Figura professionale: Recruiter

Nome Cognome: G. L.Età: 32
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CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Commerciale IT / HR risorse Umane
Sede preferita: Roma

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AGILIUMWORLDWIDEEXECUTIVESEARCHGROUP Rome,Italy AccountandRecruiting Assistant-HumanResources department Oct 2017Present Manage all phases of Recruitment including, defining hiring management need and postings positions, Maintaining an accurate candidate trackingsystem,Communicating duties compensations, benefits,andworkingconditionstoallpotential candidate, screeningCVforpotentialcandidate,Convocationsandinvitations,backoffice,andfrontofficeactivities

 NHS COMPANY Maidstone Hospital Maidstone, UK RegisteredNurse,FosterClarkeWard February2016-June2017  Actingasteamleader ina busyhospitalandtaking charge ofthe wardinthe absence oftheWardManager  Seeingpatients ona daily basis and advisingthemon thepromotion of health andthe prevention of illness.Maintaining absolute confidentiality in respect of every patient’s medical record and history.  Monitoringa patient'sprogressduringtheir stayandlookingoutforany changesintheir statusor condition.  Co-ordinating a patient’s dischargearrangementsinaccordance with the hospitalsDischarge Policy.  Alwaysactingasapoint ofspecialist referralonawardfor junior colleaguesand non-medical employees.Carryingouta wide range of physicaltaskssuch as moving beds, furniture and hospitalmaterials around.

FERDINANDOSANTIPRIMARYANDNURSERYSCHOOL Rome,Italy Teacher Pre/Postschool activities September 2015-June 2016

LANGUAGES  Italian (Native), English (Fluent), Spanish ( Basic Knowledge)

COMPUTER SKILLS  Good knowledge of Windows XP, MicrosoftOffice Word –Excel –Power Point  Basic knowledge of Illustratorand Photoshop


InternationalTelematicUniversityUNINETTUNO Rome,Italy BachelorinCommunicationScience November2016 -Present  GPA: 27.3/30  Expected Graduation Date: 2019 LASAPIENZAUNIVERSITY Rome, Italy BachelorinScienceofNursing November2012-November 2015  Graduation Grade: 110/110  Final dissertation: The experience ofinfertility.The nursing role inassistedreproductive technologies. LICEO SOCIO-PSICOPEDAGOGICO NICCOLO’ MACHIAVELLI Rome,Italy HighSchool September 2007-July2012  Final Grade: 87/100

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