Figura professionale: Software Tester

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Software Tester


  • software engineering, testing and analysis


*** ****
mail: ****@****.*** mobile: (+39) 3395789287
Work Experience
Project Collaboration
PASC – Angiogenesis in Health and Disease: in-vivo and in-silicio Nov. 2014 – present
Working on the project “PASC – Angiogenesis in Health and Disease: in-vivo and in-silicio”, URL: Partners: University of Lugano, ETH Zurich,
Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, EPF Lausanne
• working on the definition of an engineering methodology to build software systems for modeling and
simulation of physical phenomena [P1]
• working on the definition of a communication software interface (CSI) for handling interactions
between multi-scale algorithms in angiogenesis
PINCETTE – Validating Changes and Upgrades in Networked Software Feb. 2009 – Oct. 2014
Worked on the European Union FP7 project “PINCETTE – Validating Changes and Upgrades in Net-
worked Software”, URL: Partners: IBM Israel –
Science Technology ltd., University of Oxford, Università della Svizzera Italiana, University of Milano –
Bicocca, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Israel Aerospace Industries ltd., ABB Schweiz
• defined regression testing techniques to increase reliability of industrial software systems[P2, P5,
• software deployment for the industrial partners[S2]
Research and Development
Università della Svizzara Italiana – Lugano (Switzerland) Sept. 2014 – present
University of Milano – Bicocca, Milano (Italy) Oct. 2007 – present
Conducting research in the field of software engineering testing and analysis
• studying the role of software behavioral models in program comprehension, in testing, as oracles,
and as failure detection[P6, P7, P11, P14, P15, P16]
• defining automatic testing techniques for interactive applications[P4, P7, P12, P13]
• investigating standards and best practices about the design of graphical user interfaces (GUIs)[P8]
• exploiting the Web of Data to support graphical user interface testing (GUI testing) with semantic
• software design, development and management[S1, S3, S4, S5, S6]
Akhela ltd., Cagliari (Italy) Sept. 2011 – Mar. 2012
Worked on the development of the MISRA-C:2004 standard and rules for validating automotive software
Teaching and Mentoring
University of Milano – Bicocca, faculty of Informatics, Milano (Italy) Oct. 2007 – present
Teaching assistant for M.Sc and B.Sc courses
Students advisor and led B.Sc and M.Sc students through projects and thesis
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CFP Vigorelli – Technical College of Milano (Italy) Oct. 20013 – Dec. 2014
Teacher of operative system, software architecture and Java programming
IT Assistant
University of Milano – Bicocca, Milano (Italy) Sept. 2003 – Sept. 2006
Tutor for the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) programme
Computer Administrator
Organizing and Program Committee
member of the organizing committee for the SESC’16 symposium on Software Engineering for Scientific
Computing platforms
URL: (to appear)
member of the technical program committee for the FASSI’15 and FASSI’16 International Conference on
Fundamentals and Advances in Software Systems Integration
member of the technical program committee for the IBM ECLIPSE-IT’14 workshop
PhD in Computer Science, University of Milano – Bicocca, Milano (Italy) Nov. 2007 – Feb. 2011
Thesis: Inference of Behavioral Models that Support Program Analysis (Advisors: Prof. *** Pezzè
and Dott. Leonardo Mariani)
M.Sc in Computer Science, University of Milano – Bicocca, Milano (Italy) Oct. 2004 – Jul. 2007
Contributed to design and to develop of a dynamic analysis technique for the automatic inference of
software behavioral models in the form of FSA
B.Sc in Computer Science, University of Milano – Bicocca, Milano (Italy) Oct. 2000 – Dec. 2004
Contributed to develop of a testing technique for Java COTS
LASER Summer School, Elba Island (Italy) Sept. 2009
Organizer: ETH Zurich.
Topics: software testing and analysis, software fault prediction, computer security
BISS’08 – Bertinoro International Spring School, Bertinoro, Forlì-Cesena (Italy) Mar. 2008
Organizer: University of Bologna.
Topics: distributed systems, cotext-aware database, computational complexity, machine learning
Professional Engineer Qualification, University of Milano – Bicocca, Milano (Italy) Dec. 2008
Italian (native), English (advanced)
*** **** 3
P1. A. Margara, M. Pezzè, I. Pivkin and M. ****. Toward an Engineering Methodology for Multi-Model
Scientific Simulation. IEEE, proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Engineering for
High Performance Computing in Science (SE4HPCS) workshop co-located with the 37th International
Conference of Software Engineerng (ICSE), 2015.
P2. L. Mariani, O. Riganelli, M. **** and A. Muhammad. G-RankTest: Dynamic Analysis and Testing
of Upgrades in LabVIEW Software. Springer, Validation of Evolving Software, 2015.
P3. L. Mariani, M. Pezzè, O. Riganelli and M. ****. Link: Exploiting the Web of Data to Generate
Test Inputs. ACM, proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA), 2014.
P4. L. Mariani, M. Pezzè, O. Riganelli and M. ****. Automatic Testing of GUI-Based Applications.
John Wiley & Sons, Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2014.
P5. L. Mariani, O. Riganelli, M. ****. G-RankTest: Regression Testing of Controller Applications.
National Instruments, 2014.
P6. D. Lo, L. Mariani and M. ****. Learning Extended FSA from Software: An Empirical Assessment.
Elsevier, Journal of Systems and Software, 2012.
P7. L. Mariani, M. Pezzè, O. Riganelli and M. ****. AutoBlackTest: Automatic Black-Box Testing of
Interactive Applications. IEEE, proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Testing
Verification and Validation (ICST), 2012.
P8. G. Becce, L. Mariani, O. Riganelli and M. ****. Extracting Widget Descriptions from GUIs.
Springer, proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software
Engineering (FASE), 2012.
