Figura professionale: ICT Program e Project Manager
Nome Cognome | : G. V. | Età | : 51 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager |
Sede preferita | : Ticino |
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- Pianificazione e delivery di progetti complessi, gestione budget e scadenze, coordinamento team, raccolta e analisi requisiti, conoscenza dei principali processi di business nel mercato delle Utilities (Billing, Metering, CRM)
- Operating systems – Windows, Linux
- Tools – Office, MS Project, Visio, graphical tools
- Programming languages – C, Java
- Application platforms – Oracle (Lodestar) Utilities, Tibco, Siebel(EIM), eGa
Laurea Magistrale in Informatica
Ho maturato un’esperienza di piu’ di dieci anni nella consulenza IT, partecipando a diversi progetti internazionali presso alcuni tra i maggiori player europei nel mercato delle Utilities. Ho potuto seguire tutte le fasi del ciclo di vita di un progetto, inizialmente come analista e sviluppatore e successivamente in qualità di Project e Service Manager, responsabile per il delivery di nuove soluzioni tecnologiche o per attività di manutenzione/evolutive in servizi di Application Maintenance.
Principali esperienze:
– ENI SPA (Milano, Italia): Program/Project Management per l’implementazione del sistema di Billing su piattaforma SAP IS-U per la clientela Large
– Veolia Eau (Parigi, Francia): Project/Service Management per l’implementazione del sistema di Metering su piattaforma Oracle
– Centrica- British Gas (Londra, Inghilterra): Team Leader, Analista e Sviluppatore per il sistema integrato di Pricing e Portfolio Management su piattaforma Oracle
– ESB (Dublino, Irlanda): Service Manager, Team Leader, Analista e Sviluppatore per la nuova infrastruttura di Settlement su piattaforma OracleSenior Manager at Power Reply Srl (01/2015 – on going)
Responsible for the internal Business Unit focused on Billing and Metering projects
Business Development for the offering of Customer Engagement and Energy Efficiency services
B. ENI – San Donato Milanese, Italy (03/2015 – on going): “SBB Transformation Program – Billing ISU”
In the scope of a big transformation program for centralizing and rationalizing the entire ENI system for the management
of Large Accounts, I’m responsible for one of the main streams in the program related to the Billing system evolution,
planned in two project waves:
– First wave: Transposition of the current ENI European Billing system, implemented on SAP IS-U product, from
the Belgian location to the Italian headquarter, and extension of new functionalities. Integration with the
external systems, in particular with the new system of Offering/Contract Management.
– Second wave: Migration of the current ENI Italian Billing system for large accounts, implemented on Oracle
(Lodestar) Utilities product, to the European SAP IS-U system brought in Italy. Extension of European
functionalities to Italy and vice versa, data migration from the old platform.
Program and Project Management for the Billing stream.
Revenue and Account Management.
Responsible for staffing, budgets and deadlines.
C. Senior Manager at Power Reply GmbH & Co. KG (03/2012 – 01/2015)
Start-up of the German company Power Reply GmbH & Co. KG, copy of the Italian Power Reply S.r.l., focused on the
Energy & Utilities market and in particular on the development of the activities in Germany and France, with the
extension to the other EMEA countries.
Senior Manager in the new company, responsible in particular for the initiative on the French market; research and
management of partnerships, development of French customers and activities, transfer of Veolia customer under the
new German entity.
Business Development with focus on Customer Engagement, MDM and Smart Metering.
Financial management of the business line, resource management, supervision of the on-going activities.
D. Veolia – Paris, France (06/2013 – 02/2014): “MDM/ODM V2 Project”
Upgrade of the Meter Data Management application to the new Oracle Utilities MDM version (version 2); parallel
implementation and integration of the Oracle Utilities ODM module to replace a custom Device Management application.
Contract and Program Manager for the project on Reply side
E. Utilities Global Business Unit Manager (01/2011 – 12/2014)
Management of the Utilities Global Business Unit, the Power Reply internal business unit vertically dedicated to Oracle
Utilities suite for the Energy and Utilities market, involving about 60 specialists.
Responsible for the DCC@Power, the Delivery and Competence Center for Oracle Utilities technologies set up in order
to provide near-shoring services for both on-going projects and application management services.
