Figura professionale: Ingegnere Elettronico Senior
Nome Cognome | : G. B. | Età | : 62 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Engineering |
Sede preferita | : Roma |
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I was born in Segni (Roma) Italy on May 6, 1963. On July 28, 1981 I received the maturità scientifica with full mark. On December 11, 1987 I received the Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica from university of Rome La Sapienza with the graduating mark of 110/110 defending the thesis: “Microstrip Passband Filter Design With Image Parameter Method”.
My 27 years long professional experience mainly involved microwave and radiofrequency circuit design. Nonetheless, I have knowledge on analog low frequency circuits, especially with operational amplifiers, and active filters.
I attended to several professional courses, inside and outside my Companies, participated to international conferences on microwaves, and cooperated with external Companies. For this purposes I traveled abroad to Sweden, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, USA, and Japan.
February 1988 – October 2000: elettronica S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
As microwave circuit designer, I have worked on development, design, and
mathematical modeling of microwave circuits. My most significant works were
1. Design of microwave filters for “ARWE” equipment employed on fighter bomber
TORNADO. I conceived the synthesis methods and the CAD computer programs
involved with these designs.
2. Design of a large number of monolithic microwave integrated circuits on gallium
arsenide (GaAs MMIC) using several external foundry services (GEC-MARCONI
3. Design of many microwave and video-digital control circuits for ECM equipment
MK III, for the TORNADO aircraft.
4. Double conversion (with synthesized local oscillators) superheterodyne receiver
for French – Italian missile ASTER. In this case I have fully designed all circuits:
microwave circuits and digital and video control circuits as well.
5. Development and design of the main microwave circuits for new European fighter
EFA – TYPHON ECM system.
6. Development and design of many oscillators of several types (LC, VCO, and
DRO) in the frequency range from 500 MHz to 35 GHz. All the microwave
oscillators present in all new elettronica equipment from 1991 at least up to 2000
have been designed by me.
7. Synthesizers design, the most relevant of them covers a frequency range from 500
MHz to 36 GHz with 100 KHz step. For this kind of applications I developed also
simulations method employing (in both conventional and non-conventional way)
commercial available design tools (Matlab, Mathematica, Mathcad, SPICE,
Touchstone, MDS, ADS).
8. Millimeter wave circuits (up to 38 GHz): microstrip bandpass and lowpass filters,
amplifiers, one single ended mixer (RF: 32 – 38 GHz, LO: 30 GHz, IF: 2 – 8
GHz), one frequency doubler (input frequency 15 GHz, output frequency 30 GHz,
conversion gain 6 dB), and a push – push 35 GHz, microstrip oscillator.
9. I co-operated in writing automatic test programs, written in HP BASIC, for the production of previously described circuits.
November 2000 – January 2004: MOTOROLA P.C.S. in Turin (Italy)
1 November 2000 hired as…………….Senior engineer (RF)
9 October 2001 promoted to..……… Staff RF engineer.
1 November 2002 promoted to…….. Senior Staff engineer (RF).
1 October 2003 promoted to………….Principal Staff Engineer (RF).
My activities covered
1. Build up Turin design center:
1.1.Interviewing candidates for hiring.
1.2.Selecting and buying tools and test equipment for providing engineers and
1.3.Giving courses and lessons to fresh hired engineers, on the use of test
instrument, on basic RF theory, and on the use of simulation programs. I
taught one course on PLL design covering PLL basics, Phase Noise and
Settling Time calculations including sampling effects; Fractional-N was also
2. Debugging and simulations of PLL and PA control circuits.
3. VCO testing and design.
4. Electromagnetic simulations and linear modeling of integrated capacitors and
inductors. I designed also one VCO and several filters applying the previously
characterized integrated components.
5. Power amplifier measurement and modeling for application on polar modulation.
6. I was the RF technical leader for the 3G phone A835, and for GSM phones V150,
V150 refresh, V250 refresh. V150 received ship acceptance in September 2003,
A835 in October 2003. I gave some help for C550 development, shipped on 20
November 2003.
7. Before resigning, I was the RF technical leader for development of two new GSM
phones (V180 and C380) and one 3G phone derived from A835.
