Figura professionale: Magento Developer

Nome Cognome: V. D.Età: 42
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Milano

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Magento Developer


September 2017 – present Magento developer Despot Studio PR As a solo entrepreneur I went into subcontracting projects with various companies in Belgrade and abroad (primarily with CP Development d.o.o. Belgrade). Working on Magento 1 and Magento 2 projects, I developed and customized many Magento extensions, frontend and backend. Some of these projects are: and Currently I am engaged in a project consisting of Angular 4 frontend in conjunction with Slim PHP backend named as part of the platform.

October 2016 – July 2017 Magento, Angular 2, Wordpress developer ThinkOpen S.r.l. a) P.A.R.O.S.H. (Magento 1) – , solved important growth problems when the company expanded to several warehouses. Analysed the situation on the client’s premises and implemented and integrated multiwarehouse system into the existing one – FE and BE management (products, stocks, prices, orders, warehouses). b) Unipol (Angular 2 & Node.js) – single handedly from scratch implemented internal monitoring system for the insurance company. Integrated the project with FE and web services(Node.js) with the rest of my team. c) Vittoria (Magento 2) – , during the transition of the company to Magento 2, I realized importing of the old data into the new system and developed custom invoices and shipments modules. d) Novathon (Wordpress) – , as a consultant in BancaIntesa, Milano, I developed the infrastructure base for the hackathon, including email newslettering, and team management.

April 2016 – October 2016 PHP Developer, iOS developer a) Patrick Heide Contemporary Art, London, UK – PHP Developer for the web site. From existing static site, I made an exact replica in form of a Wordpress website, with custom BE so client can easily manage the paintings, artists, fairs, events and exhibitions. b) Indie development – iOS Developer development of iPhone game “Dealer”. Game is still in progress.

Oct 2014 – Apr 2016 PHP Developer PCMACIT LLC d.o.o., Novi Sad (Serbia) (Control Escape, London, UK) Developed a hotel reservations system, for a large hotels chain. Implemented it full stack, from scratch, using Wordpress and various Wordpress plugins (customizing existing and creating new ones). In consultation with PM I created the business logic. After that, on my own, I designed the UI and search algorythms (using ElasticSearch and other techniques), did DB maintenance, REST services, payments (Braintree), SMS (Nexmo) and Emailing systems (SendGrid). Deploying the PMS on Windows and various Linux versions. After that I integrated the system with a larger system of hotel reservations.

May 2014 – Oct 2014 Developer Part-time employment, Belgrade (Serbia) a) Worked as an e-commerce developer. Worked in Magento for 1 to 2 months on the website Implemented custom importing and exporting solutions of orders and products. b) Designed, developed and published my own Flash (AS 3.0) game "Port navigator" on facebook – Game is approved on facebook and has around 10.000 players playing it. Game has PHP middle tier, and MySQL custom game database. I used cloud computing for each layer.

Apr 2011 – May 2014 QA engineer, PHP developer Old Country d.o.o., Belgrade (Serbia) a) Quality Assurance for and e-commerce web sites. Manual and automated testing using Saucelabs framework. Developed automated Selenium 1&2 battery of tests, and automatic reporting mechanism in PHP. Technologies used: SVN, GIT, Scrum, KANBAN, Agile, PHP, Selenium, PHPUnit, MySQL Databases, SOLR. b) PHP development in Moodle framework. Worked on web site for online education courses administration. Developed custom admin reports, enrolling and payment/billing mechanisms, relying on Moodle.

Apr 2010 – Apr 2011 Web developer Part-time employment, Belgrade (Serbia) Developed web site for social networking – . development from scratch of PHP and HTML, CSS, javascript FE and BE and MySQL Database. Technologies: GIT, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, CSS, Eclipse PDT, MySQL Workbench.

Apr 2009 – Apr 2010 Testing engineer DIV Engineering, Belgrade (Serbia) Analysis and testing of Telekom Srbija company's business processes. Testing of TIBCO processes for company's processes of payment, billing and prepaid/postpaid mobile phone contracts. Technologies: Java, TIBCO, Oracle Databases (PL/SQL)

Mar 2008 – Dec 2008 Flash developer GTech – FinSoft, Belgrade (Serbia) Flash design, Action Script 2/3 development of online computer games, mostly gamble games, like slot machines and card games. Developed and integrated with Java services of around dozen games. Some of the games became very popular (Baltimore Drop). Technologies: SVN, Action script 2.0 / 3.0, Macromedia Flash, Eclipse, Oracle databases.

Feb 2008 – Aug 2008 Web developer Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade (Serbia) Maintenance of the official web site of the Office – . Database and PHP website development, resolving of various specific problems of organizing the data. Technologies: Macromedia Dreamweaver, eclipse PDT, MSSQL Server Databases.

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1 Sep 2001–1 Sep 2007 Bachelor of information systems School of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Department of Information systems and technologies. This was at the time of my study a 4-year University. LANGUAGES Mother tongue(s): Serbian English: Excellent, TOEFL certificate 96/120 (expired in year 2015) from the first try French: Medium German: Basic Italian: Medium

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