F. Veolia – Paris, France (11/2011 – 12/2014): “Framework Agreement for the Application Management Services”
A three-year contract agreement is in place with Veolia for application management and evolution service related to the
previously implemented Meter Data Management application (version 1).
The activities are organized in two different service lines:
Baseline: front-end support and corrective maintenance covered by a monthly fee service and subject to agreed SLAs
Evolution: implementation activities dimensioned in terms of man-days and activated by Veolia using dedicated
Purchase Orders
Reply Service and Contract Manager, responsible for the relation with the customer, the respect of the service levels, the
management of the contract agreement and the implementation offers.
G. Veolia – Paris, France (01/2010 – 11/2011): “Meter Data Management Project”
Provision of a Meter Data Management solution based on Oracle Utilities suite, for the management of indexes and data
coming from water meters. Gradual roll-out of the solution to all French regions.
MDM project is part of a bigger process planned by Veolia to reengineer and innovate its own business support IT
architecture. The system to be implemented is the first European MDM system realised for Water utility and with Oracle
Utilities version 1.5
Reply Project Manager for the turn-key project involving an average of 9/10 resources
Project value: over 1560.000 euro, about 3000 man/days
Technologies used: Oracle Utilities (Lodestar) MDM, Lodestar RL, Web Services, Microsoft Project
H. ESB – Dublin, Republic of Ireland (12/2008 – 12/2009): “Provision of Specialist Support Services for Oracle
(LODESTAR) Utilities”
Oracle (LODESTAR) Utilities support is required to provide activities of both Application Management and
implementation of new functionalities on a Project basis, involving the area of PMO (Pool Market Operations) and
Customer Supply
Provision of support services on a draw down basis to set up a new internal ESB Oracle (LODESTAR) Utilities Support
Project Manager for 11/12 Reply resources (both employees and external contractors) for both areas, being the contact
point between ESB and Reply. Responsible for administrative functions, resource involvement, team management and
relations with partners.
Configuration lead and developer for PMOCC (PMO Competency Center) and PMO Project, having the responsibility for
the technical team and the releases, and providing support in organizing and monitoring the different activities.
Project value: over 1.500.000 euro, about 2400 man/days
Technologies used: Oracle Utilities (Lodestar) LPSS, Lodestar RL, Merant Version Manager (PVCS), Mercury Quality
Center (Test Director)
I. Centrica BGB – London, UK (4/2008 – 11/2008): “BGBPP – British Gas Business Pricing Project”
Period: 01/2007 – on going Company: Power Reply S.r.l / Power Reply
GmbH & Co. KG – Gruppo Reply S.p.A.
Role: Senior Manager
A. Senior Manager at Power Reply Srl (01/2015 – on going)
Responsible for the internal Business Unit focused on Billing and Metering projects
Business Development for the offering of Customer Engagement and Energy Efficiency services
B. ENI – San Donato Milanese, Italy (03/2015 – on going): “SBB Transformation Program – Billing ISU”
In the scope of a big transformation program for centralizing and rationalizing the entire ENI system for the management
of Large Accounts, I’m responsible for one of the main streams in the program related to the Billing system evolution,
planned in two project waves:
– First wave: Transposition of the current ENI European Billing system, implemented on SAP IS-U product, from
the Belgian location to the Italian headquarter, and extension of new functionalities. Integration with the
external systems, in particular with the new system of Offering/Contract Management.
– Second wave: Migration of the current ENI Italian Billing system for large accounts, implemented on Oracle
(Lodestar) Utilities product, to the European SAP IS-U system brought in Italy. Extension of European
functionalities to Italy and vice versa, data migration from the old platform.
Program and Project Management for the Billing stream.
Revenue and Account Management.
Responsible for staffing, budgets and deadlines.
C. Senior Manager at Power Reply GmbH & Co. KG (03/2012 – 01/2015)
Start-up of the German company Power Reply GmbH & Co. KG, copy of the Italian Power Reply S.r.l., focused on the
Energy & Utilities market and in particular on the development of the activities in Germany and France, with the
extension to the other EMEA countries.
Senior Manager in the new company, responsible in particular for the initiative on the French market; research and
management of partnerships, development of French customers and activities, transfer of Veolia customer under the
new German entity.
Business Development with focus on Customer Engagement, MDM and Smart Metering.
Financial management of the business line, resource management, supervision of the on-going activities.
