Figura professionale: Junior Security Analyst

Nome Cognome: A. G.Età: 29
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Network / Security Engineer
Sede preferita: Roma

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Junior Security Analyst


10/2018–10/2019 ICT security technician
Mentat S.r.l., Rome (Italy)
– Penetration testing
– Malware reversing
– User ticket management for network and data security

10/2015–05/2016 Library assistant
Università degli studi di Napoli "Federico II", Naples (Italy)
Part-time job at library of the Science Faculty.
Main activities: archiviation of books, theses and scientific papers; customer service (in person and by phone).

09/2016–27/03/2019 MS degree in Mathematics ("Laurea magistrale in matematica pura ed applicata")
Università degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Rome (Italy)
Thesis title: "Learning gaussian and binary graphical models via sparsity".Topics covered:
development of a machine learning algorithm applied to statistical problems.
Final grade: 110/110.

10/2013–26/07/2016 BS degree in Mathematics
Università degli studi di Napoli "Federico II", Naples (Italy)
Thesis title: "Su alcuni aspetti del problema della primalità" ("On some aspects of the problem of
primality"). Topics covered: abstract algebra and its applications to cryptography.
Final grade: 110/110 with honors.

English C1
Spanish B1 
German A2
Japanese A2

Communication skills 
– Good communication skills gained during my job at the Science faculty library.
– Mentoring skills acquired tutoring high school and university students in mathematics.
– Oral presentation skills (in international congresses).

Digital skills – Self-assessment grid
– Operating systems: Windows, GNU/Linux (use and administration)
– Programming languages: C/C++, Python, Bash scripting
– Data analysis and machine learning with R, MATLAB (Statistics and Machine Learning toolbox) and Python (scikit-learn).
– Knowledge of machine learning techinques such as: k-NN, SVM, neural networks, random forests, penalized regression, and others.
– Web-related languages: HTML/CSS, Javascript, PHP
– Knowledge of Assembly language, applied to reverse engineering of 32- and 64-bit x86 binaries.
– Knowledge of SQL for database administration
– Experience of data recovery on Windows
– Knowledge of cryptanalysis and steganalysis
– Knowledge of binary exploitation on Linux
– Reverse engineering tools: IDA, x64dbg, gdb
– Penetration testing tools: OWASP Zap, Nmap, Sqlmap, OpenSSL, Hashcat, Wireshark, and others
– Use of main office tools (MS Office, LibreOffice, GIMP) on Windows and Linux
– Text composition with LaTeX
– MATLAB and LaTeX were used during my MS thesis work.
– Python was used in the development of a subproject within "LinTim – Integrated Optimization in Public Transportation" during the Eramus period (October 2017 – February 2018) at Georg-AugustUniversität Göttingen.

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