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Sviluppatore C


LIST SPA SYSTEM INTEGRATION TEAM LEAD SINCE 11/2018 Given my experience in integrating with electronic markets, I was promoted as leader of a team of more than 10 software architects, with the task of implementing integration gateways. My main activity is about preparing daily and long period workloads for my team, other than coordinating the team members and guiding them sharing my knowledge. Motivating the team to achieve high standards is my preferred challenge, always focusing on business targets and praising team members in order to maintain a positive working environment. I understand the good balance between introducing and reducing technical debt and I always try to promote cooperation between team members through code review methodology. I know how to influence changes, without needing to force them. Because of this, I prefer to advise and guide, and I don’t need an authoritarian approach to leadership. I also feel satisfied in mentoring and training up junior and new staff I often take part to the analysis phase and to development / review of implementation of the most critical components. The gateways are mostly implemented in C/C++ or Java, depending on the API provided by the vendor. BondVision 12.6, EurexT7 7.1, XetraT7 7.1, CanDeal, SWX SMR 8.0, SWX MDDX, TMX Shorcan, EspeedUS-BGC Fenecs, EspeedUS– Nasdaq NFI, TradeWebUS, CME BrokerTec are some of last development goals of my team, other than critical Brexit adjustments to CHIX, Tradeweb, Brokertec, Bloomberg Trading Facility, MTS CMF and BV gateways.

LIST SPA SENIOR SOFTWARE ARCHITECT PROJECT MANAGER 11/ 2003 – 11/2018 I started working at List as a developer and had the chance to deal with several projects during this time. My activities focused mainly in designing and developing gateways used by List’s proprietary trading platform to access various electronic trading venues. Such components are used by the platform to translate and normalize the market data / transaction that flows in both directions. The tasks performed include the analysis of the protocol or API provided by the electronic market, the interaction with the provider of the endpoint (such as institutional markets / brokers), the implementation of several gateways for each endpoint. During this period I had the chance to improve the development process of a gateway, defining general guidelines and implementing various libraries largely used in several software applications in the company, in order to perform common tasks. On top of that, I matured working knowledge of the most relevant concepts of electronic trading / financial instruments. I successfully implemented gateways for a lot of electronic markets. In many cases they required the implementation of a protocol on top of the TCP/IP stack, in other cases a library with an API for C/C++, Java or C# was provided. Some of my greatest success are gateways for: EUREX, XETRA, EUREX BOND, EUREX REPOS, EUREX US, SENAF, SIBE, LIFFE, ICAP I-SWAP, SWX, TASE, NYSE, REUTERS, BLOOMBERG, BROKERTEC, MTA, MOT, SEDEX, TLX, IDEM, CHI-X, CMF, BONDVISION, CME, ESPEED, EURONEXT, BARX, LSE, MarketAxess, TRADEWEB, TRADX, TULLET PREBON, WSE. Moreover I developed several gateways connecting toward brokers, by using FIX up to 5.0 SP2 protocol, and a lot of market data gateways using FIX/FAST (1.0, 1.x.1, 1.2) protocol. I had several experiences in developing portable low-level libraries (NT, Solaris, Linux). Furthermore I carried out some important projects, and products, like the following: ABCo platform: multiple third-party software, specifically developed for Amias Berman & Co LLP, integrating clients OMS via FIX, a pricing engine, and Bloomberg ALLQ. The platform allowed the firm offering to clients an innovative end-toend electronic order execution service, in tandem to its voice-broking business. MiFID2 Lookout platform: a solution in modular and innovative Cloud mode dedicated to the surveillance of negotiations. It has been designed to monitor all data flows in compliance with the MiFID, MiFIR, EMIR, and MAD directives, and incorporates the new ESMA guidelines. LookOut is able to process public and private trading data in real time, providing timely warnings for any interventions, as required by current regulations. It allows market platform managers, investment firms and regulators to easily control trading operations. It also makes possible to exploit the wealth of information in the historical database, and in real time, even for purposes other than surveillance, implementing customized algorithms for the most varied business needs, and quantitative analysis.

CNR PISA JUNIOR RESEARCHER 07/2003–11/2003 I was a member of ISTI, KDD group, at CNR, Pisa. I have been a junior researcher, and developer of data mining algorithms, for constrained pattern minining, mainly joining monotone and antimonotone constraints togheter, inside Apriori and FP-tree methodologies. In a very short period I achieved excellent results that was issued in several scientific publications. Journals: Francesco Bonchi, Fosca Giannotti, Alessio Mazzanti, Dino Pedreschi: Exante: A Preprocessing Method for Frequent-Pattern Mining. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(3): 25-31 (2005) Francesco Bonchi, Fosca Giannotti, Alessio Mazzanti, Dino Pedreschi: Efficient breadth-first mining of frequent pattern with monotone constraints. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 8(2): 131-153 (2005) Conferences: Francesco Bonchi, Fosca Giannotti, Alessio Mazzanti, Dino Pedreschi: ExAMiner: Optimized Level-wise Frequent Pattern Mining with Monotone Constraint. ICDM 2003: 11-18 Francesco Bonchi, Fosca Giannotti, Alessio Mazzanti, Dino Pedreschi: Adaptive Constraint Pushing in Frequent Pattern Mining. PKDD 2003: 47-58 Francesco Bonchi, Fosca Giannotti, Alessio Mazzanti, Dino Pedreschi: ExAnte: Anticipated Data Reduction in Constrained Pattern Mining. PKDD 2003: 59-70 Francesco Bonchi, Fosca Giannotti, Alessio Mazzanti, Dino Pedreschi: Pre-processing for Constrained Pattern Mining. SEBD 2003: 519-530

EDUCATION UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PISA 09/1996 – 07/2003 Computer science master degree – 109/110 ISTITUTO TECNICO INDUSTRIALE STATALE LEONARDO DA VINCI, PISA 09/1990 – 07/1996 Electronic and telecommunications industrial technician certificate – 56/60

LANGUAGES Italian first language English good

SKILLS Microsoft Excel Linux Microsoft Windows FIX/FAST protocol FIX protocol COM framework AMQP CORBA JSAPI API JNI POSIX pthread Berkley Socket TCP/IP stack SQL Javascript Python Golang C# Java C/C++ Team Management T



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