Junior da introdurre in un team di file transfer – MILANO

8 Gennaio 2020

NOTE: Questo lavoro é scaduto e potrebbe non essere più rilevante!

Descrizione Offerta di Lavoro

Junior da introdurre in un team di file transfer – MILANO

File transfer team is in charge of delivering the best solution to face business file exchange needs.

The team main challenges are:
– Requirement analysis about new flow exchange by providing the best tech solution;
– Technical focal point for external clients on the file transfer subject;
– Service documentation and follow up on the implementation steps;
– Support the testing phase until the rollout;
– Service transition to first level support teams;
– Provide 3rd level support as technology experts.

Durata: Annuale
Sede: Milano
Contratto: Determinato/P.IVA

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