Figura professionale: PMO

Nome Cognome: C. S.Età: 33
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Milano

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10/2016 BTO Research SPA, Avenue de la Liberté, 12, Luxembourg1
 Project Management Office. Client: Intesa SanPaolo Servitia SA
 Support the Project Manager, within Intesa SanPaolo Servitia SA department, in a
project focused on digital innovation and IT;
 Coordination and monitoring of IT projects in the regulatory reporting and
compliance field involving branches in Europe and South-East Asia
 Management of the relationship and the communication between provider, users
and technicians;
 Participation in training courses on Project Management within BTO PM Academy
 Certified Project Management Associate – IPMA Level D

03/2016 – 09/2016 General Confederation of Italian Industry, Via di Giura, Potenza (PZ)
 Assistant Project Manager
 Planning and continuous monitoring training activities for enterprises
 Data crunching on big database of clients, budget construction, managing CRM
Database and supporting project investments for enterprises
 Managing European Youth Guarantee, in order to find new job opportunities and
training activities for NEET (Not engaged in Education, Employment or Training)

04/2015 – 03/2016 Accenture LTD, Piazz.le Industria, 40, Rome (RM)
 Business & Technology Analyst. Client: Enel Energia SPA
 Planning and monitoring Customer Care processes
 Problem solving and data crunching on big database of clients, workshop,
implementation of Business Solutions for clients in Utilities industry
 Designing learning contents, setting up and monitoring training activities, updating
the support material to the contact channels


09/2013-07/2015 Luiss Guido Carli University, Viale Romania, 32 – Rome
 Master’s degree in Economics and Business Management (marketing profile)
 Final dissertation: E-commerce, web and social media marketing: three successful
factors in order to increase business for Small-Medium enterprises. Final mark:
Magna cum laude

2010-2013 University of Salerno, in Fisciano (Sa)
 Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Organization
Final mark: Magna cum laude

2005-2010 “A.M.Maffucci” Institute, Calitri (AV)
 High School diploma “Liceo Scientifico” – Final mark: 83/100
Notice period: 20 days


December 2011 Dypall (Developing Youth Partecipation) Faro, Portogallo
 Attended in Dypall (Devoloping Youth Partecipation) project with other youth
leaders and local authorities, in order to develop local youth policies.

2005-2008 Summer camp in Colleges abroad

 2008 – London Study Centre, London (England)

 2007 – Summer Camp Goldsmith’s College, London (England)

 2006 – Summer Camp University of Reading (England)

 2005 – Summer Camp Ardmore Language School, Berkshire (England)

Mother tongue: Italian
Other language: English, French, Arabic
 ESOL Certificate Level B2 British Institute n°1129/13 -11/04/2013



 Advanced Mac Os, Windows and Microsoft Office. Familiar with Statistic Software R. Regular user of email,
Internet, World, Excel and Power Point. ECDL (European Computer Driving License) IT 1969557

 Advanced UpK (User Productivity ToolKit) Oracle

 Good communication skills gained through my public presentation of projects and university team works.
 Self-confidence and management team thanks to the partecipation to some international projects like Dypall in
Portugal, business game Smart 4 Future Mercedes and Romemun 2011.

 Problem solving, goal oriented, multitasking, quick thinking in difficult situation, leadership qualities, team
management, ability to establish and keep relationships and time management.

 Article “The role of after sales in order to reinforce the brand: Carraro Group case” published on Future Marketing
Leaders /1 (e-book), Marco Mazzù and Michele Costabile, 2015

 Music (good at playing the piano and the guitar), traveling, team sports, new technologies, pc games

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