8. I obtained six patent disclosures on:
8.1. Scalable model for HDI passive components
8.2. Pulsed [S] parameter test set
8.3. Fast Locking PLL
8.4. PLL with Push – Push VCO
8.5. VCR remote control via SMS
8.6. Anti Pulling Circuit for PLL (PURSUED)
February 2004 – December 2007: S.D.S. (Rome, Italy)
As responsible of Microwave design I made
1. High power filters: two band-pass and one stop-band handling 300 W CW in the
2-7 GHz frequency range, one narrow-band band-pass handling 2500 W (pulsed)
in the frequency range of about 1 GHz.
2. Coaxial, microstrip, stripline and suspended-stripline filters in the frequency
ranges from 1 to 40 GHz. This activity includes building-up of that technology
(models for simulation set up of practical realization, tuning techniques, etc.),
design, and tuning.
3. Power dividers in the frequency ranges from 1 to 18 GHz.
4. One 6 – 18 GHz fast (20 ns) variable attenuator 0-60 dB with 0.1 dB step.
5. Oscillators: microstrip resonator (frequency range 5-17 GHz), one 3 GHz low
phase noise coaxial resonator, and one 12.5 GHz DRO.
6. Integrated assemblies, including amplifiers, noise sources, directional couplers,and power divider, working in the 6-18 GHz frequency range.
Since January 2008 Verigy, now Advantest (Böblingen, Germany)
As R/D Engineer so far, I have been involved in
a) helping my colleagues on RF-related problems
b) developing new synthesizer architectures (one pending patent)
c) competitor intelligence
d) filter design on PCB , LTCC, and waveguide. (two grant USA patents)
e) supporting GaAs MMIC and Si IC design. (two grant USA patents)
f) giving theoretical support to calibration procedures (one pending patent)
g) tutoring graduating students
h) millimeter-wave circuit design
28 papers (1-23, 25, and 31-34), one invited presentation (24) and five books (26-30).
1. “Image Parameter Design of Parallel Coupled Microstrip Filters”, Applied Electromagnetism Conference 1988,
(Roma, Italy)
2. “Image Parameter Design of Parallel Coupled Microstrip Filters”, 18Th European Microwave Conference 1988,
(Stockholm, Sweden)
3. “A Simple and Accurate Model for a Dielectric Resonator Symmetrically Coupled with two Microstrips”, 19Th
European Microwave Conference 1989 (London, UK)
4. “MMIC 12 – 13 GHz Voltage Controlled Phase Shifter”, ESA ESTEC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits
for Space Applications 1990, (Nordwijk, Netherlands)
5. “Electronically Tunable Bandpass Filter”, Gallium Arsenide Applications Symposium 1990, (Roma, Italy)
6. “DC – 18 GHz GaAs MMIC SPST and SPDT”: Military Microwave Conference 1992, (Brighton, UK)
7. “6 – 20 GHz GaAs MMIC Medium Power SSA”, Military Microwave Conference 1994, (London, UK)
8. “A Resonant Cavity Sensor for Moisture Monitoring in Wet Powder”, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference
Yokohama, December 1998
9. “A Microwave System for Moisture Monitoring In Wet Powder for Industrial Applications”, IEEE MTT
Symposium 1999, (Anaheim, California)
10. Review of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design, IEEE Microwave Magazine, September 2004.
11. “A Low-Cost Complete System for Complex Permittivity Measurement using Resonant Probes”, EuMA
Proceedings, December 2005.
12. “Synthesis and analysis of active low-pass and high-pass Butterworth and Chebysheff filters”, Mathcad Advisor,
June 2006.
13. “High Q-factor Compact Filters With Wide-band Spurious Rejection”, European Microwave Week 2012,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
14. “Generalized Linkwitz Equalizer”, AudioXpress, November 2012
15. “High Q-factor compact filters with wide-band spurious rejection”, International Journal of Microwave and
Wireless Technologies, September 2013.
16. “Partialized Continuous-Variable PIN Diode Attenuator”, High Frequency Electronics, February 2014.
17. “Radiometer Aids Fire Detection”, Microwave & RF, April 2014.
18. “Il Mio Impianto Audio: Il Preamplificatore” (My Audio Equipment: The Control Amplifier), Audio Review
n.350, April 2014, n.351, May 2014.
