Figura professionale: Java Developer

Nome Cognome: I. R.Età: 42
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Milano

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Java Developer


Tel-Ran (January 2019 – present) Position: Java Engineer Projects: ● Gastronomic Database Tech Stack: Java 8 ,Spring Boot, Spring Thymeleaf, Maven, Flyway, Hibernate/Jpa ,MySql, Docker, Junit, EasyMock, Spring Test, Telegram Bot Description: A service provider searches for various gastronomic products and ingredients after some parameters. Back-end integration with various clients via REST API: web frontend, telegram bot. Responsibilities: ● Work with the product owner and team leader ● My responsibility in this project is Back-End (development, testing, cloud deployment) ● Design architecture of project from scratch ● I used Spring Thymeleaf for front end MVP ● Near 100% unit test coverage plus integration and automated end-to-end tests ● Experience with running microservices in Docker + AWS EC2 ● Project GitHub Link

BerLogo (December 2018 – present)  Position: Java Engineer Projects: ● Estimator Tech Stack: Java 8 ,Spring Boot, Maven, Junit, Mock Description: Rest API design and back-end implementation using Java and Spring Responsibilities: ● Created REST API endpoints ● Implementing tests using JUnit and EasyMock

Education Tel-Ran 2018-2019 JAVA PROGRAMMING & QA Testing IT Education Center Tel-Ran Berlin (Germania) Udemy 2018 Advanced Java Certificate Link Instituto Gama 2014-2015 TECNIC HARDWARE E SOFTWARE PRO Technical Specialist Milano (Italy)

Summary ● Work experience with building Back-End applications using Java 8 and Spring Boot ● Work experience with Hibernate, Jpa ● Work experience with SQL databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL) ● Using Agile frameworks like Scrum in the team for project management ● Experienced with dockerizing my applications and deploying them to AWS EC2 ● Experienced in Unit & Integration testing ● Work experience with JavaScript ● Work experience with Bootstrap Technical Skills ● Back-End: (Java/Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Maven) ● DB: PostgreSQL, MySQL ● ORM / ODM: Hibernate/JPA ● Version Control: GitHub ● DevOps: ✓ AWS ✓ Docker ✓ Networking foundations ● Unit tests: TDD, BDD (Mocha, JUnit) ● Front-End: ✓ HTML/CSS ✓ Bootstrap ✓ JavaScript ✓ WordPress (

Languages English – B1(fluent) Italian – C2 Romanian/Russian -Native

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