Figura professionale: Sviluppatore
Nome Cognome | : G. B. | Età | : 33 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev. |
Sede preferita | : Milano |
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- C, C++, Java, Android SDK, SQL, PHP, Linux, Matlab
Replace with dates (2010 – 2015) Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) 98/110 Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Palermo (Palermo, Italy) Thesis: “Progettazione e sviluppo di un’applicazione software per la creazione e la gestione di contatti sotto forma di biglietti da visita elettronici” (download: ▪ Mathematical Analysis I ▪ Mathematical Analysis II ▪ General Physics I ▪ General Physics II ▪ Geometry ▪ Mathematical Optimization ▪ Electrical Engineering ▪ Mathematical Physics ▪ Signal Theory ▪ Fundamentals of Electronics ▪ Automatic Control (Matlab) ▪ Chemistry ▪ English Language ▪ Electronic Calculators (C Language, Linux) ▪ Computer Programming (C++ Language) ▪ Telecommunications Networks ▪ Operational Research ▪ Operative Systems (Linux) ▪ Databases (SQL) ▪ Algorithm and Data Structures
Replace with dates (2005 – 2010) Science High School Diploma 81/100 Science High School, I.T.I.S. Alessandro Volta (Palermo, Italy)
PERSONAL SKILLS PREFERRED JOB Computer Engineer Replace with dates (2010 – 2015) Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) 98/110 Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Palermo (Palermo, Italy) Thesis: “Progettazione e sviluppo di un’applicazione software per la creazione e la gestione di contatti sotto forma di biglietti da visita elettronici” (download: ▪ Mathematical Analysis I ▪ Mathematical Analysis II ▪ General Physics I ▪ General Physics II ▪ Geometry ▪ Mathematical Optimization ▪ Electrical Engineering ▪ Mathematical Physics ▪ Signal Theory ▪ Fundamentals of Electronics ▪ Automatic Control (Matlab) ▪ Chemistry ▪ English Language ▪ Electronic Calculators (C Language, Linux) ▪ Computer Programming (C++ Language) ▪ Telecommunications Networks ▪ Operational Research ▪ Operative Systems (Linux) ▪ Databases (SQL) ▪ Algorithm and Data Structures Replace with dates (2005 – 2010) Science High School Diploma 81/100 Science High School, I.T.I.S. Alessandro Volta (Palermo, Italy)
Mother tongue(s) Italian
Other language(s)
English A2
Job-related skills ▪ good knowledge of various programming languages;
Computer skills Medium-high skills for: User: Windows / Linux (several distributions); Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) / OpenOffice / Libreoffice, Internet, Photoshop, Gimp Programmer: C, C++, Unix (Linux), Matlab, SQL, PHP, mySQL, Java, Javascript, Android SDK Driving licence ▪ B
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