Figura professionale: Technical Analyst/Developer

Nome Cognome: M. R.Età: 47
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Analista Funzionale / Analista Tecnico
Sede preferita: Roma

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Technical Analyst/Developer


POSITION 1                                    from 07/2016to present

Name and location of the Customer organization:
FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy 

Description of the activity: 
I work on the Development, Customizations of Oracle Applications R12 for the Local Travel project, performing initial technical testing and verification of problem reports, updating all related tasks and objects in Team Track and BitBucket. The new Local Travel System has been introduced as part of the Global Resource Management System (GRMS) implementation at Headquarters and it will be deployed worldwide in all FAO field offices. 
With the introduction of LT System, all the local travel and meetingprocesses are being standardized, streamlined and automated across FAO.

Description of your role:
e-Business Suite Technical Analyst/Developer


Tools used:
•    JDeveloper;
•    SQLDeveloper;
•    WorkFlowBuilder;
•    Oracle AME;
•    Oracle AIM;
•    SSH secure shell.
•    BitBucket

POSITION 2                                    from 06/2015to 06/2016

Name and location of the Customer organization:
FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy 

Description of the activity: 
I worked on the Development, Customizations of Oracle Applications R12 for the ePM project.
The new Position Management System has been introduced as part of the Global Resource Management System (GRMS) implementation at Headquarters and it will be deployed worldwide in all FAO offices. 
With the introduction of GRMS, position management processes are being standardized, streamlined and automated across FAO.

Description of your role:
e-Business Suite Technical Analyst/Developer

HR (Human Resources)

Tools used:
•    JDeveloper;
•    SQLDeveloper;
•    WorkFlowBuilder;
•    Oracle AME;
•    Oracle AIM;
•    SSH secure shell.

POSITION 3                                    from08/2011to present

Name and location of the Customer organization:
FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy

Description of the activity:
I worked on the Development, Customizations of Oracle Applications R12 for the Travel project.
The new travel system has been introduced as part of the Global Resource Management System (GRMS) implementation at Headquarters and Regional Offices, substituting the ATLAS travel system, and has been deployed worldwide in all FAO offices. With the introduction of GRMS, travel processes are being standardized, streamlined and automated across FAO.
I am responsible for the travel management applicationconnected with the Carlson WagonlitTravelagencyon OracleERP.

Description of your role:
e-Business Suite Technical Analyst/Developer

GL (General Ledger), PO (Purchase Order)

Tools used:
•    JDeveloper;
•    SQLDeveloper;
•    WorkFlowBuilder;
•    Oracle AME;
•    Oracle AIM;
•    SSH secure shell.

POSITION 4                                    from03/2009 to 07/2011

Name and location of the Customer organization:
FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy 

Description of the activity:
I worked on the development of the Consultant Information System (CIS)
I was responsible for the web applicationforconsultantscontract managementwithattendancerecordingand updatingthe remaining periodonWorkOrder.

Description of your role:
Java Technical Analyst/Developer

Tools used:
•    Eclipse;
•    SSH secure shell;
•    SQLNavigator;
•    Jasper iReport.

POSITION 5                                    from    08/2007 to 02/2009

Name and location of the Customer organization:
FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy: 

Description of the activity:
I worked on the Development, Customizations of Oracle Applications R12 for the IPSAS project.
ORACLE ERPcustomization for IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standards) for FAO I field Offices.

Description of your role:
e-Business Suite Technical Analyst/Developer

Tools used:
•    JDeveloper;
•    SSH secure shell.

POSITION 6                                    from 04/2006 to 07/2007

Name and location of the Customer organization:
FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy 

Description of the activity:
I worked on the Design, Analysis, Development of Budget Maintenance Module (eBMM) project, a WEB application for FAO budget management.

Description of your role:
Java Technical Analyst/Developer

Tools used:
•    NetBeans;
•    SQLNavigator.