19. “PIN diode-based 4-channel Switched Filter Bank with Low-Power, TTL-compatible Driver” International
Microwave Symposium, June 2014 (Tampa, Florida, USA).
20. “PIN-Diode SPMT Switch with Single-Supply, TTL-Compatible Driver”, Microwave Journal, June 2014, Vol. 57,
No. 6
21. “Il Mio Impianto Audio: Il L'amplificatore di potenza” (My Audio Equipment: The Power Amplifier), Audio
Review n.354, August 2014.
22. "PIN diode-based 4-channel Switched Filter Bank with Low-power, TTL-compatible Driver", IEEE Transactions
on Microwave Theory and Techniques, VOL. 62, NO. 12, December 2014.
23. “Limitations of PLL simulation: hidden oscillations in SPICE analysis”, ICUMT 2015 – The 7th
Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, Brno, Czech Republic, 6 – 8 October, 2015.
24. “Computer Aided Engineering of PLL Performances”, Optical Phase-locked-Loop Techniques June 16th 2015,
University of Kiel.
25. “PCB Test Fixture and Socket Challenges for mmWave Applications”, Burn-in & Test Strategies Workshop
(BITS) 2016, March 2016, Mesa, Arizona, USA
26. Phase-Locked Loop Synthesizer Simulation, McGraw-Hill, March 2005.
27. Ingegneria delle microonde e radiofrequenze, (Microwave and Radio Frequency Engineering) McGraw-Hill,
Milan, Italy, February 2006.
28. Electronic Filter Design and Simulation, McGraw-Hill, May 2007.
29. Microwave and RF Engineering, John Wiley, August 2010. Chinese version available since July 2015.
30. My Own Loudspeaker System – Mein Lautsprecher System (in English and German), Power Press Publishing,
Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada, 2015.
31. "Sulla dinamica dei giradischi con trazione diretta e a cinghia" (On the dynamics of direct-drive and belt-drive
turntables), Audio Review, issues 387-388, May-June 2017.
32. “Un cervello modificato” (One modified brain, where “brain” means “amplifier”), Audio Review, issue 401,
September 2018
33. “A Review of Combiner/Divider PCB Design Topologies For 5G and WiGig ATE Applications”, DesignCon 2019
conference, January 2019, Santa Clara, CA
34. “Equalizzatore di Greiner e Shoessow, sintesi, progetto, applicazioni” (Greiner and Shoessow Equalizer, synthesis,
design, applications), Audio Review, issue 402, October 2018
Academic Titles
I was IEEE member from 1985 to 2005, Audio Engineering Society member on
2003, reviewer of IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters from 1995 to 2004, and
book reviewers of IEEE Microwave Magazine, on 2004.
I was supervisor of Master Thesis, member of Doctorate Commissions, and Contract
Professor at University of Perugia; where I also participated to research projects on
non-invasive measurements of the material properties, based on electromagnetic
techniques. For this application, I designed various special equipments, like fast
sweeping network analyzers.
I also co-operated, as external consultant, with companies involved in high power
microwave filter design.
On August 2006, I was consultant of PTC for the Italian translation of Mathcad.
From 2011 to 2013 I was reviewer for the International Journal of Microwave and
Wireless Technologies.
Since 2014 I am external contributor of Audio Review, an Italian magazine on HiFi.
Computer Skills
I have used PC and workstations, with operative systems DOS, OS2, WINDOWS, HP BASIC, HP – UX, Apollo DOMAIN, SUN SOLARIS, Linux.
General applications programs (Word, Excel, Power Point);
drawing programs (Autocad, CorelDraw)
Microwave EDA programs (Touchstone, Libra, Harmonica, Serenade, Microwave Office, Sonnet, MDS, ADS, Eagleware, CST-studio)
Mentor Graphics DxDesigner (basics)
Mathematical programs (Mathcad, Mathematica, Maple, Matlab)
Programming languages BASIC, HTBASIC, and Visual Basic, C++, I have used FORTRAN, PASCAL in the past, but I don’t remember them very well. Languages
Italian mother tongue
English good-fluent
German Zertifikat Deutsch B2
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