Figura professionale: Junior Consultant Engineer
Nome Cognome | : B. C. | Età | : 41 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Engineering |
Sede preferita | : Milano |
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[2017-2018] Stage in ALTRAN Group as a Junior Consultant Engineer- Service Delivery TEM Milano [01/11/2017-24/04/2018].Development of Access and Transport Network and Fixed Ultra-Broadband Services, Vodafone Fibra: VULA, VULA_BS,FTTH, FTTN-DH
[2011-2013] Events Manager of prestigious cultural and religious events :“Il Millennio Apre le Porte ai Giovani” related to the celebration of Millennium (1011-2011) of the Benedectine Abbey of SS.Trinità in Cava dè Tirreni.
[2009-2017] Staff Manager of the B&B “Villa il Melaro” located in Cilento Coast.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Engineering . University of Naples, Federico II, academic year 2016/2017. Score 97/110. Title of Thesis: “Digital to Analog Converters: Technologies, characterization and applications”. ▪ Elaboration of Data and Biomedical Signals ▪ Principles of Bioengineering ▪ Dynamc system ▪ Medical Instrumentation ▪ Bioelectromagnetism ▪ Electronic Measurments ▪ Biomechanics ▪ Biomaterials
PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) English B2
Digital competence ▪ Matlab-Simulink ▪ C++ ▪ Excell ▪ RMT( Ring Management Tool) ▪ P+ ▪ U2000 ▪ CMS
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