Figura professionale: PMO
Nome Cognome | : C. S. | Età | : 33 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager |
Sede preferita | : Milano |
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10/2016 BTO Research SPA, Avenue de la Liberté, 12, Luxembourg1
Project Management Office. Client: Intesa SanPaolo Servitia SA
Support the Project Manager, within Intesa SanPaolo Servitia SA department, in a
project focused on digital innovation and IT;
Coordination and monitoring of IT projects in the regulatory reporting and
compliance field involving branches in Europe and South-East Asia
Management of the relationship and the communication between provider, users
and technicians;
Participation in training courses on Project Management within BTO PM Academy
Certified Project Management Associate – IPMA Level D
03/2016 – 09/2016 General Confederation of Italian Industry, Via di Giura, Potenza (PZ)
Assistant Project Manager
Planning and continuous monitoring training activities for enterprises
Data crunching on big database of clients, budget construction, managing CRM
Database and supporting project investments for enterprises
Managing European Youth Guarantee, in order to find new job opportunities and
training activities for NEET (Not engaged in Education, Employment or Training)
04/2015 – 03/2016 Accenture LTD, Piazz.le Industria, 40, Rome (RM)
Business & Technology Analyst. Client: Enel Energia SPA
Planning and monitoring Customer Care processes
Problem solving and data crunching on big database of clients, workshop,
implementation of Business Solutions for clients in Utilities industry
Designing learning contents, setting up and monitoring training activities, updating
the support material to the contact channels
09/2013-07/2015 Luiss Guido Carli University, Viale Romania, 32 – Rome
Master’s degree in Economics and Business Management (marketing profile)
Final dissertation: E-commerce, web and social media marketing: three successful
factors in order to increase business for Small-Medium enterprises. Final mark:
Magna cum laude
2010-2013 University of Salerno, in Fisciano (Sa)
Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Organization
Final mark: Magna cum laude
2005-2010 “A.M.Maffucci” Institute, Calitri (AV)
High School diploma “Liceo Scientifico” – Final mark: 83/100
Notice period: 20 days
December 2011 Dypall (Developing Youth Partecipation) Faro, Portogallo
Attended in Dypall (Devoloping Youth Partecipation) project with other youth
leaders and local authorities, in order to develop local youth policies.
2005-2008 Summer camp in Colleges abroad
2008 – London Study Centre, London (England)
2007 – Summer Camp Goldsmith’s College, London (England)
2006 – Summer Camp University of Reading (England)
2005 – Summer Camp Ardmore Language School, Berkshire (England)
Mother tongue: Italian
Other language: English, French, Arabic
ESOL Certificate Level B2 British Institute n°1129/13 -11/04/2013
Advanced Mac Os, Windows and Microsoft Office. Familiar with Statistic Software R. Regular user of email,
Internet, World, Excel and Power Point. ECDL (European Computer Driving License) IT 1969557
Advanced UpK (User Productivity ToolKit) Oracle
Good communication skills gained through my public presentation of projects and university team works.
Self-confidence and management team thanks to the partecipation to some international projects like Dypall in
Portugal, business game Smart 4 Future Mercedes and Romemun 2011.
Problem solving, goal oriented, multitasking, quick thinking in difficult situation, leadership qualities, team
management, ability to establish and keep relationships and time management.
Article “The role of after sales in order to reinforce the brand: Carraro Group case” published on Future Marketing
Leaders /1 (e-book), Marco Mazzù and Michele Costabile, 2015
Music (good at playing the piano and the guitar), traveling, team sports, new technologies, pc games
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