Figura professionale: Ingegnere Meccanico Piping

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Ingegnere Meccanico Piping


2016 – 2018                Senior Mechanical Piping Engineer,  Veolia  Water Technologies LLC, Doha,Qatar

·        Project – Water & Waste Water Treatment Plant  Project  for Ras Laffan in Qatar

Description : Client : DOLPHIN Co.,QATAR

Objective(s) : Waster  Water Treatment  Plant Detail Design and Procurement

Achievement(s) :

< Managed a team of piping and mechanical professionals.

< Prepare,review and comments detailed design calculations for vessels and mechanical equipment, Equipment List,Line list,Critical Line list,Valve schedule, Piping Material Specification,Detailed mechanical drawings, civil guide drawings, equipment technical specifications.

< Comment the structural design for pumps, equipment & RO skids, sunshades, platforms, pipe rack, tanks bridges; i.e. clarifiers, aeration tanks, sludge holding tanks.

< Support the development de 3D Model of the Plant in order that the Plant 3D Model to comply with Project scope of work,Project philosophy,P&IDs,Vendor and in house developed Equipments Data sheets, Client and International Standards required,flexibility of the piping lines,proper selection and using of standard supports or special supports,the availabiity of space and easy access for operation and maintenance of the Plant equipments, etc.

< Weekly review and participate in the 30%,60%,90% 3D Model Review.

< Review ,comments and aprove Equipment Layout G.A. Drawings.

< Review ,comments and approve,Piping G.A. Drawings.

< Review ,comments and approve ISOs Drawings.

Technical Environment :

< Language : English

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad,Naviswork 3D

< Standards : Client (Dolphin) Standards , TOTAL Standards,2013 Edition,International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,ASME BPV Code SEC.II and  VIII Div.1,API, ASTM,NACE,MSS SP,ISO,AWWA.

2015 – 2016                Field Piping & Layout Engineer Specialist,Slovenske Elektrarne,Mochovce,Slovakia

·        Project – Nuclear Plant Mochovce Reactor 3-4 Completion

Description : Client : SLOVENSKE ELEKTRARNE, Subsidiary of ENEL,Italy – Nuclear Plant Mochovce, SLOVAKIA

Objective(s) : Nuclear Plant  Reactors 3-4 Mechanical  Completion

Achievement(s) :

< Working for the Site Technical Office,the direct operative link between Engineering and Construction ;

< Solving the issues coming from the field,applying the project procedures,finding effective solutions which  do not impair safety and quality and do not have impact on the project timing and costs ;

< Technical coordination as well as direct communication with the Contractors for any technical issue;

< Involvement of Contractors in the solutions to assure safety, quality and consistency with the design concepts and the warranties for the project ;

< Assure that the activities under the scope of work are performed in accordance with the allotted time and with the required quality.

Technical Environment :

< Language : English,Italian

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad,Naviswork 3D

< Standards : Slovak Standards  and ENEL Standards for Power Nuclear Plant,,International  Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.1,ASME BPV Code SEC.III,ASTM,ISO.

2014 – 2015                Lead  Design Piping  Engineer,PMC,  Fluor Kentz,Al-Ahmadi,Kuwait

                                           Projects :

·         Installation of Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (LSFO) ,Fuel Gas and Gas Oil Pipelines from MAA to Sabyia and Doha Power Stations ;

·         New GC-32 (Central Production Facilities)  for Sour Production in South East Kuwait -FEED – LSTK EPC Project ;

·         NKJG- North Kuwait Jurassic Gas (Phase 2) – FEED ;

·        Fuel Feed Piping for Khiran Thermal Power Station (KTPS) – FEED.

Description : Client : KOC KUWAIT

Objective(s) :Project Management Consultancy for several projects in various stages of progress and achievement

Achievement(s) :

< Managed a team of piping professionals.

< Review, comment and approval of technical documentation for engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning and training in accordance with the time frame and other terms and conditions of the Contract.         

