Figura professionale: Software Developer

Nome Cognome: I. P.Età: 56
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Emilia Romagna: Bologna, Reggio-Emilia

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Software Developer


  • Perl, python, Javascript, AJAX, Linux, UNIX, Windows, Mysql, MS SQL-server, postgres, HTML, CSS, nginx, python tornado


Date (da a)

Novembre 2012 – Gennaio 2014

Figura ricoperta

Software Developer

Datore di lavoro

Swiiss Institute of Bioinformatics


Ginevra, Svizzera

Principali attivitࠥ responsabilit༯label>

Computational Evolutionary Genetics Group.
Creating websites for processing and sharing scientific data produced by the researchers.
python, postgresql, mysql, tornado, nginx,git, arch Linux
Siblings: Web Application for SIB Large INtercomparison of Genomes
Orthodb: Web Application for the Database of Orthologous Groups

Date (da a)

Novembre 2011 – Novembre 2012

Figura ricoperta

Test Tools Developer

Datore di lavoro

Yahoo!, inc


Sunnyvale, CA USA

Principali attivitࠥ responsabilit༯label>

Adding features to the suite of applications that test Yahoo! advertising server. Perl, SVN (SubVersion), MySQL and Apache on RHEL Linux. LAMP, if you prefer. Expanding test suite of in-house application to test ad serving marketplace campaigns; also writing unit tests and code coverage

Date (da a)

Agosto 1996 – Giugno 2011

Figura ricoperta

Senior Web Developer / Programmer

Datore di lavoro

IPrint / Harland Clarke


Redwood City, CA USA

Principali attivitࠥ responsabilit༯label>

Writing iPrint web site code, backend order-processing applications and various in-house applications.Languages: Perl, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, XML
Technologies utilized:
– extensive use of SQL-server data retrieving/updating Perl packages (DBD::DBI) for MS SQL-server
– payment transaction servers connectivity (Cybercash/Verisign, managing multiple accounts)
– AJAX-based iPrint Design Studio application
– XML; based HTTP exchanges of data with partners
-Communications with in-house built image-rendering software
– design an implementation of several important pieces of technology related to the site scalability; profiling and benchmarking
– multiple tools for the product development group that allow adding new products and partners` sites to the site without developers' intervention
– training of new developers
– wrote all of the original backend order processing applications
-designed and implemented original customer service module that allows iPrint customer service group and iPrint partners to track and update customer/order/printer information
– porting various iPrint application from Windows to Linux
– database design
– team lead for backend and configuration suites of applications since April 1999 (3-6 people)
– converting the website's Design Studio from CGI to AJAX web page loading

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