Figura professionale: Junior Developer, Web/Mobile applications

Nome Cognome: R. E.Età: 29
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Milano

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Junior Developer, Web/Mobile applications



Junior software engineer 2017-2018
Piksel inc., Full-time
Development of Java, Web and mobile applications. Database design and maintenance.
Server development in Javascript / NodeJS

Adidas runner coach 2018-present
adidas Runners is an international community comprising people from different backgrounds
and walks of life, united by a desire to become better: better runners, better athletes and,
ultimately, better humans.

Languages Italian (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
Topic Machine learning, Neural Networks, Fuzzy system, Java,
Java Persistence API, Java Enterprise Edition, Android, C++, C, Python,
TensorFLow, Javascript, Typescript, Mysql, Oracle, XML, Linux, Hibernate, Spring Boot, JSON.


Lorenzo Il Magnico 2017
Github repo :
Implementation of a complex board game with a GUI and connectivity functions (Java).

Travlendar+ 2018
Github repo :
Travlendar+ is a project that has the goal to define a new idea of calendar. This system
is mean to be a real assistant, because it helps persons to organize their days suggesting
solution to move from each appointment and event. The system has to be able to register
new user with their information. Once a user is registered to the application, he should be
able to manage his calendar by adding new events or modifying and deleting existing ones.
The peculiar feature of the system is to suggest travel means by appointment (including
every kind of transport service like Bike-Car Sharing, taxi, public transport etc.) and Allow
user to buy a ticket or to reserve a mean of transport for the desired solution . The system
will generate a warning in case an event is unreachable in the desired time and if it overlaps
with another appointment. The application will be user customizable (e.g., the user will be
able to select preferred (or non-preferred) means of transportation). The system will offer to
the users also the possibility to insert a flexible breaks to keep in mind during the planning of the day.

Air Hockey 2019
Github repo :
The infamous Air hockey game where two players play against each other on a low-friction
table. Air hockey requires an air-hockey table, two player-held strikers, and a puck. The game
is developed in Javascript using webgl to run the code throught the browser envoirement.
The shader are written in c, to send istructions to th GPU.

Online Bookstore Website 2019
Github repo :
Website :
Backend documentation :
Rest API specification :

Confindustria ”Learning by Doing” Competition 2013
First Prize
Design and implementation of a management system (Mobile and Desktop) for Pulirapida S.r.l…


MSc. Computer Science 2018-present
Politecnico di Milano

Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning specialization.
BSc. Computer Science 2014-2018
Politecnico di Milano

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