< Quality assurance, quality control, supervision and approval of construction work, commissioning, start up, performance testing and training in accordance with the Contract.

< Act on behalf of the Owner (Kuwait Oil Company) in large complex multi-unit projects or a series of projects (generally called a “program”) ;

< Asist the Owner in minimizing costs,maximizing return on investment and timely completion of the program;

< Bring a set of systems,procedures and methodologies for Owner consideration.

< Coordinate the interfaces between the different EPC Contractors during all phases of the program.

Technical Environment :

< Language : English

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Lotus Notes,Autocad,SmartPlant Review 3D.

< Standards : Client (KOC) Standards , FLUOR Standards,2014 Edition,International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,ASME B31.8,API ,ASTM,BS,NACE,MSS SP,ISO,NFPA.

2012 – 2014                Lead Piping ,Valves and Pressure Vessels Engineer,PMC, Gaz de France

                                      Suez,E&P,Algiers,Algeria and Madrid,Spain

·        Project – TOUATGAZ Project Adrar,Algeria

Description : Client : Gaz de France Suez,E&P,France  and  Sonatrach,Algeria                                                   

Objective(s) :FEED Project Review,Support the preparation and evaluation of FEED and EPC Contracts; Call for Tender activity,TQ’s,Technical Evaluations of Bidders ,Detail Design Review, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning and Start-Up

Achievement(s) :

< Managed a team of piping and mechanical professionals.

< FEED Project Review.

< Call for Tender activity,TQ’s,Technical Evaluations of Bidders.

< Provided a comprehensive technical support during Detail Engineering phases of the project.

< Review and comment as Lead PVV all project documents for Piping, including valves elaborated by EPCC Contractor (TECNICAS REUNIDAS Madrid,SPAIN) : Piping Design and Layout Philosophy, Piping material specifications, Piping Wall Thickness Calculations,Plot Plans, General Arrangement Drawings,Stress analysis ,Piping Supports,Piping models, 3D Model Review, Isometrics, Specifications for Corrosion, Insulation, Painting, Welding, Erection,Testing and Inspection, Valve Data Sheets,MTOs,Tehnical Bid Evaluation and Requisitions for : Piping items (pipes, fittings, flanges, bolting, gaskets,etc.), for Piping Special Items and Pipe Special Supports,for Manual Valves (Gate,Globe, Check, Ball,Butterfly,Double Block and Bleed,etc.)  etc. as well as to  Review and Comment the Data Sheets, Calculations, Drawings ,TBE, Vendor Drawings, VDDR, ITP  for: Horizontal and Vertical Pressure Vessels , Columns,Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers,Air-Cooler Heat Exchangers,Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers, Brazed Aluminium Fin-Plate Heat Exchanger (Cold Box) ,Storage Tanks ,Skid Packages ,etc.

< As a Reviewer I provided input to the other disciplines and comment from PVV point of view for the deliverables of Process,Pipeline, Mechanical Rotating,Civil/Structural,Electrical, Instruments, Planning, QA/QC, Procurement, etc.

Technical Environment :

< Language : English,French

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad,PV Elite,Naviswork 3D                                                Standards : Algerian Standards , TOTAL Standards,International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,B31.8,ASME BPV Code SEC.II , VIII Div. 1 & 2,IX,TEMA Std,API ,ANSI, ASTM,NACE,MSS SP,ISO.

2012 – 2012                Lead Piping Engineer,PMC,  Enereco – Italy,Doha,Qatar Branch

                                    Projects :

·        Zaulyia Gas Plant Project (FEED Review ,Estimate proposals and submit tenders to QP, Tenderers Bid Evaluation )

·        Khurmala Pump Station Project (FEED)    

·        Messaied Tank Farm Upgrade (different small Projects)

Description : Client : Qatar Petroleum,PD OMAN

Objective(s) :Project  Engineering Consultancy for Plant Change Requests and Misc.  Engineering Support Services for various QP locations (6 Contracts)

Achievement(s) :

< Managed a team of piping professionals.

