Figura professionale: Programmatore C++

Nome Cognome: A. Z.Età: 36
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CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Trento

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Programmatore C++


Marzo 2014 – Marzo 2016 Figura ricoperta Programmatore; Datore di lavoro Università degli studi di trento; Luogo Università degli studi di trento

Principali attività e responsabilità; The programmer of a research project at the University of Trento. It consisted of the development of an innovative and integrated system including navigation and recognition modules, as well as a voice user interface for assisting in real time visually impaired people in indoor environments. The system was based on computer vision and machine learning techniques and fed with video acquisition, laser, and internal sensors. check this published paper for more details: 

Mekhalfi, M. L., Melgani, F., Zeggada, A., De Natale, F. G., Salem, M. A. M., & Khamis, A. (2016). Recovering the sight to blind people in indoor environments with smart technologies. Expert Systems with Applications, 46, 129-138. 

Istruzione e Formazione

Data Studio in corso

Titolo della qualifica rilasciata PhD student in Information and Communication Techn

Istituto di istruzione o formazione Università degli studi di trento

Luogo Trento

Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite Current (about to graduate) PhD student in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), University of Trento- Italy. The PhD thesis consists in developing various remote sensing, image classification and pattern recognition practical systems for unmanned aerial vehicles’ (UAVs) scenarios, commonly known as drones, such as traffic monitoring, disaster victim detection, and object recognition and classification.

Data Ottobre 2014

Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Masters in Computer Science

Istituto di istruzione o formazione Università degli studi di trento

Luogo Trento

Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite Sep 2011-Oct 2014:

 MSc in Computer Sciences (Software engineering), University of Trento- Italy.

Final project: Spatial interaction and behavioral rules between individuals (part of a robot walker project for elderly people in public spaces).

Conoscenze linguistiche

Lingua English

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Ottimo

Capacità di espressione orale Ottimo

Lingua Italiano

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Buono

Capacità di espressione orale Buono

Lingua Francese

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Buono

Capacità di espressione orale Buono

Lingua Arabo

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua

Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua

Conoscenze informatiche

Capacità e competenze informatiche

A good knowledge of :

  • Pattern recognition
  • Remote sensing
  • Deep learning
  • Signal/image processing
  • Computer vision

Programming languages:  MATLAB, C, C++.



Journal papers:

[J1] A. Zeggada, F. Melgani and Y. Bazi, "A Deep Learning Approach to UAV Image Multilabeling," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 694-698, May 2017.

[J2] M. B. Bejiga, A. Zeggada, A. Nouffidj, and F. Melgani, "A convolutional neural network approach for assisting avalanche search and rescue operations with UAV imagery," Remote Sensing, vol. 9, no. 2, 2017.

[J3] Mekhalfi, M. L., Melgani, F., Zeggada, A., De Natale, F. G., Salem, M. A. M., & Khamis, A. (2016). Recovering the sight to blind people in indoor environments with smart technologies. Expert Systems with Applications, 46, 129-138.


Conference proceedings:

[C1] A. Zeggada and F. Melgani, "Multilabel classification of UAV images with Convolutional Neural Networks," 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Beijing, 2016, pp. 5083-5086.

[C2] A. Zeggada and F. Melgani, "Multilabeling UAV images with Autoencoder networks," 2017 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Dubai, 2017, pp. 1-4.

[C3] A. Zeggada., Stella,A., Caliendo ,G., Melgani, F., Barazzuol, M., La Porta, N., Goller,R.,. “Leaf development index estimation using UAV imagery for fighting apple scab”. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Texas, 2017. Accepted.

[C4] T. Moranduzzo, A. Zeggada and F. Melgani, "A fast screening method for detecting cars in UAV images over urban areas," 2015 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Lausanne, 2015, pp. 1-4.

[C5] M. B. Bejiga, A. Zeggada and F. Melgani, "Convolutional neural networks for near real-time object detection from UAV imagery in avalanche search and rescue operations," 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Beijing, 2016, pp. 693-696.

[C6] M. L. Mekhalfi, Farid Melgani, M. A.-M. Salem, A. Khamis, S. Malek, A. Zeggada, A SIFT-GPR Multi-Class Indoor Object Recognition Method for Visually Impaired People, International Conference on Industry Academia Collaboration IAC, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1-4, 2015.

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