D. Veolia – Paris, France (06/2013 – 02/2014): “MDM/ODM V2 Project”
Upgrade of the Meter Data Management application to the new Oracle Utilities MDM version (version 2); parallel
implementation and integration of the Oracle Utilities ODM module to replace a custom Device Management application.
Contract and Program Manager for the project on Reply side
E. Utilities Global Business Unit Manager (01/2011 – 12/2014)
Management of the Utilities Global Business Unit, the Power Reply internal business unit vertically dedicated to Oracle
Utilities suite for the Energy and Utilities market, involving about 60 specialists.
Responsible for the DCC@Power, the Delivery and Competence Center for Oracle Utilities technologies set up in order
to provide near-shoring services for both on-going projects and application management services.
F. Veolia – Paris, France (11/2011 – 12/2014): “Framework Agreement for the Application Management Services”
A three-year contract agreement is in place with Veolia for application management and evolution service related to the
previously implemented Meter Data Management application (version 1).
The activities are organized in two different service lines:
Baseline: front-end support and corrective maintenance covered by a monthly fee service and subject to agreed SLAs
Evolution: implementation activities dimensioned in terms of man-days and activated by Veolia using dedicated
Purchase Orders
Reply Service and Contract Manager, responsible for the relation with the customer, the respect of the service levels, the
management of the contract agreement and the implementation offers.
G. Veolia – Paris, France (01/2010 – 11/2011): “Meter Data Management Project”
Provision of a Meter Data Management solution based on Oracle Utilities suite, for the management of indexes and data
coming from water meters. Gradual roll-out of the solution to all French regions.
MDM project is part of a bigger process planned by Veolia to reengineer and innovate its own business support IT
architecture. The system to be implemented is the first European MDM system realised for Water utility and with Oracle
Utilities version 1.5
Reply Project Manager for the turn-key project involving an average of 9/10 resources
Project value: over 1560.000 euro, about 3000 man/days
Technologies used: Oracle Utilities (Lodestar) MDM, Lodestar RL, Web Services, Microsoft Project
H. ESB – Dublin, Republic of Ireland (12/2008 – 12/2009): “Provision of Specialist Support Services for Oracle
(LODESTAR) Utilities”
Oracle (LODESTAR) Utilities support is required to provide activities of both Application Management and
implementation of new functionalities on a Project basis, involving the area of PMO (Pool Market Operations) and
Customer Supply
Provision of support services on a draw down basis to set up a new internal ESB Oracle (LODESTAR) Utilities Support
Project Manager for 11/12 Reply resources (both employees and external contractors) for both areas, being the contact
point between ESB and Reply. Responsible for administrative functions, resource involvement, team management and
relations with partners.
Configuration lead and developer for PMOCC (PMO Competency Center) and PMO Project, having the responsibility for
the technical team and the releases, and providing support in organizing and monitoring the different activities.
Project value: over 1.500.000 euro, about 2400 man/days
Technologies used: Oracle Utilities (Lodestar) LPSS, Lodestar RL, Merant Version Manager (PVCS), Mercury Quality
Center (Test Director)
I. Centrica BGB – London, UK (4/2008 – 11/2008): “BGBPP – British Gas Business Pricing Project”
Implementation of a new integrated Pricing solution, in replacement of the existing one, on Oracle Utilities (Lodestar)
platform to meet the current and future business needs for both Gas & Electricity pricing teams, as well as supporting
those areas of the BGB that utilize the service of Pricing and Portfolio Management (PPM).
I have been involved in the Oracle team together with other Reply resources, to perform functional and technical
analysis, develop the solution, configure the system and support during test phases and bug fixing. In particular I was in
charge of those activities for Cost Components and Offer Calculation functionalities.
I took part to walk-through sessions with the client to explain the solution and I performed activities of Quality Assurance.
Team Leader for Reply team and I charge of facilitating the management of the relationships between Oracle and Reply.
Technologies used: Oracle Utilities (Lodestar Pricing Expert), Rules Language, PL/SQL, Mercury Quality Center,
Telelogic CM Synergy
J. ESB – Dublin, Republic of Ireland (01/2008 – 03/2008): “PMO – Pool Market Operations”
Improvement of the implemented new IT (PMO) system, used by the different business units for the interaction with the
Market Operator (MO).