< Manhour and Manpower Estimate.

< Cost Estimate for BID.

< Review FEED documentation elaborated by Client's Engineering Company:

·         Scope of Work, International and Local Codes, Standards and Regulations;

·         P&ID’s, PFD’s, Line List, Equipment List;

·         Existing Overall Plot Plan and Site Plan, Piping Layouts

·         Mechanical /Piping Calculations;

·         Piping Material Specification;

·         Specifications, Data Sheets.

< Preparing of Material Requisition for Pipes, Flanges, Pipe Fittings, Valves, Studbolts, Gaskets,Piping Special Items, Insulation, Pipe Supports.                                                                                                                    

< Technical Bid Analysis of Vendors Offers.         

< Commercial Bid Analysis of Vendors Offers.

Technical Environment :

< Language : English

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad,Naviswork 3D

< Standards : Client (QP,PDO) Standards , SHELL Dep Standards,2011 Edition,International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,31.8,ASME BPV Code SEC.II and VIII Div.1, API, ASTM,NACE,MSS SP,ISO.

2011 – 2012                Senior Piping / Pipeline Engineer, Tecnomare Kazakhstan Branch, ENI Group,  

                                      Karachaganak,  Tecninco LLP Aksai,Kazakhstan

                                    Projects :

·        FEED Development for Backwash Water Filtration Project

·        FEED Development for Stripping Tower Acidification Project

·        ECO Centre Fire & Technical segregation Project – Detail Design

·        Unit 3, Close Drain Upgrade System – Revamp Project

Description : Client : Karachaganak Petroleum Operating b.v.,Kazakhstan

Objective(s) : FEED and Detail Engineering projects for several units operating in Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V (Client KPO- Kazakhstan Oil Company).

Achievement(s) :

< Managed a team of piping and mechanical professionals.

< Site Surveys, Pipeline/Flow-Line Rout Survey and Selection in view of HSE Requirement, Route Optimization, Constructability,Local Regulatory Requirement,Environmental Issues etc.                                                                                                                                                               

·         Pipeline Thickness Calculations & Material Selection.                                                                                                         

·         Pre-Bending and Design of Special Crossing ( Road).                                                                                                         

·         Preparation of Pumping & Terminal Station Plot Plans, Piping Layouts, Isometrics, Bill of Materials etc.                                                                                                                                                              

·         Preparing Pipeline Material Specifications, Datasheets and MTOs.                                                                                          

·         Pipeline External Corrosion and Protection System.                                                                                                           

·         Provide input to Plot Plan Development.                                                                                                                              

·         Provide Construction Considerations for include :                                                                                                                 

·         adequate space for lay down and fabrication yards;                                                                                                             

·         access for construction equipment,materials and personnel;                                                                                                

·         avoidance of costly and problematic types of construction such as underground and elevated work when alternatives exist;                                                                                                                                                               

·         minimize the amount of excavation and the time that trenches are left open;                                                                        

·         temporary construction uses of existing facilities;                                                                                                                           

·         planning of adequate drainage during construction.                                                                                                                       

·         Elaboration of Piping Design Philosophy.                                                                                                                                           

·         Elaboration of Scope of Work Document.                                                                                                                                              

·         Piping Material Specification (Selecting of Client's[Company's] Piping Classes or Creating of a New Pipe Spec. (Class) as per Project requirements).                                                                                                                                       

·         Flange Stress Calculations due to Bolt Pre-Load and Yield Load.                                                                                              

·         Pipe Wall Thickness Calculations.                                                                                                                                                        

·         Pipe Branch Thickness and Reinforcement Calculations.                                                                                                               

·         Water-Hammer-Surge Calculations.                                                                                                                                      

·         Pipe Support Calculations.                                                                                                                                                              

·         Piping Fabrication,Erection and Testing Specification of A/G and U/G Piping Lines.                                            

