Figura professionale: Senior Software Engine

Nome Cognome: T. S.Età: 39
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Senior Software Engine


August/2018-present R&D (Movia SPA) -Research, development and implementation of Lawful Interception based on ETSI(European Telecommunications Standards Institutes) specification, proprietary protocol from Umet TLC and vodafone telecommunication infrastructure using C++ for encoding and decoding and C++ based recording of monitored user communication information. – Visual Human fall detection from real time video development and implementation in C++ and OpenCV3.4.0

November/2017-July/2018 Mid Senior Software Engineer -Electrolux Professional(Pordenone)[ As consultant, employer Movia SPA] Key terms and technologies used: C, C++, Qt, QML, Arm-cortex, Connectivity, Embedded systems for home appliances, DBUS, cross compiling Some of libraries developed: Touch screen calibration Dynamic QR code generation and popup for different types of alarms, serial number,product number and Connectivity( WIFI, Broadband, Serial communication)

Sept/2017- November/2017​[ As consultant, employer Movia SPA] Automotive communication network(CAN) Troubleshooting errors on CAN(Controller Area Network) networks. Installing CAN database, testing CAN communication with Canalyzer and CAN case from Vector, analysing can frames, developing and modifying C/C++ code for ticketing, validating, controlling, trip-routes, etc. Flashing C/C++ code on embedded ARM-iMX6. Modifying kernel code due to error in received frames(ifconfig can1 showed error on Rx frames only but canalyser didn’t show any error on either Rx or Tx frames) due to which retransmission of file occurred from the beginning. Finally we had to modify the firmware and flash.

Researcher and ​Software Developer CNR, Milan area, Italy June/2016 – August/2017 Key terms technologies used:Mysql, SQL, ubuntu, php, html,css, J2EE, phpmyadmin, ssh, AWS R&D in the Software Domain System development and integration, industry 4.0, automation Project Opportunities Platform For National Research Council of Italy(CNR), Tadewos developed a web based collaborative crowdfunding platform on which researchers host their research proposal for discussion(collaboration) and finally for crowdfunding. Researcher and Developer TNO, Delft and Hague, Netherlands. Jan-Sept/2015 NATO required to have a generic routing protocol which can efficiently be applied in dynamic environments such as in battlefield. According to this requirement, several consortium members like TNO, SAAB, THALES, TEKEVER, Alto University defined project specification for MiDNET(Military DTN). Tadewos got an award to develop this project from TNO, the Netherlands. Finally defined the generic routing approach, developed and implemented this project, expanding initial project scope to make generic and finally inventing new routing protocol. Key terms and technologies used: C++11, Debian based alix routers, Qt creator, Gcc compiler, Git, JSON Activities in brief: • Researching on best approach to routing in Disruption Tolerant Networks • Researching on best approach on signal processing and coding for transmission, storage, communication and information retrieval in resource(power, channel, storage) limited systems. • Theoretically and mathematically defining the algorithmic solution • Expansion of initial project scope to make the routing protocol generic on the course of project development • Analysing existing software stack source code and understanding interaction among different modules of the whole C++ software protocol stack • Developing C++ modules for routing protocol and for communication with gpsd daemon to integrate with the whole protocol stack • Testing among 8 alix routers in test bed using json generated files for 8 nodes. Software Developer for Network Domain EthioTelecom 2008-2012 => Designing diagrammatic process flows using microsoft visio => Based on flow diagrams of process, developed and implemented an incident mitigation dashboard application using C++ and Qt4 with team of 10

​Education ​Master's Degree in Information Engineering ​Department of Information Engineering (D.I.I.), University of Brescia, Italy. ​2012-2014 Final thesis​: Georouting applied in Disruption Tolerant Networks Labs and courses work include​: Digital image and video processing and visualization, Surface and Volumetric Data Rendering and Visualisation, Traffic modeling and streaming, Remote sensing(Remote sensed images analysis, processing and applications), Advanced methods for information representation, Digital audio processing, Multimedia communication services, Communication theory, Information theory, Electronics for telecommunications, System identification and data analysis. Projects and extracurricular work​: Saliency mapping and object tracking, point Cloud ,SIFT, Vector Quantization of video, Histogram equalization, color space conversion, subsampling of chromance components, image sampling, video sampling, optimal prediction filter, Motion-Compensated Prediction, Block Transforms, Sub-band filtering, Retrieval, classification & clustering BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering ​Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia 2003-2007 This is a 5 year extensive course which includes but not limited to signal processing, engineering electronics I and II, logic design, introduction to computer methods, computer architecture and organization, software design, interfacing, telecommunications, computer programming, data structures and algorithms, programming languages, engineering mathematics, fundamentals of electronics, electrical workshop I and II, Electrical Engineering lab I and II, Electrical measurement and measuring devices, instrumentation engineering, applied mathematics I and II, control systems I and II, introduction to microprocessor, electrical drives, power electronics Graduation project​: 2 person :Speech based identity recognition implemented in c++.

​Training and certificates Java EE Certificate ​XTPHERE S.R.L, Milan, Italy February-April/2017 An extensive course with labs, projects and demonstration is covered JEE, html, hibernate, spring, strut, etc. J2EE frameworks, HTML5, CSS, MongoDB, Javascript. CCNA certification, CCNP routing exam. ​ Jimma University Cisco Academy ​Sept/2006-July/2007 Networking basics, Router and routing basics, Switching basics and intermediate routing, WAN technologies​ and lab experiments

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