Figura professionale: Data Scientist

Nome Cognome: S. M.Età: 44
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Business Intelligence / Data Scientist / DWH
Sede preferita: Bologna

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Data Scientist


04/2018–today: Data Scientist, Celonis SE, Munich (Germany).
– Process Mining and Business Analysis
– Back-end software development using SQL on SAP HANA Studio
– Post-Sales consultancy, product demonstrations and pitches

07/2015–03/2018: Data Scientist/Quant Analyst, XAIA Investment GmbH, Munich (Germany).
– Mining, visualization and analysis of large financial data-sets
– Exploratory data analysis, dimensionality reduction, unsupervised machine learning
– Hypothesis testing, multivariate statistics, regression, inference
– Development of spread trading and statistical arbitrage strategies
– Analysis of integrated and cointegrated time series
– Arbitrage pricing, capital asset pricing, backtesting

09/2014–07/2015: Post-doctorate Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Munich (Germany).
– Data mining and analysis of several hundred GB of data from the best available space-telescopes
– Modeling and interpretation of large amounts of data, using self-developed C, Perl and bash codes
– Image processing and analysis, using self-developed codes for the extraction of quantitative information

05/2014: Visiting Scientist, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD (USA).

01/2014–06/2014: Post-doctorate Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA (USA).
– Collaboration with and coordination of multi-disciplinary teams
– Statistical analysis and modeling of large amounts of data from different origins, searching for correlations or patterns
– Authorship of successful funding NASA proposals that delivered budgets on multiple projects with a total value of a few hundreds of thousands dollars, as well as new astronomical data

07/2013–12/2013: Research Associate, Durham University, Durham (UK).
– Analysis, combination and modeling of data from several advanced astronomical observatories
– Development and implementation of original research projects
– Co-supervision of PhD students

11/2011–06/2013: Post-doctorate Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA (USA).
– Leadership of four varied research projects and support of two additional project teams as a co-author
– Development of new techniques for image processing, using telescope-specific software and self-developed codes
– Authorship of successful funding NASA proposals that delivered budgets on multiple projects with a total value of a few hundreds of thousands dollars, as well as new astronomical data
– Placed in the top 15% in the international field of recent astrophysics PhDs by independent and anonymous panelists of an international Prize Fellowship

1997-2001: Summer Jobs, Assistant of an electrician, Town of Giarratana (RG)

Education 2007–2011 Ph.D. Natural Sciences, Astronomy, Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Germany. Thesis: X-ray emission from star-forming galaxies. Supervisor: Prof. Rashid Sunyaev (Nobel Prize nominated, Kyoto Prize winner) Final score: magna cum laude 2007–2011 International Max-Planck Research School on Astrophysics (IMPRS). 06/2007 Laurea (M.S. equivalent) in Physics/Astronomy, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. Thesis: X-ray and Optical Spectroscopic Properties of a Sample of Seyfert Galaxies. Supervisors: Prof. Piero Rafanelli, Dr. Stefano Ciroi Final score: 104/110

Certifications { Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling in R (Data Camp) { Intermediate R (Data Camp) { Introduction to Machine Learning (Data Camp) { Intro to Computational Finance with R (Data Camp) { Introduction to R (Data Camp) { Exploratory Data Analysis – Coursera (Johns Hopkins University) { Getting and Cleaning Data – Coursera (Johns Hopkins University) { R Programming – Coursera (Johns Hopkins University) { The Data Scientist’s Toolbox – Coursera (Johns Hopkins University)

Grants & Awards 2014 NASA’s Chandra Cycle 16 Research Program, Observational Project (Co-I) – Award amount: $38k 2012 NASA’s Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (Co-I) – Award amount: $367k 2012 NASA’s Chandra Cycle 14 Research Program, Visionary Project (Co-I) – Award amount: $150k 2011 Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (Co-I) – Observation time granted 2010 NASA’s Chandra Cycle 12 Research Program, Archival Project (PI) – Award amount: $50k 2007–2008 One year PhD funded by Marie Curie Early Stage research Training grant

Computer skills OS Mac OS X, Linux, Unix, Windows Programming R, SQL, SAP HANA SQL, C, Perl, Bash VCS Git, GitHub Imaging Gimp, Photo Shop and several astronomy-specific tools for image processing Office LATEX, MS Office, Open Office 

Organizations 2015 Member of Athena Space Telescope Topical Panels: The Physics of Accretion and Multi-wavelength Synergy 2013 Member of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Communication skills { Consulting: post-sales interaction with clients to customize Celonis Process Mining { Publication of a dozen academic articles in top scientific journals and conference proceedings, most of which as a lead author { Attended many international conferences, mostly contributing with oral presentations { Invited several times to give seminars in world-leading institutions and Universities { Member of the Local Organizing Committee of one international conference { Served as referee for several prestigious scientific journals { Volunteered, as translator, at the Vittoria International Jazz Festival { Writer/Contributor for the online magazine DirtMagazine (music, actuality, traveling, pop culture)

Languages Italian Mothertongue English Fluent (IELTS certificate) French Intermediate (High School level) German B1.2 level certificate

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