·         Elaboration of Demolition Drawings (Demolition Plot Plan,Demolition Piping G.A.,Demolition Isometrics).                                                                                                                                  

·         Involved in preparation and checking of the project deliverables for Installation  which included plot plans, equipment layouts, piping general arrangement drawings, engineering calculations, pipe support drawings and isometric drawings and ensure that they conform to the required configurations, dimensions, and materials.                                                                                                                                                        ·         Line Lists.                                                                                                                                             ·         Pipe Support Details.                                                                 

·         Tie-In List.                                                                                                                                                                                           

·         Piping Special Items.                                                                                                                                                                               

·         Vessel Nozzle Orientation.                                                                                                                                                               

·         Equipment Locations .                                                                                                                                                                    

·         Valve Data Sheets.                                                                                                                                                                              

·         Piping Material Take Off.                                                                                                                                                              

·         Bulk Material Take Off .                                                                                                                                                                

·         Valves Material Take Off.                                                                                                                                                                     

·         As-Built Drawings .


Technical Environment :

< Language : English,Russian

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad

< Standards : Client (KPO) Standards, RoK Standards & Regulations,SNiP Standards , GOST Std, International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,B31.4,B31.8,ASME BPV Code SEC.II and  VIII Div.1,API , ASTM, NACE,NFPA,MSS SP,ISO,AWWA.

2009 – 2011               Senior Piping Engineer,  Teknica Ltd. (UK) (Taknia Libya Engineering


                                    Projects :

·        Tripoli Main Terminal (TMT) – FEED-Brega Petroleum Company,Libya.

·        Feed phase development of the new Libya Main Terminal tank farm including supply pipe lines from the Zawia refinery, supply lines feeding Tripoli International Airport and gas supply lines feeding the Tripoli Power Station Terminal ;

·        New Condensate Heater-SIRTE OIL COMPANY-MARSA EL-BREGA;

·        HATIEBA Gas Plant Revamp;

·        AKAKUS Oil Operation – GOSP -Detail Design;

·        EL LATEEF SURFACE FACILITIES -FEED -Waha Oil Company, Libya. Feed phase development for a new 30,000 BPD Gas and Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) with associated feed and distribution pipelines collecting oil from the El-Lateef 4U and 4V oil fields.

Description : Client : Brega Petroleum Company,Libya ;  Waha Oil Company, Libya

Objective(s) :FEED and Detail Engineering projects for several  Projects

Achievement(s) :

< Managed a team of piping  professionals.

< Estimate CTR’s for Piping Discipline.

< Attending the kick off meetings, weekly progress meetings and technical review meetings.

< Perform integrity checks of all deliverables and ensure QA/QC.

< Respond all the comments from the client.

< Keep the records of the job.

< Close liaison with the other groups, including Process, Civil, Instrumentation and Electrical.

< Accuracy and quality of all drawings, reports, specifications, schedules and calculations issued on the project.

< Preparation and checking of the project deliverables which included Piping Material Specification,plot plans, equipment layouts, piping general arrangement drawings, engineering calculations, pipe support drawings and isometric drawings and ensure that they conform to the required configurations , dimensions, and materials.

< Preparation and review of studies and reports.

< Prepares letters to vendors and clients.

< Reviews cost estimates and quantity take offs.

< Preparation of tender documents of piping packages (turnkey).

< Bid evaluation, review of drawings prepared by vendors.

< Site visits and data collection.

< Provide construction support and interprets design drawings and specifications

Technical Environment :

< Language : English

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad

< Standards : Client (NOC) Standards,International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3, API , ASTM,NACE,NFPA,MSS SP,ISO.

2008 – 2009                Deputy Mechanical Piping Superintendent Engineer, Snamprogetti S.p.A (Saipem)  

                                     Italy,Mesaieed Industrial City,Qatar Branch

·        Project – QATOFIN LLDPE (Linear Low-Density Poly Ethylene ) Plant,Mesaieed Industrial City,Qatar

Description : Client : QATOFIN ,Qatar

Objective(s) : Erection ,Installation and Pre-Commissioning of the QATOFIN LLDPE Plant Piping Systems

Achievement(s) :

< Managed a team of piping and mechanical professionals.

