Figura professionale: Microsoft .net Architect

Nome Cognome: D. D.Età: 46
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Sede preferita: Bologna

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Microsoft .net Architect


Luglio 2013 – Oggi Figura ricoperta_Microsoft .net Architect; Datore di lavoro_Crif s.p.a.; Luogo_Bologna

Principali attività e responsabilità July 2013 – September 2015
Design and development of different kind of applications (Desktop, Web, Services, Console…) of the project for the Credit Bureau of Chile. It was one of the most interesting projects wich I ever partecipated, thanks to this project , I was often in contact with Spanish-speaking clients and in nearly three years it has allowed me to learn something about Spanish language. Technologically speaking it was used a mix of Microsoft .net with c# programming language and Oracle, one for generating the framework and the business processes building, the other one for data storage. It was a very huge project with many people and professional figures about 40 persons.

September 2015 – March 2016
Design and development of Image-processing and Identity Document Recognition Platform based on ABBYY Recognition Engine and Microsoft .net framework. This project born with the intent to recognize identity document image taken from camera phone. Most important customers purchased this service are DUCATO AGOS, Intesa San Paolo Bank, BMW and Unicredit Bank. It was very funny for me to combine standard c# programming and computer-graphic/image-processing algorithms, to be underlined the use of open-source libraries openCV and EmguCV for image pre-post processing.

March 2016 – Today
Design and development of the project for the Credit Bureau of Indonesia, like for Chile Credit Bureau but something smaller.

Luglio 2009 – Marzo 2013 Figura ricoperta Microsoft .net Architect and Technical Manager; Datore di lavoro Posteitaliane s.p.a.; Luogo Roma

Principali attività e responsabilità; Design and development of Desktop applications and Web for the first part of the project for Geopost and the development and DDG maintenanc later on.
The Geopost project was developed with an application architecture of multi-layers, the reference model for most developments in IT Posteitaliane.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 was used as a development environment, as a control system code Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2008 was used and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as the database.
The project has been developed entirely for Web environment (, HTML, CSS and Javascript) and Microsoft C # as the server side language. Although it is basically a management system, in more detail a system for managing and optimizing the "outing" of the postman and the detection of changes in place names by the above mailman, for the administrative reorganization of post offices, the Geopost project had a strong graphic component to ensure usability and immediate effectivness. In this sense, the AJAX technology (AJAX Control Tool Kit) has been used on almost every page, as well as partial uploads and asynchronous.
Following the development of the project Geopost I have dealt with downstream systems or processes to obtain data normalization of the names of places and related services. A project related to these processes, that I have had the fortune to follow, was that of the last census commissioned by ISTAT – National Institute of Statistics with headquarters in Via Cesare Balbo 16, 00184 Rome.
In addition to project ISTAT, I designed and developed the automated scheduling system for the acquisition and processing of toponomastic data and the entering of the same in all connected systems.

Giugno 2007 – Luglio 2009 Figura ricoperta Founder and director of a small IT company; Datore di lavoro; Luogo Roma

Principali attività e responsabilità; After almost ten years of work and experience in the ICT sector, I decided to make what has always been my dream come true: a computer company of my own.
The development of the company has not been easy, like I expected. This was probably amplified by the current economic crisis, still present. During this period I have deepened my knowledge of e-Commerce, like using the Content Management platform or the DotNetNuke open source product.
The most important customers in this period were: Efferoma Srl, Srl RomExpress, Ristorante Alloro Srl, Consorzio di Lavinio S.Olivo, S.Anastasio.
The desire to have a family and especially the lack of opportunities to enter the "big leagues", led me to give up and offer myself on the market as a consultant.

Giugno 2005 – Luglio 2007 Figura ricoperta Lead Developer and Technical Manager; Datore di lavoro CIsoft Customer Interaction s.r.l.; Luogo Roma

Principali attività e responsabilità; Hired in a permanent position I was immediately inserted into the project of computerization of the Vectrix Spa, a multinational company with headquarters in the United States and based in Germany and Italy. The company sought to promote one of the first electric motor scooter in circulation at the time and commissioned the company I worked for management of the develpoment of the technological support of ICT for the structure.
Thanks largely to my manager, who then became IT International Operations Director of Boeing, the realization of the whole project has been challenging, fun and very educational.
During the course of this project I designed and built from scratch a custom content management system that in addition to being multi-language and multi layout, could exchange data to and from Microsoft's CRM, then still in its initial version. As a database, I used Microsoft SQL Server.
The entire CMS was developed with Microsoft.Net technology in Microsoft C # language. Being basically a Web application to other technologies used were, HTML, CSS and Javascript. With regards to the interaction between the Content Management System and Microsoft's CRM we developed a specific customization of some modules of the CRM.
The desire to continue to grow, the ambition to be able to realize something of my own and commercial shortcomings within the company led me to finally leave not only this company but also the type of contract that I had sought and obtained up to that moment.

