Figura professionale: Data Scientist, Risk Advisory

Nome Cognome: O. K.Età: 32
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Business Intelligence / Data Scientist / DWH
Sede preferita: Milano

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Data Scientist, Risk Advisory


Former QF student with the good level of quantitative and analytical skills along with substantial knowledge and/or interests in:
• Statistics, Machine Learning, Computer Programming, RPA
• Risk Management, Trading, Portfolio management, Financial Asset Pricing

3 Jun 2017–Present Risk Advisory
Ernst & Young (EY), Milan (Italy)
– Valuation of financial instruments
– Regulatory Compliance research
– Model Validaiton
– Data Quality Management
– Robotic Process Automation

Jan 2015–May 2015 Intern Analyst
Tsesna Capital, investment company, Astana
– Working with Bloomberg terminal
– Analytical reports of companies and different industires
– Portfolio analysis
– Technical and fundamental analysis of stocks
– Analysis of financial statements

1 Apr 2013–1 Dec 2013 Research Assistant
Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications,
Eurasian National University
Astana, Kazakhstan
Internship was related to Digital Systems Design and FPGA programming:
▪ working with ISE Webpack CAD, VHDL, Xilinx Spartan 3 board
▪ building the library of basic logical elements in VHDL and its computer simulation on ISE Webpack 14.4
▪ programming the Spartan 3 board

Sep 2015–Present MSc in Quantitative Finance Concluded
University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy)
– Stochastic Calculus and Probability
– Statistics and Econometrics
– Financial and Actuarial mathematics
– Risk management
-Interest rate models
– Statistics of financial markets
– Programmig in Python

Sep 2011–Sep 2015 BSc in Mathematical and Computer Modeling Concluded
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University., Astana (Kazakhstan)
– Calculus
– Statisitcs
– Econometrics
– Functional Analysis
– Ordinary and partial differential equations
– Numerical methods
– Programming in C++, Matlab
– Database management with MySQL

22 Jun 2018 CFA Level I passed

Mother tongue(s) Kazakh, Russian
English C2
Italian C2
French A1

Job-related skills 
– Python, R, SQL, Matlab, C++
– Keras, Tensor flow, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Numpy
– GLM/Regression, Random Forest, Decision Trees, Boosting, Clustering, Trees, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, NLP
– Microsoft Azure ML, AWS ML
– Hadoop, Spark, MapReduce
– Tableau, Qlik
– Excel, VBA

Conferences (in russian) 
▪ Kadeshev O, Mukhtarov S. , "Application of Game Theory and Information Technologies to the problem of investing under conditions of the uncertainty", "The IX International Scientific Conference for students and young scholars «Science and education – 2014» ": April 11, 2014, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
▪ Kadeshev O, Mukhtarov S. , " Asset management in the context of globalization"; International scientific conference of young scholars: "Innovative Economy of Kazakhstan as a factor of a sustainable development under the conditions of globalization" under the aegis of VII Astana
Economic Forum: May 21, 2014, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

– Scholarship for the attendance "ADVANCED TOPICS IN QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN FINANCE" in Vienna, 2017.
This international course involved training and group case study in the field of Portfolio Management. Website:
– Scholarship for the attendance "ARPM Bootcamp " in New York, 2017 Website:

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