Figura professionale: Software Engineer

Nome Cognome: M. T.Età: 58
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Abruzzo: Aquila, Chieti, Pescara, Teramo Campania: Napoli, Salerno Emilia Romagna: Bologna, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena, Modena, Ravenna, Rimini Lazio: Frosinone, Latina, Rieti, Roma, Viterbo Marche: Ancona, Ascoli-Piceno, Fermo, Macerata, Pesaro-Urbino Molise:

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Software Engineer


Agosto 2011 – Giugno 2016 Figura ricoperta Project Manager / Software Engineer Datore di lavoro Neomobile Group Spa Luogo Roma Principali attività e responsabilità

Responsible for acquisition, user’s lifecycle, billing platform and carriers’ regulation
for Mobile Value Added Services (VAS) in several markets of South America and
Project Management duties including planning, managing of deliverables, tracking of
critical path, managing risk, reporting status to project stakeholders, conducting
status meetings and distributing minutes, securing and evaluating assigned
resources. Led a team 7+ located in different geographical areas.
Key achievements:
Application lifecycle Management – Led as Project Manager a pilot project for
the application of Full Lifecycle Management methodology in 8 countries of
South America; the acquisition flow was covered completely with automated
tests; development of User Acceptance Tests on TFS, caused high consistency
over business requirements and customer satisfaction.
Business Development – Successfully led projects for launch of business in 6
new markets of South America.
Operations & Monitoring – To strengthen operations and enhance customer
satisfaction, promoted and developed a web and mobile panel for the kpi’ s
monitoring; kpi’s awareness increased dramatically and all countries adopted the
Team Leadership – Led cohesive 7+ cross functional team based in different
geographic areas; all team members fully exceeded MBO targets.
Solution Refactoring – Redesigned entirely the Andean business solution;
massively increased decoupling and modularity applying design patterns and
clean code techniques. Lead time reduced more than 100%; average page load
time reduced up to 50%; received a public praise from CTO.
System Migrations / Integrations – Migrated billing platform and acquisition
flow for 8 countries to Claro Carrier billing platform. After intense refactoring,
lead time reduced up to 200%. Integrated and centralized 20+ partners.

Settembre 2008 – Febbraio 2011 Figura ricoperta Team Manager / Software Engineer Datore di lavoro Fire Testing Technology Luogo West Sussex UK Principali attività e responsabilità

Analysis and development of a.Net Real-Time Software Platform for a suite of
Calorimetry Instruments. Team leader in a group of 4 Engineers.
Key achievements:
Implementation of Model-View-Controller Design pattern.

Modular system: ability to add a new sensor with a drag and drop and the
configuration of the functional relationship between physical input and electrical
Absolutely amazing UI thanks to DevExpress third-party components.
Application localized in French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese languages.

Luglio 2006 – Luglio 2008 Figura ricoperta Software Engineer Datore di lavoro Financial Tradeware Plc Luogo Roma Principali attività e responsabilità

Analysis and development of portfolio management and brokerage financial software
for investment Managers, funds and hedge funds.
Active in development of H-FOUND & ULTRA-Net proven fully integrated
Key achievements:
UI was very unresponsive; I proposed to adopt Telerik, ComponentOne and
DotnetBar components. Then I added a non-blocking multi-threading
functionality so the user experience improved dramatically.
After a spike study, implemented for first time in the company new web services
for the synchronization of option chains with Bloomberg data provider and
the Account's Portfolio with Lehman Brothers Bank repository.

Gennaio 2006 – Luglio 2006 Figura ricoperta Software Engineer Datore di lavoro Electronic Data Systems Luogo Rome Principali attività e responsabilità

Active in the design of the internal EDS Rome.Net C#Framework. It was a four-tier
model: Data Provider – Entities – Activities – Presentation.

Gennaio 2001 – Dicembre 2005 Figura ricoperta Software Engineer Datore di lavoro Easy – Net Spa Luogo Rome Principali attività e responsabilità

Endesa Italy: .a Trading platform for the Energy Market Exchange automation.
Wind Spa: an innovative.Platform for the gathering, elaboration and reporting of
quality kpi.
Rome University: a Random Test Exam Generator.
Development of the unified medical booking center of Tuscany Hospitals and
A Web Java based Application for managing of Companies Processes & Activities,
skill profile and Quality aspects as graphical workflows.
Activity in Tiscali (integration of Siebel, IMS, Geneva), Albacom,
Blue S.p.A (Arbor Billing System), Telecom (Local loop unbundling).

Giugno 2000 – Gennaio 2001 Figura ricoperta IT Consultant Datore di lavoro Jazzware Spa Luogo Rome Principali attività e responsabilità

At Bull Italia Telco: Division Unified Patient Data management for Italian General

Giugno 1998 – Maggio 2000 Figura ricoperta IT Consultant Datore di lavoro Altran Group Spa Luogo Turin Principali attività e responsabilità

Fiat: (Project Leader) Financial risk Management of Fiat, Lancia, Alfa Romeo
Turin Municipal Energy Company: (Project Leader) User interface of Turin district
heating database

Istruzione e Formazione

Giugno 2014 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Executive MBA Istituto di istruzione o formazione Mib School of Management Luogo Trieste Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite

Master of Business Administration (MBA), with Honors

Activities and Societies: Accounting and Controlling, Marketing, Managerial Development, Strategy, Operations, Organization, Human Resources Management, Product Development.

Giugno 1999 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Certification SQL Server 6.5 Administrator Istituto di istruzione o formazione Microsoft Luogo Milano

Giugno 1998 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Master in Renewable Energy Istituto di istruzione o formazione Politecnico di Torino Luogo Torino Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite Renewable Energy, Decentralization and Energy Efficiency. 

Dicembre 1997 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Ingegneria Elettronica Istituto di istruzione o formazione Politecnico di Torino Luogo Torino

Conoscenze linguistiche

Lingua Italiano Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua

Lingua Inglese Capacità di lettura/scrittura Ottimo Capacità di espressione orale Ottimo Note Vissuto e lavorato in Inghilterra 3 anni.

Capacità e competenze informatiche

Microsoft .Net Platform
C, C++, C#, WCF, ASP.NET, MVC, Entity
Framework, Json, Angular Js, Workflow
Web Services
Web Services, Web Api, RESTful Web
Object Oriented Analysis
N-Tier Architecture, Design Patterns,
Clean Code, UML documentation
Data warehousing
Oracle (PL/SQL, Pro* C/C++), SQL
Server (Microsoft Certification, TSQL),
Access, IBM DB2, Sybase.
Office Automation
OLE Automation, VB6, VBA, Microsoft
Graph, Crystal Report.
Real Time Systems
Real time data acquisition &
RAD .Net Dev Suites

Third-party visual components
Telerik, DevExpress, ComponentOne,
Xceed, DotNetBar.
Java Architecture
Java Architecture, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Java
Beans, Corba.
Testing frameworks
Unit Test and Mocking frameworks, TDD,
Agile methodologies
Kanban / Scrum implementation

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