Marzo 2000 – Luglio 2005 Figura ricoperta Analyst / Programmer and Lead developer; Datore di lavoro NETikos s.p.a. del gruppo Telecom Italia; Luogo Roma

Principali attività e responsabilità Having participated in the start-up of the company I was immediately faced with major design realities, alongside important IT figures.
After successfully passing through the start-up phase, in addition to orders coming directly from Telecom Italy SpA, I was fortunate enough to work on projects of large multinational clients such as Nokia, Siemens, TIM, FireBoard, UniOne, etc. …
In 2001 I used for the first time the Framework Microsoft.Net 1.0, still a beta version at the time, for the creation of a portal for the management of suppliers of Telecom Italy SpA. This has since become my reference technology.
NETikos S.p.a. allowed me to develop on interesting and up to date technologies.
For the City of Venice, I designed and created the prototype system "High waters", a program used for monitoring, and reporting to the citizens via short messaging system (SMS).
I participated in the design and development of the first portal of Content Management / e-Commerce for a company in Cuba.
In June of 2003, after about two and a half years of study and hand on experience on real projects, I passed the Microsoft 70-315 certification exam for the "Web Application Development with Microsoft Visual C #."
The last two years of my contract, given the limited business of the company, I was inserted as part of a team of consultants, first as an analyst / senior programmer, then as head of development for several projects at Telecom Italy SpA. Some of these are: the intranet of Telecom Italy SpA using SAP Portal technology and Java language; development of a system for sending MMS for the and portals on a BroadVision Content Management platform through MMC Openwave and Java and JSP, Design and implementation of a desktop application for submitting Italian NOKIA 7610 in the Microsoft environment. net and Microsoft C # language.
Thanks to NETikos S.p.a. I also participated in several courses and workshops, such as: a workshop of about two months at the site of TLAB (Telecom Italia Lab) in Turin, on the potential and possible developments of the Digital Terrestrial platform using the Java and MHP libraries; a course on Content Management System on a BroadVision platform that included the design, architecture and system integration; installation and use of the "Command Center", "InfoExchange" and "Publishing Center" and customization of the "Admin Portal"; workshop on product BMCsoftware Marimba about the concepts of "Application Management", "Content Distribution" and "Remote Administration".
Having acquired some professional security, and the desire to measure up to the real market, without Telecom Italia as the eternal customer, led me, in the middle of 2005, to leave this company.

Settembre 1999 – Marzo 2000 Figura ricoperta Microsoft Developer; Datore di lavoro Finsiel s.p.a.; Luogo Bologna

Principali attività e responsabilità First real professional job in the computer science field.
I have always been passionate about electronics, computers and more particularly about programming, I was hired with a permanent contract thanks to a minimum of technical knowledge acquired on my own in C, C + + and Visual Basic languages.
After a very short time I was included in the project for the computerized management of the car park of the Quirinal, a project that was developed entirely at the FARAD Informatica offices.
The project was developed entirely in Visual Basic 6 and Microsoft Access as a database.
Subsequently, I was assigned as a consultant in the development team of the project relating to the website of the Ministry of Health ( with the role of analyst / programmer using Microsoft ASP and Microsoft SQL Server, at Finsiel – Finanziaria per i Sistemi Elettronici Spa Via Carciano 4, 00131 Rome.

Istruzione e Formazione

Data Giugno 2013

Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Microsoft Certified Professional

Istituto di istruzione o formazione Microsoft CTEC

Luogo Via Silvio D'Amico 40, 00145 Roma

Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite Exam 70-315, "Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C #"

Data Giugno 2013

Titolo della qualifica rilasciata W3Schools HTML 5 Certified

Istituto di istruzione o formazione W3Schools

Luogo Roma

Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite Http://

Data Giugno 1997

Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Diploma di maturità scientifica

Istituto di istruzione o formazione Liceo Scientifico Statale Majorana

Luogo Roma

Conoscenze linguistiche

Lingua Italiano

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua

Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua

Lingua Inglese

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Ottimo

Capacità di espressione orale Buono

Lingua Spagnolo

Capacità di lettura/scrittura colastico

Capacità di espressione orale Scolastico

Conoscenze informatiche

Capacità e competenze informatiche

Knowing how to program is a bit like knowing how to play a musical instrument. Knowing how to play the piano does not only mean recognizing the notes or properly positioning your fingers, it means, from my point of view, first of all knowing the music: the harmonic structures, pentatonic scales, what a tune… and if you know the music, learning to play a new instrument is reduced only to practice.

Any programming language, trivially speaking, always results in zero and one. This, to me, means that if you know programming, regardless of the programming language, you will always find a way to "communicate" with the computer.

As a developer, I was born in the Microsoft world. From MS-DOS and Windows to Visual Basic to C++ MFC libraries, to ASP and VB script, up to the most modern development environment by Microsoft .net with Microsoft c# language. As mentioned above, I started to study first, and then to use the Microsoft .net platform in 2001, when it was still a beta version. My professional development has led me to develop greater expertise in the Web environment, although, in the last few years, I have gained a lot of experience on Desktop apps on important projects.

I designed, installed, configured and developed three layer systems (three-layered application) with Microsoft .net technologies, in both the Web and Desktop environments, even in the more complex SOA like architecture, using WCF service types, simple SOAP services or RESTful services.

For more than two and a half year, I have developed in Java using JSP or EJB without ever going into too much detail about the systematics or infrastructures.

During the first months of 2013, I became passionate about of the potential of interactions between jQuery, Ajax Restful / JSON and Microsoft. Net in the Web and Google Android SDK, twitter bootstrap, HTML5 and Adobe PhoneGap regarding the Mobile section.

During the last few years as a consultant at PosteItaliane and then at CRIF, I achieved a very good knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server, first the 2005, than 2008 R2 version and Oracle 11.

As a completion to my practical skills, there are the theoretical ones.

I have complete mastery of the paradigms of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) and EDP (Event Driven Programming) whether synchronous or asynchronous. As evidence of that competence, I can report, among the various hands on projects, an experience as a teacher of the OOP paradigm programming language using Microsoft Visual c# on behalf of IT Resources srl at Opera21 Group spa in Viale delle Arti 101, 00054 Roma Fiumicino. Excellent knowledge of MVC design pattern (Model-View-Controller) applied both in a Web environment and in a Desktop environment. Good knowledge of the architectural pattern of the Naked Objects and Client-server pattern.

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