Remote Job AWS Certified Developer and Consultant

29 Aprile 2021

NOTE: Questo lavoro é scaduto e potrebbe non essere più rilevante!

Descrizione Offerta di Lavoro

Remote Job AWS Certified Developer Consultant

• Estimated project duration: 3 to 9 months

To implement a new cloud solution in the banking sector, we are seeking an AWS certified developer to work side by side with the existing team to support with the agile development process. The developers must be able to contribute to design, development, and testing and provide AWS expertise to the internal development team.

Hard Skills required:
Provide AWS expertise and must be AWS Certified (Developer/Architect)
Implement new features as part of an agile development team
Suggest new technical features and product improvements
Identify and solve bugs as part of an agile development team
Support with the build pipeline including automated testing
Provide peer code reviews
Java, Spring boot, Microservices, REST API, CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes
English proficiency read, written and spoken

Candidati per questa Offerta di Lavoro

E' importante compilare con cura tutti i campi del form, per le aziende sarà più facile trovare la tua candidatura!

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Data Nascita *

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Figura Professionale *

Principali Esperienze Lavorative * (Incollate tutte le esperienze lavorative)

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Allega Curriculum (docx, pdf, doc, txt)
Dimensione Max: 3MB

  • Azienda: Allinweb Ag
  • Sede di lavoro: Distretto di Lugano,Ticino,Svizzera
  • Tutte le offerte di questa azienda:
  • Tipo di contratto: Partita IVA
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  • 1681 total views, 2 today