< Review of sub-contractor design documentation and deliverables including technical queries.

< Review of sub-contractor pre-commissioning documentation (onshore scope).

< Monitor sub-contractors system installation and pre-commissioning activities (onshore scope).

< Co-ordinate sub-contractors integration and testing.

< Review and control of hydrotest sub-contractors procedures and testing.

< Supervise work teams for effective delivery of objectives and efficiency improvement involved in:

·         Fabrication and installation piping work;

·         Preparation mark shop drawing;

·         Hot tap work control;

·         Line check & punch list;

·         Reinstatement;

·         Control material and as-built drawing.

< Test Pack Coordinator.

< Manage resources and equipment to achieve contract completion within budget and time.

< Maintain standards of safety and comply with Company’s Health, Safety & Environment Management System requirements.

< Follow and maintain Company standards of Quality in accordance with Company Quality System requirements.

< Good communication skills, both verbally and orally.                                                                                                   Briefly ,Piping works consisted of :                                                                                                                                                      

·         Installation of buried C.S. (Carbon Steel) piping,including completion and making good of external surface protection with polyethylene tapes and testing.                                                                                                                          

·         Prefabrication / erection of HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene) piping above-ground,with any  type of joint,including testing.                                                                                                                                                                                                   

·         Erection of above-ground C.S.,S.S. (Stainless Steel) piping NPS (Nominal Pipe Size) over 2 inches, prefabricated in spools and/or straight lengths,including radiographic examinations, stress relieving and testing.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

·         Prefabrication and erection of piping NPS less than 2 inches of any material including radiographic examinations,stress relieving and testing.                                                                                                                                       

·         Prefabrication of finished basic parts for piping supports.                                                                                                            

·         Assembly/erection of piping supports consisting of prefabricated  basic parts.                                                                      

·         Erection of Contractor supplied supports (special supports,spring supports,Teflon pads,etc.).                                             

·         Execution of tie-ins including reinforcing of existing piping by means of paddles,T-pieces,etc.                               Painting works consisting in :                                                                                                                                                               

·         Sandblasting and primer application of piping,supports and structures.                                                                                    

·         Touch-up and finishing coating for piping,supports and steel structures,valves,equipment, etc.                                                                                                                                                                   

·         Application of coating for external surface of buried piping in C.S.                                                                       

Insulations works :                                                                                                                                                                                     

·         Execution of hot insulation piping ;                                                                                                                                                  

·         Execution of  hot insulation electrical tracing piping ;                                                                                                                     

·         Execution of cold insulation.                                                                                                                                              

Before Testing :                                                                                                                                                                                               

·         Mechanical Checking of circuits in order to guarantee their conformity with requirements indicated on P&ID's,isometrics, erection drawings, drawings of special and standard supports,and steam-tracing drawings and specification.                                                                                                                                                                                          

·         Checking of Welds and possible PWHT in accordance with requirements laid down in Contractor's specification and the Client's other specifications and/or drawings.                                                                                                                                 

·         Preparation of lines for Testing :                                                                                                                                                     

·         Preparation of Test circuit documents ;                                                                                                                                              

·         Notice of circuit ready for Testing.                                                                                                                                

·         HydroTesting and Pneumatic Test .                                                                                                                                               

·         Re-instatement after Pressure Test.


Technical Environment :

< Language : English,Italian

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad

< Standards : Client  Standards , Snamprogetti  Standards,International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,ASME BPV Code SEC.II and  VIII Div.1,API ,ASTM,NACE ,NFPA,MSS SP, ISO, AWWA, UNI EN ISO.