POSITION 7                                    from12/2005 to 03/2006

Name and location of the Customer organization:
FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy 

Description of the activity:
I worked on the Design, Analysis, Development of Management Information System (MIS), web application for storage and management of report files (.pdf, Excel, .doc)

Description of your role:
Java Technical Analyst/Developer

Tools used:
•    NetBeans;
•    SQLNavigator.

POSITION 8                                    from11/2004 to 11/2005

Name and location of the Customer organization:
FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy 

Description of the activity:
I worked on the Design, Analysis, Development  ofEWMSH project (Enhanced Work Measurement Survey) a WEB application for storing the consultant’s work measurement survey, with activities and projects managementand reports.

Description of your role:
Java Technical Analyst/Developer

Tools used:
•    NetBeans;
•    SQLNavigator;
•    Fop libraries.

POSITION 9                                    from10/2003 to 10/2004

Name and location of the Customer organization:
CNC – Consorzio Nazionale Concessionari, Rome, Italy

Description of the activity:
I worked on the Design, Analysis, Development of LAMPO-WEB project a WEB application for the institutioncollector measures storage.

Description of your role:
Java Technical Analyst/Developer

Tools used:
•    IBM WSAD;
•    Visual SourceSafe;
•    IBM DB2.

POSITION 10                                    from08/2002 to 09/2003

Name and location of the Customer organization:
Consip – Concessionaria Servizi Informativi Pubblici, Rome, Italy

Description of the activity:
I worked on the Development  ofE-Procurement project a WEB application based on ORACLE eProcurement platform for the public administration procurement.

Description of your role:
Java Developer

Tools used:
•    VisualAge for JAVA;
•    Oracle;
•    JDeveloper;
•    Golden;
•    CuteFTP;
•    Oracle DBA Studio;
•    Xml Spy;
•    ORACLE Single Sign-on.

POSITION 11                                    from05/2002 to 07/2002

Name and location of the Customer organization:
INPS –Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale, Rome, Italy

Description of the activity:
I worked on the Development of STAMPAPDF MODELLI 730 project a WEB application for the bilingual 730 models (in Italian and German)print.

Description of your role:
Java Developer

Tools used:
•    VisualAge for Java

POSITION 12                                    From 10/2001 to 04/2002

Name and location of the Customer organization:
SOGEI – Società Generale d'Informatica, Rome, Italy

Description of the activity:
I worked on the Development of Nuovo Sistema InformativoDoganaleproject,a WEB applicationfor the customs duties management.

Description of your role:
Java Developer

Tools used:
•    WebSphere Studio;
•     WebSphere Application Server;
•    VisualAge for Java.

POSITION 13                                    from 08/2001 to 09/2001

Name and location of the Customer organization:
INPS – Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale, Rome, Italy
Description of the activity:
I work on the Development of the “FascicoloElettronicoAnagraficaAziende”project . A “DecentramentoOperativoAnagraficaAziende” project integration for the Italian companies lists for INPS management.

Description of your role:
Java Developer

Tools used:
•    VisualAge for Java

POSITION 14                                    from 04/2001 to 07/2001

Name and location of the Customer organization:
INPS – Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale, Rome, Italy

Description of the activity:
I work on the Development of the “DecentramentoOperativoAnagraficaAziende”project a Java application for the lists of Italian companies for INPS management.

Description of your role:
Java Developer

Tools used:
•    VisualAge for Java


High School: Liceo Scientifico Statale Plinio Seniore, Rome, Italy
High School Diploma:ScienceHigh School Diploma


Name:Object Oriented Programming 

Name: UML design
Date: 06/2002
Category: IT

Name:R12 Extend Oracle Applications: Building OA Framework Applications Ed 1 PRV
Category: IT

Name:R12.x Implement Oracle Workflow Ed 1 PRV
Category: IT


Oracle OCA Certified

MS Windows OS, MS Office, Lotus

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