Figura professionale: Red Team – Security Specialist – VA/PT Infrastrutturale, Blockchain Developer

Nome Cognome: J. O.Età: 42
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Sede preferita: Roma

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Red Team – Security Specialist – VA/PT Infrastrutturale, Blockchain Developer


La principale esperienze lavorative in sicurezza e stata in Core Security Technologies, dove e svilupato un software de Simulazione de Rete e Pentesting per la plaraforma Core Impact. Anche ho participate in conferences di sicurezza e publicazione.

 August 2017 – September 2017, Ethereum Blockchain Developer, Consensys Academy, Brooklyn NY, USA (online course)
First Course by Consensys Academic, targeting Ethereum Blockchain Platform, Solidity Development, and integration with Web Technologies.
Selected among 1300 candidates, concluded among ~50 top students going to Hackaton in Dubai.
 August 2016 – December 2017, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ, USA
Master’s Degree in Financial Engineering: finished courses on financial engineering, derivatives, hedging, Bloomberg and market microstructure.
Other courses are Portfolio Theory, Algorithmic Trading, Computational Methods for Finance and Programming in R Language for Quants.
Thesis: Generalized Minimum Cost Flow and Arbitrage in a Bitcoin Exchange and Wallet Network.
PDF: (
March 2000 – May 2006, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Bachelor plus Master's Equivalent Degree in Computer Science,
• Advisor: Verónica Becher
• Thesis title: “Thermodynamic Cost in Reversible Turing Machines”
• 6-year program
• GPA: 8.69/10

March 2008, Argentinean Informatics Society (SADIO), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Short 20-hour course on Text-mining,
• Dictated by: Laura Alonso I. Alemany
February 2006, Summer School in Computer Science in Rio Cuarto, Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina
Short 15-hour course on Introduction to Cryptography,
• Dictated by: Hugo Scolnik
November 2006, Cryptography and Autocorrector Codes Conference Mar del Plata, November 2006, Mar Del Plata, Argentina.
Short 9-hour course on Symmetric Key Cryptography: AES,
• Dictated by: Daniel Penazzi
 January 2002 – December 2002, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Arg.
Extra courses from Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics,
• Lineal Algebra (8/10)
• Advanced Calculus (10/10)

• Argentine Presidential Fellowship in Science and Technology to pursue a master's degree in the USA. Administered by the Argentine Fulbright
Commission, starting Fall 2016. Funded by the Argentine President´s Cabinet and the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires. Administered by the
Argentine Fulbright Commission with support from LASPAU. June, 2015
• National Commission of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) Graduate Scholarship, March 2010- October 2013
• Stimulus Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Buenos Aires, March 2005 – March 2006

March 2018 – August 2019, Clearmatics, London (Remote),
Senior Quant Blockchain Engineer
• Designing Consensus for Permissioned Blockchain based on Cosmos/Tendermint PBFT Proof-of-Stake.
• Writing and maintaining code and documentation about Consensus (Golang).
• Tech: Solidity, Golang, Proof-of-Stake, Cosmos, Tendermint, BFT, Ubuntu Linux.
November 2018 – March 2019,, San Jose, California (Remote),
Quant Developer
• Working on modifications of Ethereum node to incorporate dynamic changes on Difficulty of Proof-of-Work (Golang).
• Running and maintaining simulations in Matlab.
• Tech: Golang, Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Stake, Git, Ubuntu Linux.
December 2018 – November 2018, RSK Labs, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Specialist Researcher
• Teamed with Hyperledger expert Diego Masini and worked under direct supervision of Co-Founder and Chief Researcher Sergio Lerner.
• Designed 2nd Layer Payments Systems for the RSK Blockchain based on Lightning Network.
• Co-wrote paper on Blockchain Scaling (
• Added extra functionality onto the RSK Blockchain for Federation Voting (Java).
• Designed Pure Token Payments class for Solidity contracts (Solidity).
• Tech: Solidity, Cryptography, Java, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Python, Raiden Network, Lightning Network, Proof-of-Work, State Channels.
July 2017 – December 2018, Xapo LLC, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA (Remote),
Quant Trainee
• As part of the Industry Final project of the MSc in Financial Engineer I worked directly with Co-Founders Wenceslao Casares and Federico
Murrone and also with Professor Khaldoun Khashanah from Stevens Tech.
• Developed a backend Treasury prototype for optimizing and arbitraging transferences across a complex network of Custodian and Debit
financial nodes including Bitcoin Exchanges and Traditional Banks (Demo Videos:
• Use real-world data plus randomized scenarios with hundreds of accounts with hundreds of interconnections.
• Tech: Python, GLPK, MS Word, VisualBasic for Apps.
December 2015 – July 2016, JP Morgan Chase, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Associate Developer
• Executed Development and Support of Global Rates technologies for bond financial transactions and Risk&PNL reporting.
• Part of the Fixed-Income Team (Rates) working with Athena Object-oriented DB platform (
• Coordinated efforts with global team on India, USA and UK.
• Assisted organizing monthly technical talks given by regional experts.
• Tech: Python, Custom Object-oriented Database, Fixed-income Pricing, Financial Risk Reporting, MS-VisualStudio.
January 2014 – November 2015, Datahipsters, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Start-up Founder
• Introduced new real-time online recommender technology based on incremental MinHash ideas.
• Deployed minimum viable product recommender API with a cloud-based business model.
• Tested on experimental real-time video channel.
• Tech: Google AppEngine, Google Cloud, Python, SQL, HTML/JavaScript.
February 2013 – December 2015, SietePuentes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Data Scientist
• Performed as specialist on intelligent scraping and machine learning.
• Developed functional prototypes in new machine learning technologies such as Apache Mahaut and Spark MLlib.
• Provided new solutions for social mobile application on time-sliding window recommendations.
• Tech: Java, Python, Scala, Spark, Mahout, Scikit, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, H2O, AWS, MongoDB, Scraping, APIs.
• Clients: MercadoLibre, Sitch, Tarjeta Naranja, Antivirus Company.
March 2010 – October 2013, Buenos Aires Tech, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Graduate Research Assistant
• Developed open-source scientific library for analyzing statistics on complex graphs (
• Designed and implemented open-source tool for big graph analysis using Python and SQL
• Published on scientific conference and book focused on applied advances on web intelligence technologies.
• Tech: Scilab, Matlab, Python, SQL, HTML/CSS, Eclipse, Unit testing.
May 2006 – March 2010, Core Security Technologies, Buenos Aires, Argentina
• Built experimental tool for collecting social network service information from different networks and executing social privacy tests.
• Patented and Co-authored on a system and method for simulating computer network attacks, codenamed Core Insight (US 8,356,353).
• Presented scalable computer network attack simulator on local and international conferences (JAIIO,BACON).
• Assisting Conferences about Cryptography and Computer Security to
• Tech: C/C++, MS-VisualStudio, Assembler x86, Python, XML, Networking, DNS, Offensive Security and Pentesting Tools.
March 2005 – December 2005., TIDA Consulting, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Software Developer
• Faced complex legacy production environment on a radio repairment company, including administrative and stock management modules.
• Analyzed new requirements such as internal chat and data consistency.
• Implemented and deployed new features on a regular basis.
• Tech: VisualBasic 6, SQL, MS-SQL Server