2008 – 2008                Piping Checking Engineer,  Bateman Energies B.V.,IDO Hutny Project, Bratislava, Slovakia

·        Project – Kashagan Development Experimental Program

Description : Client : Bateman Energies B.V

Objective(s) : Review of KASHAGAN Development Experimental Program Project

Achievement(s) :

< Piping checker for isometric drawings.

< Piping clash checking-in 3D Model and collision detection.

< Review the plant 3D model for all design, check accessibility, maintainability and constructability using SmartPlant Review 3D- software.

< Check documents (internal or subcontracted), drawings and materials in quality & quantity according to technical specifications.

< Oversee the layout and design execution for piping route.

< Check P&ID, ask for a new revision if necessary.

< Check if the piping and equipment as specified meet the project requirements as per industry best practice.

< Check position, components, equipments as location, orientation, size and typical arrangement, dimensions, materials take off, insulation thickness, heat tracing, supporting arrangement, and details of insulation, hydro test pressure, painting specs and provision of vent and drains at appropriate locations, line list, designation lines, orientation drawings etc, according to P&ID drawings and piping class.


Technical Environment :

< Language : English

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad,SmartPlant 3D Review

< Standards : Client  Standards , EPC Kashagan Stds,International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,ASME BPV Code SEC.II and  VIII Div.1,API ,ASTM,NACE,MSS SP,ISO.

2007 – 2008                Lead Piping  Engineer, Clough Zuhayr Fayez Partnership,Al-Khobar,Saudi Arabia

                                    Projects :

·         Upgrade Water Injection & Water Disposal System – Abu Ali Plants – Project Proposal – Saudi Arabia

·        De-bottleneck Condensate System Haradh Gas Plant  – LSTK (Detail Design) – Saudi Arabia

Description : Client : Saudi Aramco,Saudi Arabia

Objective(s) : FEED and Detail Design for the Projects

Achievement(s) :

< •Managed a team of piping professionals.

< Reviewing of EPC contractor’s proposals, documentations and drawings.

< Reviewing of the basis of design, specification, data sheets, requisitions, technical bid evaluations, and drawings.

< Reviewing of engineering procedures, specifications and standards.

< Participate in the project, client and vendor meetings.

< Execute engineering activities specific to the Piping area such as 3D Plant Design reviews, P&ID review etc.

< Establish a list of discipline deliverables.Control and monitor the progress of these deliverables to an agreed schedule.

< Ensure recognized engineering practices applicable to piping design are adopted.

< Provide technical advice / clarification to queries to the EPC contractors.

< Provide Field Engineering Support to the Construction.

< Responsible for the entire piping design, procurement and field engineering functions.

< Developing piping design estimates, schedules and staffing requirements.

< Plot Plan development and maintenance.

< Coordinates piping design activities with other design and engineering groups.

< Monitors and controls budget, schedule labor hours, costs, deviation notices, and progress.

< Report to the Project Manager the status of piping design activities.

< Represent piping design in meetings with suppliers, subcontractors, licensors, clients, and other Company disciplines, and produces documentation required for conference or meeting notes.

< Assists in the development of the piping engineering project completion report.

< Coordinating,supervision and checking the drawings and technical documentation belongs to the Projects of a Piping Design and Piping Engineer’s group ;

< Work among multinational personnel ;

< Elaborating the Basis of Design for Piping Discipline ;

< Elaborating the Specification for Piping Materials ;      

< Pipewall  thickness calculations ;

< Elaborating of the Line Designation Tables ;

< Elaborating of the Valve Data Sheets ;

< Checking and approving the drawings and the technical documents for:

·         Demolition Piping Plans;

·         Tie-in Schedule Index ;

·         Tie-in locations ;

·         Piping Plans for the New Lines ;    

·         Isometric piping details ;

·         Material Take-Off lists ;

·         Squad Check of P&IDs, Mechanical Datasheets, etc.

< Elaborating of the branch reinforcement calculations ;

< Elaborating of the hot-tap calculations ;

< Elaborating hot tapping procedure ;

< Elaborating hydrostatic test diagram for the in plant piping and pipelines ;

< Elaborating of the safety instructions sheets for the critical piping lines .


