Figura professionale: Analista programmatore BMC Remedy

Nome Cognome: M. E.Età: 43
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Milano

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Analista programmatore BMC Remedy


April 2017- Present ITSM Engineer : in the Network Operation Application Management of Nokia with the following roles: 1) ITSM Administrator

2) Resolving Tasks based on the following modules:

Ø  Incident Management

Ø  Problem Management

Ø  Change Management

Ø  Service Level Management

Ø  Service Request Management

Ø  Release Management

Ø  Work Order

Ø  Data Management

Ø  Product Catalog

Ø  Knowledge Management

Ø  Asset Management

Ø  Task Management

3)Transformations : Realization of new Projects for different customers using the main modules of ITSM

December 2013 – February 2017 Analyst and Senior Developer for various Customers using the following technologies: BMC Remedy, WS, SOAP, DB ORACLE

March 2013 – December 2013

Project Development of  the Poral “ARRIVA.IT” for the management of routes and timetables and bus ticket prices using the platform of Liferay.

Technologies used : LIFERAY, HTML, JAVA, Java Script, SQL

April 2008 – October 2013 "Analyst and Remedy Developer" at Fastweb S.P.A on the following systems:
(Trouble Ticketing System -Large Account) for the management of clients TOP/Housing.
(Trouble Ticketing System).
(Service Provisioning).

4. SPLA:
(Service Provisioning – Large Account).

Technologies used: REMEDY, WS, DB ORACLE

February 2008 – March 2008 Project Development Services CRME NEL(migrate the current application facility of the platform of the People SoftVantive to AR System. In particular, the new application will have to share a part of the ITSM Foundation Date and manage a part owner) for ENEL.

Technologies used: REMEDY, WS, DB ORACLE.

July2007 – February 2008 Project Development for Metroweb (creation of a system for managing and tracking the activities of the building wiring.).

Technologies used: REMEDY, WS, DB SQL Server.

June 2007 – July 2007 Project Development for Fastweb: the second phase of the project REC-LA (Recovery credits –  Large Account).

Technologies used: REMEDY, DB Oracle.

January 2007 – June 2007 Project Development for Fastweb: the of the project REC-LA (Recovery credits –  Large Account).

Technologies used: REMEDY, DB Oracle

2001 – 2002 helpdesk/system administrator at Toriellispa, Vigevano City

 linguistic knowledge

Mother tongue :Arabic

Italian ML/ Fluent

English Fluent

French Basic  level

Computer Skills

Systems & Programming

–       Main-Microsoft operating systems, Linux

–       MS Office (office suite completebasicand   advanced)

–       MS SQL Server 2000/2005

–       MS VB 6 basic/advanced

–       MS VB.Net

–       JAVA

–       ASP

–       SQL

–       HTML

–       Matlab e Simulink

–       Incident Management

–       Problem Management

–       Change Management

–       Service Level Management

–       Service Request Management

–       Release Management

–       Work Order

–       Data Management

–       Product Catalog

–       Knowledge Management

–       Asset Management

–       Task Management

–       ITSM 8.1

–       ARS Remedy 6.3

–       ARS Remedy 7.0

–       ARS Remedy 7.1

–       ARS Remedy 7.5

–       ARS Remedy 7.6

–       Liferay

–       Crystal Report 10

–       Oracle 9i / 10g

Education and training

2011 Certificate of "BMC Remedy IT Service Management 7.xAdvanced Solutions Core Components."

2011 Certificate of BMC Capacity Optimization 4.0: Administering” at the headquarters of the BMC of Milan.

2011 Certificate of “BMC Proactive Net Performance Management 8.5: Administering” at the headquarters of the BMC of Milan.

2007 basic and advanced level courses on Remedy7.0 at the company Devoteam Italy.

2006 Degree in Information Technology Engineering at the University of Pavia, Italy with a dissertation on supply chain management recruitment with general grade 90/110 .

2006 University Internship with duration of 250 hours.

2003 European Social Fund Course with certificate of "Designer and Manager Websites" organized by the company StartPoints Ltd Vigevano. The course had a total duration of 600hours and included an internship of 240 hours of Internship.

2002 Technical training for "Junior Programmer" at StartPoints Ltd. Web software development technologies and client-server ASP3, Visual Basic 6

2001 European Social Fund Course, with certificate of "Technical hardware and software of microcomputers / PCs Operator" organized by the company StartPoints Ltd Vigevano. The course had a total duration of 650 hours and included an internship of 200 hours at the Municipality of Vigevano city.

2000 – 2001 Middle school at the Middle school of Mortara (Italy) to be able to integrate better into Italian society.

2000 Immigrate to Italy

1999 – 2000 regularly attended the first year of the Faculty of Economics and Commerce in the University of Tanta(Egypt) passing the exams

1998 – 1999 Scientific High School in Egypt

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