Rif.00_190508_08 – BUSINESS ANALYST

9 Maggio 2019

NOTE: Questo lavoro é scaduto e potrebbe non essere più rilevante!

Descrizione Offerta di Lavoro

Role: Business Analyst;
Senority: Bachelor’s level or 3 years of higher education – Minimum 13 years of professional experience – Experience of international sphere;


– Good knowledge of information systems matters and business processes analysis.
– Good knowledge of modelling and analysis tools.
– Quick learning ability is required as well as teamwork spirit and ability to
integrate in a multilingual and multicultural environment.
– Good communication skills, written and oral.
– Good knowledge of software development processes.
– Good knowledge of RUP, UML 2, BPMN 2.
– Good knowledge of RUP EC and ARIS is a plus.
– Capacity in writing reports and project artefacts (e.g. functional use cases).
– Able to give high-level presentations.
– Good understanding of the Commission business processes is an asset.
– Advanced skills in Microsoft Office applications, specifically Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Visio and Outlook.
– Good knowledge of Agile principles.

Other Precisions:
-Pro-active, motivated, pragmatic and diplomatic behaviour is required.
-The candidate should be fluent in English both orally and in writing. A sufficient knowledge of French is an important advantage.

Sede: The European Commission’s premises – BRUSSELS ;
Inizio attività: Asap;
Durata: Lunga visibilità;
La ricerca è rivolta ad entrambi i sessi (L.903/77). Si richiede di inviare il curriculum in formato europeo con il dettaglio dei progetti seguiti e delle tecnologie utilizzate. Si raccomanda di includere l’autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs. art.13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679)

Candidati per questa Offerta di Lavoro

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Principali Esperienze Lavorative * (Incollate tutte le esperienze lavorative)

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