Figura professionale: Python developer junior

Nome Cognome: J. B.Età: 31
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: San Raffaele

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Python developer jr.


A Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology at Tuscia University of Viterbo
2012/2013-2015/2016 (18/12/2015) with 103/110 (GPA C).

A Master school Degree in Bioinformatic at University of Tor Vergata
2015/2016-2017-2018 with 109/110 (GPA B) (25/05/2018).

December 2018 – now
GoReply (committed by Sky)
– Methodology and resources: Jenkins, Git, Openshift, Linux environment;
– Update actual version of jenkins pipeline to the new one in order to bring more
structure to CI/CD pipeline

GoReply (committed by HUMANITAS)
Python Developer
– Methodology and resources: Firebase (Firestore, Firebase per Storage), AppEngine,
vuejs, Git, linux environment;
– Aim: create a reliable Secure docs Transfer system to allow clinicians and patients to
interact easily, share documents under zonal policy and review personal usage;
– programming languages and framework: python, vue.js;

GoReply (committed by GUCCI)
Python developer
– Methodology: Google Natural Language API, BigQuery, Dataflow, Google Auto ML
API, linux environment;
– Activity: Develop of a Dataflow pipeline to analyze with Sentiment Analysis all the chat
that will be stored in BigQuery to drive sales insights. The pipeline can to scale up and
down in order to follow the need. We evaluated the context of the conversation in order
to detect the main focus and find a way to pitch products to satisfy the customer;
– programming languages: python;

GoReply (committed by ENI)
Python developer
– Methodology: Google Cloud Search, Cloud Vision API, Cloud Natural Language API,
Cloud Video Intelligent API, AppEngine, linux environment;
– Focus: Developing of a new system for tagging and indexing web pages, based on
Google Natural Language API, Google Cloud Search and AppEngine;
– programming languages: python;

September 2018 – December 2018
San Raffaele Hospital
– perform alignment and variant calling on DNA sample for Alleanza Contro il Cancro
project (against cancer)
– implement an internal mongodb database to store patients schedas and enrollment

I spent my Msc internship at C.S.S. Institute in Bioinformatic Unit in Rome in which i
took part of a project regarding the use of network science to analyze high-throughput
data and prove how mathematical features reflect biological features. I developed a
web tool, JVision, to upload and visualize biological graphs with different layouts and file
formats (bin, json, SIF). Front-end was based on Cytoscape JS library while back-end
used pandas and numpy to manage data. This tool allows the conversion of biological
data into a graph and the network analysis with canonical metrics (Degree,
Betweenness centrality, Shortest Path, Betweenness Centrality etc.), using community
findings algorithms (using ClusterONE). In addition it was possible to analyze data using
non canonical metrics of network analysis (using Pyntacle, a tool developed in my
Bioinformatic Unit that search key players into a graph in which i took part). To merge
and perform all these features I set a Flask server and to enrich the data i set REST API
APID, BioGRID and Kegg2PPI.
I prepared three use cases in order to compare with the usual pipeline the efficiency of
this tool. For example to perform RNA-Seq analysis, i used HT-Seq and edgeR to
analyze the .sam and .bam files. Once obtained differential expression data, I
transformed it into a biological graph and i enriched the result with public biological
repository. Then I used Pyntacle software to detect key nodes into the graph and
evaluated the additional info provided by this pipeline. This experience of one year and
five months made me interested in software development and data analysis as much
that I'd like to continue this way.
I took part in a Data structures course that includes parsing bio data, unsupervised
machine learning and supervised machine learning and IELTS course pitched by my

One of the work played in Tor Vergata was the project concerning web application of
medicine. It was about the ideation and development of a web app that prepare the
chosen molecule ready for molecular dynamic. The project name was A.G.A.T.E. and it
is well-fitting since it means Automatic Generator of Amber Tools Elements. Starting
from PDB or local upload of the molecule, the app allowed the user to choose force
fields, solvation box, water type and the ligand with which to play molecular dynamic.
The output was a file with the proteic complex made of the chosen protein and him
ligand. This utility isn’t provided by other apps at the moment of the development.
Also the biomedical statistical exam includes a work project in which we use R
programming to perform statistical test (T-test and Fisher test) and compare differential
expressed genes during carcinogenesis process in patients exposed to polluting
I created a mySQL database concerning drugs, cells inhibited by its (cancer and non
cancer cells), inhibition intensity, therapies in which drugs are and country where are
allowed. It was a relational database normalized in (1,1)(1,n).
During my studies I acquired C, Python, Javascript, Jquery, PHP, HTML, CSS, ruby,
mySQL and Linux bash programming.

I joined my Bachelor’ internship at the Belcolle AUSL-Hospital in Viterbo in the
laboratory of microbiology, electrophoresis and emathology.

I passed the IELTS exam on 8th of July 2018 with vote 6. 5 and I obtained the Google
Cloud Data Engineer Certification on 6
th of August 2019. (you can check my Linkedin
account )


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