• Teaching Assistant, Semantic Web, Buenos Aires Institute of Technology, March 2013 – June 2013
• Teaching Assistant, Algorithms and Data Structures II, School of Sciences University of Buenos Aires, March 2006 – December 2006
• Teaching Assistant, Algorithms and Data Structures I, School of Sciences University of Buenos Aires, March 2004 – December 2004

• José Orlicki: Generalized Minimum Cost Flow and Arbitrage in a Bitcoin Exchange and Wallet Network, SIIIO-06, 2018.
• José Orlicki: A Stable Coin with Pro-rated Rebasement and Price Manipulation Protection, preprint, 2017.
• Ariel Futoransky, Fernando Miranda, José Ignacio Orlicki, Carlos Sarraute: System and Method for Simulating Computer Network Attacks.
United States Patent #8,356,353: Issued January 15, 2013.
• José Ignacio Orlicki, J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Pablo Ignacio Fierens: Scalable Faceted Ranking in Tagging Systems. Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing 2010: 283-296
• Ariel Futoransky, Fernando Miranda, José Ignacio Orlicki, Carlos Sarraute: Simulating Cyber-Attacks for Fun and Profit. SimuTools 2009: 4
• José Ignacio Orlicki, Pablo Ignacio Fierens, J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin: Faceted Ranking in Collaborative Tagging Systems – Efficient Algorithms
for Ranking Users Based on a Set of Tags. WEBIST 2009: 626-633
• José Ignacio Orlicki: SQL/JavaScript Hybrid Worms as Two-stage Quines. 39 JAIIO WsegI 2009: 1

• “Scraping Using Python” at GarageLab OpenGov Hackaton. Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2010.
• “Dynamic Harvesting of Social Graphs” at Workshop on Dynamical Complex Systems, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2009.
• “SQL/JavaScript Hybrid Worms As Two-stage Quines.” at Computer SecurityWorkshop JAIIO Conference, Mar del Plata, Argentina, August
• “Faceted Ranking in Collaborative Tagging Systems.” at WEBIST 2009 – International Conference on Web Information Systems and
Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2009.
• “LeakedOut: the Social Networks You Get Caught In.” at BaCon Security 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2008.
• “Thermodynamic Cost in Reversible Turing Machines.” at Logic, Computability and Randomness 2007, Buenos Aires, Argentina, January

• San Francisco Blockchain Week 2018 (SFBW2018).
• ETHBuenosAires 2018.
• QuantCon 2017, New York City.
• Trading/Finance
◦ Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) Certification.
◦ Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies Trading Experience (Kraken,Poloniex,Bittrex,HitBTC,etc.)
◦ Spot FX and Futures Trading
◦ Market Making
◦ Spread Arbitrage
◦ Statistical Arbitrage
• Language
◦ English: advanced skills
(TOEFL-ITP 94/100 points, Quant GRE 165)
◦ Spanish (native)
◦ Italian (intermediate)
◦ Japanese (basic)
• Scientific tools
◦ LaTeX text formatting,
◦ Data Visualization with gnuplot and mathplotlib
◦ Overleaf and Sharelatex.
◦ Zotero.
• Computing
◦ Python, C/C++, Visual Basic, Java.
◦ MySQL, MongoDB, Google Datastore.
◦ Linux, Windows.
◦ python-scikit, python-recsys, python-gensym, python-freeling.
◦ webapp2, Flask, Django, CherryPy, Google AppEngine.
◦ Hash Functions, Symmetric Cryptography, Asymmetric Cryptography, VDFs, VRFs.
◦ Writing Security Exploits in Assembler.

• Member of Non-profit Komei Juku International, Japanese Iaijutsu Swordmanship Association, since 2013.
• Zanshin Argentina Traditional Japanese Martial Arts School, Volunteer&Assistant Instructor, January 2012 – July 2014.
• M7Red Urban Complex Issues Research – Matanza-Riachuelo Basin, Ad-honorem Text-mining Expert.
• Volunteer, January 2010 – January 2011.
• Techo NGO, House Building Volunteer, February 2007.


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