Figura professionale: Project Manager – Department manager

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Sede preferita: Torino

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Project Manager - Department manager


Data Employed – 01/02/2018 – present – Manager – Global Design Integrity & Risk Management. Inside the global team, I’m in charge or the EMEA region for the Body area (underbody, upperbody, BIW, closures, external trims). Main activities: • Monthly Report to the top management of the initiative KPI for each programs analysed to provide the related risk assessment for each Body Sub-system. The risk assessment analysis provide for each vehicle program the needed corrective actions for timing, cost, and contents respect • Ensure the implementation of all program Risk Assessments and Mitigation Plans verifying the technical feasibility, design maturity, testing and validation plans for all the expected program milestones; • Ensure all Mitigation Plans produce a technical evidence to proceed (Go / no-Go) for medium & high risk components & systems; • Ensure the adoption of proper DFSS tools to support robust designs and validation of new contents and/or technologies as well as for all those components with Quality or user experience problems; • Establish DFMEA risk assessments with approved detection-based mitigation plans for all failure modes; • All Mitigation Plans has to ensure all enablers are included in the Partial spend submission for the Product Committee;

Data Employed – 01/02/2015 – 01/02/2018 – Manager – Ergonomic Performance Competence Center at FCA Mirafiori – Product Development. Inside the Ergonomics PCC I was in charge of the Ergonomics Testing Department (20 specialists and 5 Laboratories). The team performs Ergonomics physical and HMI validation test and measurements. Main activities & competencies:  Ergonomics & HMI physical test management;  User Interfaces and Logics and flow development and validation, Innovative User Interface Concepts, Electrical and Electronical components and systems HMI and Ergonomics performances.  IDP (Integrated development Plan) management for Ergonomics PCC assessments;  User Testing (qualitative/quantitative researches) Link with Program Managers and Technical Departments of FIAT Group, Department competencies enlargement and growth;  Special activity the adoption of a Seats comfort analysis by pressure maps as objective data and by Ride and Drive test as subjective data combined with Seats characterization – measurements of H-point and ergonomics sections;  Effort measurement and 3D scan of physical objects ;  Backlit measurements and dark room management.  Courtesy and ambient light measurements.

1/04/2011 – 01/02/2015 – Manager – Infotelematics unit at Centro Ricerche Fiat (Fiat Research centre). I was in charge of the System Technologies Department (30 people and 3 laboratories Precise navigation, wearable devices, telematics boards). team coordination for activities related to the design and development of:  navigation and precise location systems;  car2car communication;  ECO function to reduce fuel consumption and pollution emission using vehicle motion data and driving style evaluation;  Nomadic devices integration;  Infotaiment system, specification, system development and production launch of infotainment system like the Blue&Me;  Long Range communication (LTE, HSDPA, ..), Short Range Communication (BT, NFC, BTLE, ZigBee) services and application;  Emergency call platform;  Location Based Services, off board navigation, trip assistan;  Innovation and Research projects to update current telematics components of the product development team (shark fin antenna, traffic sign recognition, ) Projects on above themes have been developed for FIAT Automobiles – FCA, Fiat Industrials – Iveco & CNH and for National and European research projects. Competencies:  Embedded platforms solutions for telematics prototypes (TBM, VPx, ..);  Design, development, and rapid prototyping of end to end location based services;  Data Management applied in automotive and telematics;  Knowledge and experience on long, short and middle range communication technologies;  Knowledge and experience on Positioning, map, local dynamic map and EHorizon as enabling technologies for next generation ECOInnovations and ADAS functions;  Knowledge on broadcasting systems evolution for infotainment;  Design of innovative applications in the convenience, infotainment and Location Based Services domains;

01/02/2012 – 01/02/2015 – Project Manager – European project coordinator, . GAIN’s aim is to realize an in-vehicle system for the autonomous regulation of the vehicle dynamic according to the Electronic Horizon and the neighbour scenario. Technologies put on field (EDAS, EGNOS, GPS, 802.11p, CAN, LDM, ADASRP, multipath mitigation, HMI, 3G, Web – Services)

01/01/2010 – 31/12/2011 – Project Manager – European project coordinator, . COVEL’ aim was to develop a lane level navigation system based on mass market GNSS receiver. Technologies put on field (EDAS, EGNOS, GPS, Relative Position, Cooperative map matching, 802.11p, CAN, LDM, ADASRP, HMI, 3G, Web – Services)

17/07/2007 – 01/06/2011: – Project Manager – at Centro Ricerche Fiat (Fiat Research centre), in the role Project Manager in themes related to:  navigation and precise location systems  car2car communication  ECO function to reduce fuel consumption and pollution emission using vehicle motion data and driving style evaluation. Projects on above themes have been developed either for FIAT Automobiles either in the field of National and European research projects.

17/12/2004 – 17/07/2007 Expert researcher at Centro Ricerche Fiat. contributing in different tasks related to several Innovation and European founded projects (SAFESPOT, CVIS, INSAFETY, SSAE, ..) :  Proposal preparation, budget distribution, negotiation phase;  To specify and develop innovations related to Navigation and location systems (dead reckoning, Hybrid Navigation, E-Horizont)  To design the architecture of the vehicle Prototype  To integrate prototype systems often belonging from several partners  To specify and realize validation and test session.  Responsible for the Quality aspects of the project

1/02/2004 – 17/12/2004 : Consultant at Centro Ricerche Fiat- employee of the Adecco company.  System engineer and software development in Java  in TARGASYS (a FIAT’s company), to deploy and to test advanced OEM navigation system (on and off board) gone in production and sold in the FIAT model PUNTO OBN (188).

1/02/2003 – 29/02/2004 : Stage –Centro Ricerche Fiat  to design and to specify systems used for in vehicle infotainment, driver alert and emergency call.  to develop software as member of the team of the Embedded Software department ( java, C++)

20/6/2002 – 20/12/2002: Second stage in Supelec (Ecole Supérieure D’Electricité de Paris), this work has been included in the final elaborate presented either in Supelec either in Politecnico di Torino.  QoS for multiplexer services on UMTS network using OPENET  Mpeg models analysis  Model development for an Mpeg4 codec

20/9/2001 – 20/3/2002: First Stage in Supelec  Turbo Code performance evaluations in digital communication systems 

Education 09/2000-01/2003 Politecnico di Torino: 5 years degree in Telecommunication Engineering (note: 106/110) 09/2001-01/2003 Ecole Supérieure D’ Electricité (Supélec) Parigi : 5 years degree in Electronic and Digital communication engineering thanks to a Double degree programme named “SOCRATES”. This programme foreseen 18 months in the foreign university, an year of exams and 6 months of thesis. 1996-06/2000 First years of Engineering study in Università di Catania Electronic engineering

Computer skills Programming languages: C, C++, Turbo Pascal, Java, Matlab Operating Systems: Windows (XP,2000,etc), Linux, Ms-Dos Platforms: Office packet, Project, Opnet. Languages English: very goood French: good Italian: Mother tongue

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