Figura professionale: Plant/Operation/Production manager

Nome Cognome: G. V.Età: 42
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Estero

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Plant/Operation/Production manager


From Dec 2018 till Now
Production Manager
Management of the assembly department and IE department.
 Production Manager → In the assembly team there are 40 operators and 10 employees that I manage
in order to guarantee the machines requested every month respecting and taking care :
• The quality standard request by the head quarter
• The timing expected for the production ( NO OT )
• Improving continuously the process in order to get saving (time and consumables )
• OTD (On time delivery )
• Plan training of different operators in order to improve their skill matrix
IE Manager → In the IE team there are 8 employees that I manage in order to :
• Give maximum support to production and assembly (our internal custumers ) to improve
continuously the process ( fixture , layout , time study , avoid the waste )
• Implementation of step line for assembly (Takt time logic )
• Give support R&D for improving of the BOM accurancy
• Follow up the gantt and the kaizen paper for the future implementation of prototype machine
• Create the routing on the system and daily checking of the respect of that
Korex Biesse China ( Dongguan )
Production and distribution of machine to work wood and glass

From Feb 2017 to Dec 2018
Kaizen Manager
Owner of the total Relayout of the factory ( 20.000 m2 )
Assembly improvement → Change the old process assembly to step line assembly
(time study , balance , layout , fixture , implementation , sustaining )
Shop floor improvement → Time study , Layout , Smed ,Fixture, Flow of material and information
Flow improvement ,Tool purchase management, fixture team management
Maintenance → Preventive maintenance planning, managing of all the maintenance team of the plant
(Total 10 employees )
Management of IE and Pe team → Management and coordination of industrial and process engineer
team . (Total 15 employees )
Report directly to the CEO
Korex Biesse China ( Dongguan )
Production and distribution of machine to work wood and glass

 Date From September 2015 to May 2017
Occupation or position held Employee in Kaizen Office
Main activities and responsibilities Kaizen activities In China
 Layout in China
 Time studying
 Assembly process improvement in China
Name and address of employer Biesse (Pesaro)
Type of business or sector Production and distribution of machine to work wood glass and stone

Date From January 2015 to August 2015
Occupation or position held University researcher
Main activities and responsibilities Finite element analysis of mechanical vibrations for airplanes engines
Name and address of employer Imperial College London
Type of business or sector Aerospace engineering

Date From March 2014 to December 2014
Occupation or position held Employee on production office
Main activities and responsibilities I took care the development and implementation of philosophy 'LEAN' inside the company.
In addition, I measured production times, in order to study the best possible balance
of the production lines.
Control availability materials necessary to ensure production. ( Avoid shortage)
I did experience and became aware of production problems and
developed good relational skills, having daily interaction with colleagues and especially with the
workers to understand their problems.
Name and address of employer Rivacold ( Montecchio )
Type of business or sector Production and distribution of components and products for the refrigeration and air conditioning..

Date From September 2013 to January 2014
Occupation or position held Intern in production office
Main activities and responsibilities In this internship I integrated the project of development and implementation of new management
software for planning and scheduling of production. After having understood the limitations and critical
aspects of the software and understood what was,, according to the production manager, the situation
to aim at, I proposed two mathematical models of optimization aimed at obtaining a master schedule
that would fit better the demands of the responsible. Great learning experience to understand the
issues related to production planning. This experience also allowed me to make a good experience
with optimization software
Name and address of employer Benelli Armi ( Urbino )
Type of business or sector Arms production

Date From January 2011 to December 2013
Occupation or position held Online store management
Main activities and responsibilities Manager of the online store. I Took care to the pictures of the objects, of their modification and the
whole creation of the adverts.
I took care also for the management of sales and shipments of the objects and the whole interaction
with customers around the world, particularly Russians.
Name and address of employer Lucia ( Fossombrone, Fano, Marotta )
Type of business or sector Online sales

Date From January 2006 to January 2012
Occupation or position held Shop assistant to clothing store
Main activities and responsibilities Shop assistant clothing store (part-time work)
Experience very formative about interpersonal relationships.
Name and address of employer Lucia ( Fossombrone, Fano, Marotta )
Type of business or sector Clothes
Date From March 1998 to today
Occupation or position held Soccer referee
Main activities and responsibilities After refereed competitions at the regional level, have been
promoted and I refereed national competitions.
I refereed competitions until the D series, and refereed throughout Italy: Milan, Rome, Naples,
Catania, Palermo.
This experience full of responsibilities allowed me to mature very temperamentally and taught to make
important decisions quickly.
I also feel that this activity was highly constructive morally and has strengthened my spirit of honesty
and fairness.
Name and address of employer AIA-FIGC
Type of business or sector Soccer

Date From July 2001 to September 2001
Occupation or position held Kitchen assistant
Main activities and responsibilities Kitchen assistant , dishwasher
Name and address of employer Leonardo
Type of business or sector Londra

Date From June 2000 to September 2000
Occupation or position held Mason Apprentice
Main activities and responsibilities Summer job
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector Building

Date From January 1998 to January 2000 (occasional jobs)
Occupation or position held Waiter / Barman
Main activities and responsibilities Waiter / Barman
Name and address of employer Fossombrone
Type of business or sector Food & beverage

Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) Italian
Other language(s) English
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
Language C1 C1 C1 C1 C1
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Foreign Language Certificates
Title of qualification awarded
Computer skills and
Excellent knowledge of Office especially Excel.
Good knowledge of various optimization programs.
Notions of Solid Egde.
Good knowledge of Photoshop.
Excellent skills in information search and browsing internet. 

Education and training
Date Specialist degree achieved in date 21/02/2014 .
Title of qualification awarded Magistral doctor in industrial mechanical engineering. (Graduated with 110 with honors)
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
“Politecnico delle Marche”
Date Degree of first level achieved in date 10/03/2006 .
Title of qualification awarded Doctor in managerial engineering and control of the production. (Graduated with 110 with honors)
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
“Politecnico delle Marche”
Date High school achieved year :2001.
Title of qualification awarded Graduates scientific high school
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
“Liceo scientifico Laurana

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