Technical Environment :

< Language : English

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad,Microstation DWG Viewer

< Standards : Client (SAUDI ARAMCO) Standards,International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,B31.4.B31.8,ASME BPV Code SEC.II and  VIII Div.1,API ,ASTM,NACE,MSS SP,ISO,AWWA.

2007 – 2007                Consultant  Piping  Engineer,  Proger SpA,Pescara,Italy

                                    Projects :

·        Crude Oil & Natural Gas Treatment Plant – Miglianico, Ortona – Italy

·        Gas Plant Crotone – Italy

·        Small Offshore Project Revamp

Description : Client : ENI,Italy

Objective(s) : FEED,Design Detail of the Projects

Achievement(s) :

< Preparation of plant layouts and piping routing  elaboration study .

< Drafting and checking of the piping key plans ,piping general arrangement drawings, pipe support drawings, piping isometric drawing with bill of materials.

< Attending site problems and prepare necessary field sketches for modifications.

< Elaboration of Piping Material Specification, Line List, Valve Data Sheets, Material Take Off.                                       

< Preparation of design calculations used for the projects :

·         Pipe wall thickness calculations ;

·         Hydrostatic test pressure calculations;

·         MAWP calculations .

Technical Environment :

< Language : English,Italian

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad

< Standards : Client (ENI) Standards , International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,  B31.4, B31.8, EN 13480 ,PED,UNI,API ,ASTM,NACE,MSS SP,ISO.

2001 – 2007             Senior Design Engineer – Mechanical  Piping & Static Equipment, S.C.Rafo SA Oneşti (Oil

                            Refinery Plant), Romania

                                    Projects :


·        (“HITEC ® 3062 octane booster is a multifunctional motor gasoline additive that improves octane quality, retards valve-seat recession, saves energy and also reduce NOx tailpipe emissions in cars with catalytic converters”);

·        OLI 5305 (Octel Lubricity Improver 5305) INSTALLATION and CI-0801 (Cetane Improver) INSTALLATION – Detail Design;

·        EXTENSION OF ADDITIVES STATION – Detail Design,Mechanical Completion and Pre-Commissioning;



·      Different Small Modernizations  and Revamps Projects of Area Units

·      Different Repairing Technologies of Static Equipment and Piping

Description : Client : S.C.Rafo SA Oneşti (Oil Refinery Plant), Romania

Objective(s) : FEED,Detail Design,Revamp Projects, Repairing Technologies

Achievement(s) :

< Managed a team of piping and mechanical professionals.

< Pressure vessels design ( vertical and horizontal vessels, columns, reactors, heat exchangers, etc).

< Mechanical Design (Data Sheets,Drawings ,Specifications and Calculations ).                                                      

< Design plant layout, piping routing, isometrics, material take off, wall pipe thickness calculation.

< Supervision activity of a team inclusive drafters and engineer designers;good experience and practice to verify and to advise designs of technological equipments.

< Checking and approving of Mechanical Static Equipment and Piping deliverables. 

< ISCIR Authorized for Piping & Pressure Vessels Design.                                                                                                                                                                                                    

< Execute necessary design details relevant to the discipline.

< Compiling and maintaining of drawing files and records.   


Technical Environment :

< Language : Romanian,English

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad,MQ-Piping

< Standards : Romanian Standards (STAS) for Refinery Industry ,ISCIR Normes ,International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,ASME BPV Code SEC.II and  VIII Div.1,TEMA Std,EN 13480,EN 13445,API , ASTM , NACE,MSS SP,ISO,PED.

1996 – 2001                Deputy Director  ; Maintenance 2nd in Command,  SC Indondine Impex SA Onesti    

                                      (Chemical  Detergent  Plant), Romania

·        Project – Detergent Plant

Description : Client : Industrial Export Bucharest & Chimcomplex Borzesti,Romania

Objective(s) : Erection, mechanical completion, precommissioning, commissioning and starting up

,Plant Maintenance

Achievement(s) :

< Managed a team of mechanical,civil,structural,electrical and instruments professionals.