Impact assessment, design, development and test of new functionalities required by the customer, related in particular to
the creation of new reports and the automatic check of the correct working of the processes.
Technologies used: Oracle Utilities (Lodestar LPSS), Lodestat RL, PL/SQL
K. EDF – Paris, France (10/2007 – 01/2008): “Syclade Project”
Design and implementation of a prototype for an integrated Billing and MDM system
Involved into the Oracle Lodestar team for rafting the technical design, developing and testing of the required prototype.
Team Leader supporting Oracle PM in managing the relationship with Reply team.
Technologies used: Oracle Utilities (Lodestar MDM, Billing), Lodestat RL, PL/SQL
L. ESB – Dublin, Republic of Ireland (02/2007 – 09/2007): “PMO – Pool Market Operations”
Implementation of a new IT system to manage operations with the Market Operator in the context of a new deregulated
I collaborated with the Lodestar team to the implementation of the Settlement configuration platform, in view of the
involvement of ESB in the pool of the Irish single market: functional and technical analysis, development, testing. In
particular, I was in charge for the implementation of the Invoicing functionalities on the Lodestar LPSS software and for
designing reports.
Team Leader for Reply resources involved in the project
Technologies used: Oracle Utilities (Lodestar LPSS), Lodestar RL, PL/SQL, Merant Version Manager (PVCS)
2 Period: 07/2003 – 12/2006 Company: Accenture s.p.a. Role: Analyst
A. EnelGas – Milan, Italy (7/2006 – 12/2006): “Divestment of eGate Seebeyond integration platform”
Replacement of the current integration system between CRM (Siebel) application and the back-end legacy from eGate
into Tibco software platform.
Functional analysis of the integration flows among the involved systems; technical analysis for the switch of implemented
flows from eGate to Tibco and for the development of the new required flows; support to all testing phases.
Technologies used: Seebeyond eGate, PL/SQL, Siebel (EIM), Tibco
B. EniPower – Milan, Italy (03/2006 – 06/2006): “Transportation options”
Calculation of the charges for the transportation options to be invoiced
Participation with the client for supporting requirements gathering; functional and technical analysis of the algorithms for
the calculation of the transportation options and the ways to put them into invoice; development and test of new
calculation modules.
Technologies used: Lodestar Rules Language, SQL
C. Eni Gas&Power – Milan, Italy (11/2005 – 02/2006): “DGP Lodestar – New functionalities”
Analysis and development of new functionalities for the Lodestar Web Interface (Customer Choice Suite) of the Billing
Technologies used: Oracle Utilities (Lodestar CCS), ASP, SQL, XML
D. EniPower – Milan, Italy (07/2005 – 10/2005): “Migration of billing Lodestar data into Siebel CRM system”
Analysis of billing data structures on Loadstar system for their exportation and reorganization on CRM Siebel system.
Analysis, development and test of PL/SQL stored procedures for the migration of Lodestar billing data into Siebel system
through EIM interface; consistency and quantitative data verification.
Technologies used: PL/SQL, SQL Loader, EIM Siebel
E. EnelGas – Milan, Italy (05/2004 – 06/2005): “Application maintenance and support to eGate integration system”
Corrective maintenance and development of new functionalities in the new eGate integration system
Monitoring, CRM help-desk, development of new functionalities, recovery procedures, defects resolution, performance
Technologies used: PL/SQL, EIM Siebel, eGate, SQL Loader
F. EnelGas – Taranto/Milan, Italy (7/2003 – 4/2004): “Upgrade of CRM Siebel system and Integration eGate system”
Upgrade to the new Siebel version of the CRM system and consequent adaptation and upgrade of the eGate system for
the integration between CRM application and both the back-end legacy and the document management system
Analysis, development and test in the first Italian project for the upgrade of the CRM Siebel platform to the new software
version. After development, I became responsible for the maintenance of the integration system, involving the update of
the flows from/to CRM application and the configuration of the new flows required by business
Responsible for uploading production data into the new CRM system
Technologies used: PL/SQL, SQL Loader, EIM Siebel, eGate
3 Period: 09/2000 – 09/2001 Company: Role: Programmer
A. Development of little applications for several customers
Trainee; involved in activities of maintenance and development of new functionalities in Visual Basic applications
Technologies used: ASP, Visual Basic
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