Figura professionale: Java beckend developer
Nome Cognome | : I. P. | Età | : 44 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev. |
Sede preferita | : Remoto |
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- Sviluppo backend in java
September 2016 – July 2017: Senior software engineer, ACI Informatica, Rome: Analysis and development of a management system for welfare application and related backoffice functionality: Development stack: JSF 2.0 + EJB 3.1 + JPA 2.0 (JEE6) on WebSphere 8.5 Release management: Maven + SVN Development of REST services for SSO: Technological stack: EJB 3.1 + JPA 2.0 (JEE6)
January 2015 – August 2016: Senior software engineer, VJTechnology, Rome: Rebuild of a legacy portal ( for the search \ indexing (with ElasticSearch) of job ads, search \ indexing (with ElasticSearch) of candidates (area businesses), backoffice functionality: Architectural solution definition and system configuration Architectural stack generation (JHipster yeoman generator, NodeJS, Npm, Bower, Grunt) SPA development: AngularJS 1.x + Bootstrap Hybrid Mobile App development: Ionic 1.x (app available on GooglePlay as VisualJob) API REST development: Spring Security (OAuth2) + Spring Boot + Spring MVC (Jackson) + Spring Data (MongoDB \ Elasticsearch) XML Feed creation for (DOM XML parser) Data migration: from SQLServer (old portal) to MongoDB (new portal) Packaging (Maven) and release (FTP, putty, Ubuntu) SmartOffice development (management web application of a switchboard based on FusionPBX/FreeSWITCH). Activities performed: Architectural stack development DDL database script (MySQL 5.1) Front-end development: AngularJS + Bootstrap + WebSocket(sock.js – stomp) REST API development: Spring Security + Spring MVC + JPA + Spring Messaging + WebSocket PHP REST service integration Android app development for the "App On" contest (European funding for innovation): Architectural stack development Android native app development REST API development: Spring MVC (Jackson) + JPA + MySQL Packaging and versioning: Maven + SVN DDL database script (MySQL 5.1) Releases management MuleESB integration: GPS device (over TCP\IP protocol) + TCP Server (as Proxy Listener) + ActiveMQ integration Development of GESAL (Meeting Room Management) on hybrid architecture Liferay\REST: Front-end development: Liferay Faces Portlet (Richfaces 4.3 + Liferay Faces Bridge) (Liferay Portal 6.2, Tomcat 7) Back-end development: Spring + MyBatis + MySQL (JBoss 6.2) System Integration: REST WebServices (RESTEasy) Application assembly: Maven Application deploying: releases management (and configurations) on test\production machines Technical documentation writing Design and development of a statistical system on Twitter. Activities performed: Database design (MS Visio) and script realization (SQLServer) Development stack: JSF (Richfaces 4.3) + EJB 3.0 + JPA 2.0 Batch development: Quartz Twitter API interfacing with Twitter4J library
November 2009 – December 2014: J2EE developer, Engineering ingegneria informatica SPA, Rome: J2EE web applications development (internet and intranet), SOAP WebService, ETL, batch process. Activity performed: Development environment startup 3-tier architecture development Integration with legacy systems and third party systems via WebServices (Axis 1.3) Common libraries development WebServices development: Axis 1.3, XML, XSD (JAXB) Job scheduling: Quartz ETL solution (XML to RDBMS) Web application stack: Jsp, Html + JSP + Struts + Custom Tag Library + EJB2 + DAO, JDBC Report development: JasperReport, IReport Compiling and packaging: ANT Application release management and problem solving
January 2008 – October 2009: J2EE developer, I Public srl, Palermo: J2EE application development: Development stack: JSF(MyFaces, Tomahawk) + EJB2 + Hibernate May 2006 – December 2007: J2EE developer, Lombardia informatica SPA, Milan: J2EE application development: Development stack: JavaScript + HTML + JSP + Tag Library + EJB2 + DAO + JDBC + PL-SQL Store Procedure (Oracle 8i)
EDUCATION 2000-2005 University of Messina: Degree in Computer Science Dissertation: Architecture and Design of a J2EE Application. A study case: "JavaBookShop"
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