Figura professionale: Information Arcihtect, UX writer, Service designer

Nome Cognome: M. R.Età: 42
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Roma

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Information Arcihtect, UX writer, Service designer


• February 2017 – February 2019, Doralab Srl, Rome ( Information Architect.
Main activities:
– Information Architecture
– UX writing, Copywriting
– UX design, User research, Service design
– Web analytics (set up and analysis)
– A/B testing (design, set up and analysis).

• October 2014 – January 2017, Organizing Secretariat for the Jubilee, at the Pontifical Council for
New Evangelization, Vatican City, ( Main activities:
– Design of the international web portal
– Online communication (content strategy, copy and content writing for website and social media)
– Design and management of data collection and data policy
– Organization of great events for the Jubilee
– Direction of the front-end staff facing the pilgrims.

• July – October 2015, PANOPTESEC ( International research project on cyber security,
funded under EU FP7. Researcher at Epistematica Srl. Main activities:
– Data modelling for use with artificial reasoning engines
– Definition of specs and functional requirements of the system.

• March 2014 – May 2015, INTEGRA AES Srl, Rome ( Business development.
Main activities:
– Design and development of database
– Online communication (website & social media)
– Tenders and contracts, stakeholders management.

• May 2012 – December 2013, Organizing Secretariat for the Year of Faith (,
at the Pontifical Council for New Evangelization, Vatican City. Main activities:
– Design of the international web portal
– Online communication (content strategy, copy and content writing for website and social media)
– Design, development and management of data collection and data policy
– Copy and content writing for printed materials
– Direction of the front-end staff facing the pilgrims.

• November 2007 – July 2015, Epistematica Srl, Rome ( Data modelling
and Knowledge Representation specialist. Main activities:
– Design of ontologies and vocabularies for web applications
– Responsible for the Knowledge Representation (KR) activities in a series of projects aimed
to the improvement of users’ access to the European Space Agency (ESA) Earth Observation
data through the ESA web portal and ad hoc applications
– Mentoring of interns at Epistematica
– Teacher of the workshop courses for ‘Data & knowledge modellers’ in 2012 and 2013, on
Open data, Linked data, Data journalism and Semantic SEO
– Teacher of the workshop on KR and ontologies for students of the ‘Philosophy of Knowledge’
degree course at La Sapienza University of Rome (2010 to 2014), short intern programme
– Project proposals for European Commission’s FP7 calls (and a number of Italian local
administrations’ calls).

• 2009, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome (Italy).
Assignee of a teaching contract for a Computer Science and Database Theory course to students
from Philosophy, History and Arts degree courses.

• March – October 2007, Epistematica Srl, Milan.
Research & Development for a Semantic Wiki platform for intranet use, on a research project
funded by Regione Lombardia with a grant from the European Social Fund for knowledge and
technology transfer from university to industry – in partnership with the Politecnico di Milano

• 2006, internship at Halcom Spa, Rome (Italy).
Research about the use of KR technologies in Direct Marketing for customer segmentation.

• 2005, internship at Halcom Spa, Rome (Italy).
Development of an original approach to formally represent the grammar of artificial languages,
tested through an OWL ontology for the Esperanto language.

• 2003, internship at ‘Ministero del Welfare’, Rome (Italy).
Press office (press release writing and editing, press review, events organization).

Qualifiche e certificazioni • Ottobre – dicembre 2015, corso on-line di Business Process Management, per l’ottimizzazione dei processi di business, erogato dalla Queensland University of Technology (Australia) • Febbraio 2017, Google Analytics Individual Qualification • Febbraio 2019, Google Ads Fundamentals

Altre esperienze • Esperienza di oltre dieci anni come animatore di gruppi giovanili. • Responsabile dal 2011 della definizione del programma educativo per una rete di gruppi giovani, e coordinatore della redazione di documenti e materiali di supporto alle attivita, in formato ` cartaceo e digitale. • Da studente universitario ho scritto per alcuni periodici online su tematiche di rilevanza sociale (diritti umani, tutela dell’ambiente). • Ho curato la traduzione del libro di Jesus Villagrasa Globalizacion: ¿Un mundo mejor? ´ dallo Spagnolo in Italiano (Globalizzazione. Un mondo migliore?, Ed. LOGOS Press, 2003), ISBN 88- 8454-015-1. • Eseguo occasionalmente traduzioni dall’Inglese, Francese e Spagnolo in Italiano.

Lingue taliano Madrelingua Inglese B2  Francese B2 Spagnolo A2

Competenze informatiche Sistemi operativi: Windows, MacOS, Linux Linguaggi Linguaggi di marcatura: HTML, XML, RDF Linguaggi per basi dati: SQL Linguaggi per editing di documenti: LATEX Linguaggi per KR: OWL, nRQL, SPARQL, SKOS Applicativi Suite office (MS Office, Apple iWorks, OpenOffice / LibreOffice, Google Docs) Disegno: Omnigroup Omnigraffle, IPE, Whimsical, Figma Database: MySQL, MS Access Editing immagini: Adobe Photoshop, Pixelmator, GIMP Editing audio: Audacity Editing video: Adobe Premiere, OpenShot + Blender, Avidemux KR: editing di ontologie (Proteg´ e); ragionamento automatico (RacerPro) ´ CMS: Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Adobe CQ Altri strumenti per il web Google: Analytics, Tag Manager, Optimize, AdWords, Search Console

struzione • Grazie a un programma di co-tutela internazionale di tesi: – Dottorato in Informatica presso l’Universite Paris 13, Parigi (Francia), 2011 (valutazione: ´ “tres honorable”) e ` – Dottorato in Filosofia presso l’Universita degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, 2011 (valutazione: ` “eccellente”) Titolo della tesi: Ontologies, Logic and Interaction Obiettivo della ricerca: definire un modello logico originale per la rappresentazione dell’informazione diffusa nel Web e dell’interazione tra agenti autonomi (bot) • Laurea Specialistica in Scienze della Comunicazione – curriculum “Logica e Informatica delle Reti”, presso l’Universita degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, 2007 (voto: 110/110 e lode). ` Argomento della tesi: indagine sull’evoluzione tecnica del Web e identificazione dei nodi problematici circa l’accesso e l’uso efficace dell’informazione • Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione, presso l’Universita degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, 2004 ` (voto: 110/110 e lode). Argomento della tesi: ricerca sugli sviluppi recenti della ricerca in Intelligenza Artificiale • Diploma di maturita classica, presso il Liceo Statale Luciano Manara, Roma, 2001 (voto: 100/100)

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