Figura professionale: Full stack Java software engineer

Nome Cognome: C. S.Età: 35
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Roma

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Full stack Java software engineer


ActiveViam ( 2017 – current Full stack Java software engineer for OLAP based system. Technologies: Java, Javascript, React.js, Node.js, MDX, SQL, Git, Hibernate, Spring, Maven. SKILLS Theoretical: • Computer science: Complexity theory, Data Structures, Parallel Programming, Graph Theory, Algorithm Design, Logic Programming, OLAP • Machine Learning: – Supervised: Random Three, Random Forest, SVM, Bayesian classifier, Convolutional Neural Network, Evolutive Neural Network (NEAT, HyperNeat), Transfer Learning – Unsupervised: K-Means/Medoids, Tensor and Matrix Factorization, Hierarchical clustering, Density based clustering • Optimization: Linear and Non Linear Least Square, Convex Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Gradient Descending, Trust-Regions, Newton and Quasi Newton Methods Practical: – Programming languages: C++, Java, Python, MATLAB, Bash, Datalog, Javascript – Technologies: – Domain-specific Languages: SQL, MDX – GUI Libraries: PyQt, Qt, Electron – Javascript libraries: React.js, Node.js, Reveal.js – Data Mining: WEKA, scikit-learn, MATLAB – Data Visualization: gnuplot, Tableau, Gephi – Natural Language Processing: NLTK – Numerical Optimization: CPLEX, Ceres, numpy, scipy, Theano – Parallel Programming: Open MPI, OpenMP, CUDA – Framework: Hadoop, Apache Tomcat, Spring, Hibernate, Maven – Operative systems: Mac OS X, Linux, Windows – Office Tools: Ms Excel, Ms Power Point, Ms Word, Open Office, LATEX, reveal.js Personal: – Languages: – Mother Tongue: Italian – Professional Level: English, French – Entry Level: Spanish – Fast to learn new theoretical formalism and new technologies – Excellent communication and presentation skills – Ability to have a global view of large projects – Detail oriented and strong interpersonal skills – Good conceptual, analytic and logical skills – Ability to work individually as well as in group environment

AWARDS • Marie Curie Fellowship. 2013 • Best Student Presentation Prize, 1st place. Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2nd March 2016 • ERC Fellowship. 2016

PATENTS PT1. C. Stamile, M. Cavallari, R. Umeton, F. Calimeri, F. Orzi, “Smart Fundus Camera – a portable medical device for quantitative retinal image analysis through a smartphone” U.S. Patent 9,468,377. October 18, 2016. PT2. C. Stamile, M. Cavallari, R. Umeton, F. Calimeri, F. Orzi, “Dispositivo medico portatile e metodo per l’acqusizione di immagini della retina e esecuzione di analisi quantitative sull’immagine della retina” IT Patent 1423628. August 22, 2016.

PROJECTS PR1. Cioran: traces the path of the main retinal vessels and to measure their thickness and tortuosity along a segment PR2. BRetina: implements a new algorithm that automatically performs a fractal analysis process on digital retinal photographs PR3. 3DGaming: 3D videogame based on Java and JMonkey engine PR4. SPINE: is a virtual laboratory designed to accelerate scientific discovery in neuroimaging PR5. NMF Extension: algorithm based on alternating least square to compute Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) with spatial regularization PR6. NMF Library: python based library to compute NMF PR7. NMF Software: python software based on Qt library to define complex NMF factorizations PR8. NTF Library: C++ based library to compute Tensor Factorization with multiple constraints PR9. Tensor Clustering: algorithm to cluster data in tensor space based on CPLEX, Java and Open MPI PR10. NiHipi: Framework for medical image analysis in Hadoop

EDUCATION PhD in Electrical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium 2013 – 2017 PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Universit´e Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France 2013 – 2017 M.S. in Computer Science cum laude, University of Calabria, Italy 2011 – 2013 B.S. in Computer Science cum laude, University of Calabria, Italy 2008 – 2011

TEACHING UNIVERSITY OF CALABRIA, Italy A.Y. 2011/2012 Academic Tutor, supporting TAs and Lecturers for classes in: Algorithms and data structures, Formal languages and compilers, Introduction to Databases, Object oriented programming, Advance computer programming, Computational Logic.

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