collaboration Scholarships: CIAO Information center at ‘La Sapienza’ 07/2013-10/2013 Supporting freshmen for enrollment at the university Supervisor of the working activity of the other sholarship holders Furnishing information about the administrative structure of the university CIAO Information center at ‘La Sapienza’ 07/2012-10/2012 Supporting freshmen for enrollment at the university Furnishing information about the administrative structure of the university G.Boaga library at ‘La Sapienza’ 10/1010-01/2012 Library books lending service Inventory 

High school scientific diploma ‘Augusto Righi’ high school, Rome,Italy 09/2003-3/07/2008 Main subjects: Computer English Maths Physics Literature Geography History Drawing Science Latin

Conferences and certificates: Job related: EuCAP 2017 ISSTT 2017 European School of Antennas ESOA 2016 FEKO Simulation and Electromagnetic Analysis International Young Astronomer School on « Large Ground-based 21st Century Radio Instruments : ALMA/NOEMA – SKA / LOFAR / NenuFAR (2015) » Data Analysis (Methods and Applications) Workshop: Initiation to proposals on large telescopes Dynamics, Magnetism and Spectroscopy of Stars Virtual Observatory Numerical simulations and high-performance calculations The Italian history of the space and the European programs Quantum in complex matter Scientific degree project: orientation course Scientific degree project: Optics and waves laboratory Scientific degree project: function iteration & asymptotic behavior Pegasus master’s degree quality certificate Non job related: MENSA Scuba diving Sailing

English: (Language skills)  B2 France A2

Other Computer skills: Nastran Microsoft Office OpenOffice ADINA ENVI Tecplot Linux FEKO HFSS

1. PhD Thesis: 'Development of multipixel heterodyne imaging arrays for future space missions' Abstract: The project of this PhD thesis will advance submillimiter detector technology, by developing building blocks for future 3D heterodyne imaging arrays at THz frequencies. Submillimeter heterodyne receivers have revolutionized radio astronomy, beside other instruments. They have led to a wealth of molecular line observations, which in turn resulted in numerous discoveries. Traditionally, heterodyne receivers have a single spatial pixel but many frequency channels (10^3 to 10^4). Array receivers with a modest number of pixels are now being developed at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. First theoretical studies of larger arrays (128 pixels) have been started at 490 and 810 GHz. These imaging arrays allow 3D pictures of the universe. Spatial pixels observe the source distribution in the plane of sky, and the frequency channels obtain velocity information of the source. Currently, no operational heterodyne array receiver exist, above 1THz. The team of the LERMA, by Dr. M. WIEDNER (Laboratoire d'Etudes du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique et Atmosphères, Observatoire de Paris), has worked on a 4 pixels array at 2,7 THz for the CIDRE. The first 7-pixels array is now being developed for the SOFIA airplane observatory, at 2,2 and 4,7 THz. Such 4 and 7 pixels arrays are very challenging to realize, but they are an essential component in the proposals of future space missions, like, for example, the balloon projects GUSTO (NASA) or CIDRE (CNES), the C+ mapper (ESA China), THEO (our proposal to the CNES) etc. The array receivers will allow detailed observations of the interstellar medium (ISM), which enables the study of stars and planets formation 2. Msc Thesis: 'Theoretical and numerical study of hybrid rockets using paraffin-based fuels' Abstract: Hybrid rockets present many advantages which derive from the union of the features of liquid and solid propellant rockets. However hybrid rockets also present a great disadvantage, which consists in the low regression rate of the fuel grain. It has been shown that liquefying fuels which form a layer of melted fuel adjacent to the grain (called ‘melt layer‘), exhibit a greater value of the regression rate. M. A. Karabeyoglu obtained an analytical expression of the regression rate by combining an interaction model between the gas flow and the liquefying fuel grain with a simplified 0D boundary layer model for the flow in the combustion chamber. The objective of this work is to develop an interaction model between the gas and the grain which can be predisposed to a CFD simulation. Actually such interaction model can be considered as a boundary conditions submodel. It is not possible to obtain an adequate boundary conditions submodel without considering the effects of the chamber pressure (which can be supercritical) and the presence of a two-phase flow. The detachment of melted-fuel droplets from the melt-layer has to be considered too. Competences obtained CFD modeling FORTRAN TECPLOT Boundary layer models Supercritical flows Pyrolisis modelization Diffusion mechanisms Interpreting the results obtained 3. BE thesis: 'Realization and testing of a magnetic cage for satellites attitude control systems' Abstract: Magnetometers are very important for satellites attitude control systems. They allow to determine the orientation of the satellites with respect to the Earth's magnetic field. Therefore, the measurements taken by the magnetometers must be extremely precise. It is possible to test the correct functioning of a magnetometer by placing it in a magnetic cage which generates a magnetic field. By comparing the magnetic field generated by the cage with the measured magnetic fields, it il possible to evaluate the accuracy of the magnetometer. The objective of this thesis is to design a magnetic cage which has six solenoids. Every couple of two solenoids have the same axis. Three perpendicular couples of solenoids generate a three-dimensional magnetic field. The generated magnetic field is influenced by the Earth's magnetic field, and other magnetic sources (power lines, railways, electric generators…). Such noise must be taken into account. Competences Obtained: Project design starting from specifications and constraints Programming skills Interpreting the errors

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