Figura professionale: Junior Account

Nome Cognome: G. F.Età: 36
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Web Designer/Social/Marketing
Sede preferita: Milano

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Junior Account


07/2017- present Press and Public Relations Office – Corporate Communication, PR Activities, Crisis Management : assisting companies (Nestlé, Bolton Alimentari, LG Electronics) to communicate with customers; managing relationships with journalists; providing support to companies in facing reputational crisis

06/2015- 08/2015 PREFECTURE OF NAPLES (ITA) Collaboration with Naples Citizenship Office – Programming projects concerning immigrants' integration in the provincial and territorial fabric; monitoring of voluntary associations that carry out social activities and foreign integration

2011- 2014 D.L.S.D di Roberto Pezzulo, Vitulazio (ITA) Reception and public delivery – Storage and inventory management, logistics, staging and contact research for event organization,administrating food and beverage


2016- 2017 IULM University, Milan (ITA) Master in Communication for International Relations – Developing analytical and critical capacity about the global context through the analysis of communication processes; Study Tour in Washington DC and New York

2008  University of Naples "L'Orientale", Faculty of Languages, Naples (ITA) First Cycle Degree in Languages, Literatures and Cultures of Europe and the Americas – Curriculum: European Languages, Literature and Cultures

2016  Scientific Bilingual High School Diploma (five years)

LANGUAGES -Italian (Mother Tongue) -English (B2 Level) -French (B2 Level) -Chinese (B2 Level)

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