P9. L. Mariani, O. Riganelli, M. **** and A. Muhammad. G-RankTest: Regression Testing of Controller
Applications. ACM, proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test
(AST), workshop co-located with the 34nd International Conference of Software Engineerng (ICSE),
P10. M. ****. Inference of Behavioral Models that Support Program Analysis. Ph.D Thesis. University
of Milano – Bicocca, 2011.
P11. L. Mariani, F. Pastore, M. Pezzè and M. ****. Mining Finite-State Automata with Annotations.
CRC Press, Mining Software Specifications: Methodologies and Applications, 2011.
P12. L. Mariani, O. Riganelli and M. ****. The AutoBlackTest Tool: Automating System Testing of
GUI-based Applications. Eclipse Italian Community, proceedings of the 6th Workshop of the Italian
Eclipse Community (Eclipse-IT), 2011.
P13. L. Mariani, M. Pezzè, O. Riganelli and M. ****. AutoBlackTest: A Tool for Automatic Black-
Box Testing. ACM/IEEE, proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE) – Tool Demo, 2011.
P14. L. Mariani, M. Pezzè, O. Riganelli and M. ****. SEIM: Static Inference of Interaction Mod-
els. ACM/IEEE, proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service
Oriented Systems (PESOS) workshop co-located with the 32nd International Conference of Software
Engineerng (ICSE), 2010.
P15. M. ****. Detecting precise behavioral models. ACM, proceedings of the 7th joint meeting of
the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) – Doctoral Symposium, 2009.
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P16. L. Mariani, M. Pezzè and M. ****. GK-tail+ An Efficient Approach to Learn Precise Software
Models. IEEE, Transaction on Software Engineering. (under evaluation).
Open Source Software
S1. Link. URL:
Link is a tool for generating realistic and coherent test data for system-level test cases. The tool can
produce a large volume of complex test inputs composed of multiple semantically correlated fields that
can activate behaviors hard to be tested otherwise. Link benefits from the largest structured source of
information available on the Web: the Web of Data. Link analyzes the graphical user interface of an
application, produces a model that captures the semantic of the data required to test the application,
and automatically extracts the test inputs necessary to feed the interface using the DBPedia SPARQL
To develop the tool the following programming languages, frameworks and technologies have been used:
J2SE, eclipse, XML, Apache Jena, SPARQL, WordNet, jgraph, CVS, Log4j, Cobertura code coverage
S2. G-RankTest. URL:
G-RankTest is a tool for automatically generating and prioritizing test cases for controller applications
implemented in LabVIEW. In addition to test case generation, prioritization and execution, the tool
implements a number of features for plotting and comparing the behavior of the analyzed components,
to simplify failure analysis and debugging. The G-RankTest tool has been selected and published as a
National Instruments case study (URL:
To develop the tool the following programming languages, frameworks and technologies have been used:
LabVIEW, Matlab.
S3. AutoBlackTest. URL:
AutoBlackTest is a tool for the automatic generation of test cases for interactive applications. Au-
toBlackTest interacts with an application through its GUI, learns the most relevant ways to interact
with the application itself, identifies system crashes and other domain independent problems, and gen-
erates regression test suites. AutoBlackTest uses reinforcement learning techniques to understand the
modalities of interacting with an application through its GUI and uses a capture and replay tool to
extract the list of widgets present in a given GUI, to access the state of the widgets and to interact
with the widgets.
To develop the tool the following programming languages, frameworks and technologies have been used:
J2SE, eclipse, XML, RMI, IBM Rational Functional Tester, java COTS for reinforcement learning, java
stubs, CVS, Log4j, Cobertura code coverage tool.
S4. GUI-analyzer. URL:
GUI-analyzer is a tool for the automatic extraction of descriptive information about the data that can
be handled by widgets in GUI-based desktop applications. The tool is grounded on mature standards
and best practices about the design of GUIs, and exploits the presence of textual descriptions in
the GUIs to automatically obtain descriptive data for data widgets.The tool is now integrated into
To develop the tool the following programming languages, frameworks and technologies have been used:
J2SE, eclipse, XML, RMI, IBM Rational Functional Tester, CVS, Log4j, Cobertura code coverage tool.
S5. GK-tail. URL:
GK-tail is a tool that implements a dynamic analysis technique that produces models of the behavior of
software systems in the form of Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) from automatically recorded
interaction traces.
To develop the tool the following programming languages, frameworks and technologies have been
used: J2SE, eclipse, XML, CVS, Log4j, MySQL, java aspect programming, probes, Daikon constraints
solver, java COTS for models visualization.
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SEIM is a tool that implements a static analysis technique that derives accurate models of the in-
teractions between applications and the Web Services integrated in them, in the form of Finite State
Automata (FSA). SEIM proposes a model refinement technique to identify and eliminate many infea-
sible behaviors from inferred models, thus alleviating the problem of false positives that reduces the
effectiveness of many static analysis approaches and it generates models that distinguish the likely
feasible interactions from the interactions with an unknown level of feasibility, thus allowing engineers
to distinguish the relevance of the produced information.
To develop the tool the following programming languages, frameworks and technologies have been used:
J2SE, eclipse, CVS, Log4j, java servlet, java COTS for models visualization, JavaPathFinder theorem

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