Figura professionale: Software Engineer

Nome Cognome: S. T.Età: 38
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Sede preferita: Milano

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Software Engineer


01/10/2016 to Date

• Name and address of firm/university Telecom Italia, Polytechnic University of Milan

• Type of business or sector Joint Open Labs (JOL), Department of Software Engineering

• Type of employment PhD candidate- Full time

• Main activities and responsibilities One of the main problems in Internet of Things (IoT) is the existence of different platforms (i.e., Node-Red, Android Things, Eclipse Kura, Arduino), different programming languages and heterogeneity. This is a barrier for IoT application development, also it is costly for companies to port an application from one platform to another (i.e., coding the app for the new platform from scratch and developer’s learning curve are some example costs).

We try to ease the application development by adding an extra application abstraction layer by application models. In a sense that, developer designs the key features of an IoT application in models (independent of any platform) and our framework automatically generates the application source code for different target platforms.

Programming Environment and tools: Eclipse, Android Studio, Android SDK, Android Things OS, Java, EMF, ATL, Xtext, Xtend

22/10/2016 to 31/12/2016

• Name and address of firm/university Polytechnic University of Milan

• Type of business or sector Department of Software Engineering

• Type of employment PhD candidate- Full time

• Main activities and responsibilities (A3 Droid[1]) A middleware for Android Platform.

Programming Environment and tools: Android Studio, Android SDK, Alljoyn middleware, Espresso automatic UI test, Java

21/03/2016 to 21/10/2016

• Name and address of firm/university Polytechnic University of Milan

• Type of business or sector Department of Software Engineering

• Type of employment Stage- Full time

• Main activities and responsibilities Design and development of an Android application called PoliDemonstrator for smartphones and smartwatches related to a smart building project. The main goal of the application is to reduce the energy consumption in large buildings. Application draws graphs regarding to sensor values (i.e., light, temperature, humidity, power consumption, air conditioner consumption etc.)  and provides user related notifications based on user context to increase user awareness about energy consumption of his office (i.e., current user location in the building). To identify user location, we used Estimote Bluetooth Beacons.[2]

This project has down in corporation with Professors Luciano Baresi and Cristiana Bolchini.

Programming Environment and tools: Android Studio, Android SDK, Android Smartphone, Android Smartwatch, Bluetooth Beacons, MPAndroid Chart, Java, JSON

 2011- 2012

• Name and address of firm/university Self-Employment

• Type of business or sector Website Design and Development

• Type of employment Full time

• Main activities and responsibilities .Net developer (C#); ASP.Net developer, SQL Server (LINQ) – Design and Development of a dynamic website for Iran Alzheimer’s Association.

Programming Environment and tools: Visual Studio, C#, SQL Server

 2007- 2009

• Name and address of firm/university ParsTasmim Software Company[3]

• Type of business or sector Software solutions design and development by focusing on office automation

• Type of employment Part-time

• Main activities and responsibilities Research Assistant, Business Process Management Suite (BPMS) developer, Web Developer

Programming Environment and tools: Visual Studio, SQL Server, C#, ASP.Net, Process360 (BPMS)

Istruzione e Formazione

Data Dicembre 2015

Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Software Engineer

Istituto di istruzione o formazione Politecnico di Milano

Luogo Milano

Conoscenze linguistiche

Lingua Persian

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua

Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua

Lingua English

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Ottimo

Capacità di espressione orale Ottimo         

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