Figura professionale: Program manager

Nome Cognome: V. B.Età: 48
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Roma

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Program manager


  • Optical (SDH,PDH,OTN,WDM,PCM) and Radio Communications (Terrestrial/Satellite,Cells Network, SSFIP Antenna);
  • Internet and TLC Protocols TCP-IP, ATM, UDP,SS7,VOIP,802.16, 802.11,WLAN,PSTN,GSM,GPRS,WCDMA,UMTS,LTE, DVB,H.263,H.363,H.264,Mpeg2-4
  • Fuzzy Logic applied to Neural Networks
  • Radio spectrum allocation
  • Marketing Management and CRM applied to Digital TV, Mobile-Media-Service company
  • Digital Content and Advertising production and distribution
  • Interfaces, interactive systems and services for media content
  • Methods for survey and market research
  • Media and TLC Regulatory, DRM and IPR
  • OS&SW : Windows OSs, Symbian, Android, Meego, Maemo, Pascal, C, Fortran, Matlab, RTL, SQL, Internet explorer, HTML, Java, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, XML.
  • Pspice, Orcad, Agilent Serenade, Terrapack , Ethereal, Wireshark, Corel Draw, Adobe Acrobat
  • Conditional Access system OSF, 18Crypt, OMA BCAST Smart Card and DRM profile, ISMACrypt, S-RTP, IP-Sec


 Gennaio 2010 – Oggi Figura ricoperta Program manager Datore di lavoro H3g Luogo Roma. Principali attività  e responsabilità 
H3G Italy is an on-the-edge telco company, managing 3G/4G/DVB networks based in Italy.
• Responsible, as target of the Program Office, to enhance the cooperation with Product/Service Suppliers and to improve the efficiency of the processes adopted by Hutchison Teams
• Management, (from inception to commercial after launch) of the Product/Service commercialisation :
Resource allocation and Planning (milestones, deliverables, communication, reporting, negotiation)
Product life-cycle, Process and Budget control
Risks & issues management and escalation processes
Communication flow definition between management levels (a must for projects under NDA)
Coordination and management of physical and virtual teams
Business case development
Cost optimization
Training new staff
• Up to 20 projects (Products & Services) delivered per year, proven track of successful projects
• Principal interface for Samsung, Apple (and other vendors when occasionally needed)
• Development of Business Case to justify 2014-2018 team budget investment in HWL C-suite meeting applying a correlational approach to big data analysis
• Implementing specific methodologies to reduce effort/budget and still guarantee high quality to each project (10% cost reduction YoY)
• Managing up to 58% of portfolio with just 35% of overall budget
• Applied Agile methodology to old programme management approach, leading people to lean change
• Establishment of strong ant trustable relationship with Post Sales and Customer Care depts for monitoring customer feedbacks (CRM & Big data management)
• Contributor on Technical Annex to contract and COO Technical support in NDA issuing

Agosto 2005 – Dicembre 2009 Figura ricoperta Product /project manager Datore di lavoro Hwl Luogo Roma Principali attività  e responsabilità 
HWL (now CK holding) is an international company investing in several industries such as oil, retail, port, and about technology from telecom to web start-up, owned by Sir Li-Ka-Shing in HK.
• Working for the Security Team, Engineering Team and DVB-H Task Force in the Global Handset Engineering team of HWL
• The global team is responsible for definition of technical requirements and specification, forecasting and managing the deliveries for handsets and applications, and offers services to all the Hutchison affiliate companies aka OpCos (UK, Italy, Sweden, Israel, Austria, Australia, HK, …).
• Deeply involved in the first worldwide commercial DVB-H roll out made by an “aggressive” Company as Hutchison Whampoa Limited
• Multicast/Broadcast Design Engineer
Design engineer in charge of technical specification, UX and integration of the multimedia, MBMS and DVB-H services in mobile devices
• Principal Design Engineer of the team in charge of designing ESG-based interactive services:
Product purchasing, Televoting, Advertising and customized animation, Real-time interactive icons for interactive services triggering, Web Browser and Content Download
Telco Service from ESG: Voice and Video Call, SMS and MMS. Main contributor in adding Interactive TV snippet into DVB and OMA standard
TV-out and PVR DRM-based service. Bearer independent and Flexible UX
• Principal engineer in system optimization project such as Switch-on and Channel Switching time reduction and OSF/OMA Smart Card/DRM Profile integration implementation
• Reference point in BMCO Forum & OMA about multimedia topics
• Defects / bugs management through JIRA
• Author of several technical documents, RFI/RFQ/RFP. Technology Roadmap, Requirements and Status of Compliance process manager
• Training brand new junior engineers

Istruzione e Formazione

Luglio 2005 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata  Master marketing e management di imprese digitali Istituto di istruzione o formazione, La sapienza Luogo  Roma

Aprile 2005 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata  Master in telecomunicazioni Istituto di istruzione o formazione  Scuola superiore specializzazione in tlc Luogo  Roma

Settembre 2003 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata  Laurea vecchio ordinamento in ingegneria elettroni Istituto di istruzione o formazione  Politecnico di bari Luogo  Bari

Conoscenze linguistiche

Lingua  Italiano Capacità di lettura/scrittura  Madrelingua Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua

Lingua  Inglese Capacità di lettura/scrittura  Ottimo Capacità di espressione orale  Ottimo

Conoscenze informatiche

Optical (SDH,PDH,OTN,WDM,PCM) and Radio Communications (Terrestrial/Satellite,Cells Network, SSFIP Antenna);

Internet and TLC Protocols TCP-IP, ATM, UDP,SS7,VOIP,802.16, 802.11,WLAN,PSTN,GSM,GPRS,WCDMA,UMTS,LTE, DVB,H.263,H.363,H.264,Mpeg2-4

Fuzzy Logic applied to Neural Networks

Radio spectrum allocatio

Marketing Management and CRM applied to Digital TV, Mobile-Media-Service company

Digital Content and Advertising production and distribution

Interfaces, interactive systems and services for media content

Methods for survey and market research

Media and TLC Regulatory, DRM and IPR

OS&SW : Windows OSs, Symbian, Android, Meego, Maemo, Pascal, C, Fortran, Matlab, RTL, SQL, Internet explorer, HTML, Java, Firefox, Chrome, Safari,  XML.

Pspice, Orcad, Agilent Serenade, Terrapack , Ethereal, Wireshark, Corel Draw, Adobe Acrobat


Conditional Access system OSF, 18Crypt, OMA BCAST Smart Card and DRM profile, ISMACrypt, S-RTP, IP-Sec

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