< Supervision of erection, mechanical completion,precommissioning,commissioning and starting up activities of a Chemical Plant (Chemithon Sulfonation Unit,Hosokawa-Schugi Conditioning Unit,ACMA GD Line Detergent Boxes Packaging).     

< Plan, organize and control the maintenance of all facilities and equipments, complete maintenance of stationary and rotary machinery assigned in plant area and plan Annual plant shutdown and Overhauling

Technical Environment :

< Language : Romanian,English

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office

< Standards : Romanian Standards (STAS) , International Codes and Standards such as : ASME B31.3,ASME BPV Code SEC.II and  VIII Div.1,API ,ASTM,NACE,MSS SP,ISO.

1994 – 1996                Technical Manager ;  Production Director, SC Uton SA Onesti (Technological Equipment

                                      Fabrication Plant),Romania

·        Project – Different Projects for Technological Equipment Manufacturing

Description : Client : Different Clients from Petrochemical,Refinery,Chemical,Power Plant  industries,both internal and external (for Export).

Objective(s) : Manufacturing of a large range of technological  equipments,skids and welded structures  for Petrochemical,Refinery,Chemical,Power Plant industries.

Achievement(s) :

< Management of the technological equipments fabrication process from oil & gas industry, chemicals, petrochemicals, iron & steel industry: heat exchangers, pressure vessels (horizontal and vertical pressure vessels,reactors, LPG storage tanks, columns), hot water and steam boilers, welded steel structures.

< Coordination of scheduled production programming.

Technical Environment :

< Language : Romanian,English

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad,Compress

< Standards : Romanian Standards (STAS) , ISCIR Normes,International Codes and Standards  such as :,ASME BPV Code SEC.II and  VIII Div.1 & 2,TEMA Std,PED,API ,ASTM,NACE,ISO.

1984 – 1994                Mechanical Engineer ; Design Engineer – Mechanical; Lead Design Mechanical Engineer 

                                      SC Carom SA Onesti (Petrochemical Synthetic Rubber Fabrication Plant),Romania

                                    Projects :



·        Different Pressure Vessels (Static) Equipment, Columns and Heat Exchangers Detail Design;

·        Different Process Piping System Design (especially ISO-metrics) belongs to : Petrochemical, Refinery and Chemical Industry;

·        Different spare parts of rotating equipments desing projects.

Description : Client : SC Carom SA Onesti (Petrochemical Synthetic Rubber Fabrication Plant),Romania

Objective(s) : Pressure Vessels Design, Design for spare parts of rotating equipments,Piping ISOmetrics

Achievement(s) :

< Managed a team of piping and mechanical professionals.

< Pressure Vessels Design (Horizontal & Vertical Pressure Vessels,Columns,Reactors,Heat Exchangers) and associated static and structural appurtenances .                                                                                                                      

< Design for piping (piping layouts, isometrics, isochecking, material selection, wall pipe thickness calculation).

< Design for spare parts of rotating equipments (pumps, compressors, blowers, fans, gears, etc).

< Design checking, ISCIR Authorized Verifier.

< Attending site problems and prepare necessary field sketches for modifications.

< Supervise and guide technical assistants to produce work following the required procedures, quality standards and time schedules.

< Provide construction support and interprets design drawings and specifications.

< Receive and distribute design instructions pertaining to plant design requirements and procedures.

< Review and approve Area/Unit piping design drawings and isometrics.

Technical Environment :

< Language : Romanian

< Tools : Computer software : MS Office,Autocad

< Standards : Romanian Standards (STAS), ISCIR Normes,International Codes and Standards such as : ASME BPV Code SEC.II and  VIII Div.1,TEMA Std,API ,ASTM,NACE,ISO.

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