Figura professionale: Senior Front-End developer

Nome Cognome: a. i.Età: 37
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: All Italy

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Senior Front-End developer


Employment and Activities

Senior Front-End developer – Technosignage 6/2018 now
Build ASAS Drive Application. Using Angular 7 technology with HTML5 and SCSS.

Senior Front-End developer – Codse Valley 1/2017 6/2018
Build voxey Application (one for users and other for management team). Using Angular 5,6 technology with HTML5 and SCSS.

Front-End developer – Youxel 4/2015 1/2017
Build Tremvo web Application, Elm Ipad Application, and SAAB mobile Application using AngularJS technology with HTML5 and SCSS and kony tool for the mobile Application.

Mathematics content developer – Nagwa 2/2013 4/2015
Writing high-quality questions, solutions, and examples using LATEX, TEXZ, HTML, XML, and Python

TTO Manager – Helwan University 2010 2/2013 
Business Management and Business Analysis

TTO Manager – Helwan University SWMC(EGYPT) 2009 2015 
Researcher Assistant 

Scientific mission -CERN Switzerland/France 9/2013 3/2014 
Practical Training in 904 lab 

International Collaboration

1- Enterprise-University Partnership (TEMPUS) 2009-2012

Language Skills 
English: Very good 
French: Fair

Computer Skills: Linux, Unix, Windows operating systems and Networks
Programming: C++, HTML, JAVA, Root, CMS Software, Angular 2+, Angular JS, JavaScript, JQuery, Python, Latex, CSS
Graphics: Photoshop, CorelDraw 

Distinctions received
1. Ideal Student award from Helwan university, Faculty of science, 2008
2. First place in General Information competition for Egyptian universities for 2 years 2008, 2009
3. Editor of Journal of Faculty of Science for 3 years 2007, 2008, 2009

List of Passed Training Courses

Business Analysis Fundamentals Udemy 2018
Learn Angular 4 from Scratch Udemy 2017
iOS 11 & Swift 4: The Complete Developer Course Udemy 2016
Learn JavaScript for Web Development Udemy 2015
JavaScript Tricks how to create code projects from scratch Udemy 2015
The Complete 2018 Full stack Web Developer Course Udemy 2015
Beginner PHP and MySQL Udemy 2015
Mobile App Design in Photoshop From Scratch Udemy 2015
5th Egyptian School on High Energy Physics Zewail City* 2015
1st Egyptian School on High Energy Physics BUE*&ASU* 2015
4th Egyptian School on High Energy Physics BUE*&CU* 2014

3rd Egyptian School on High Energy Physics BUE*&CU* 2012
Stander Model Course Zewail City* 2012
17th EPO Patent Information Beginners Seminar EPO* 2011
Business development polito* 2011
Form ideal to market I3P* 2011
Training workshops by the Linkoping and the FU-Berlin partners Linkoping University 2010
Instructional Design ACCE* 2009
Communicating with Power ACCE* 2009
Dealing with Difficult People ACCE* 2009
Innovation in the Workplace ACCE* 2009
Problem Solving Through Productive Thinking ACCE* 2009
Project Management from a People Perspective ACCE* 2009
Sarbanes-Oxley Act ACCE* 2009
Time Management for Maximum Productivity ACCE* 2009
Management Skills Introduction ACCE* 2009
Managing Change ACCE* 2009
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace ACCE* 2009
Stress Management ACCE* 2009
E-Mailing Your Way to the Top ACCE* 2009
Motivation Methods and Strategies ACCE* 2009
Time Management Fundamentals ACCE* 2009
Teams That Work ACCE* 2009
Negotiating ACCE* 2009
Retirement Planning ACCE* 2009
Project Management Professional Certification 2009 ACCE* 2009
Building Relationships ACCE* 2009
Effective Business Communication ACCE* 2009
Fundamentals of Business Management ACCE* 2009

ACCE*: American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt
Linkoping University: Swedish University
EPO: European Patent Office
CU: Cairo University
BUE: British University in Egypt
Zewail City: Zewail City of Science and Technology
polito :Politecnico di Torino Italy
I3P: Incubatore di Imprese Innovative del Politecnico di Torino
ASU: Ain Shams University

List of Organized & Trainer Courses

4 SWMC* Organizer & Trainer 2015
SWMC Summer Training rd 3 SWMC* Organizer & Trainer 2012
SWMC Summer Training nd 2 SWMC* Organizer &Trainer 2011
SWMC Summer Training st 1 SWMC* Organizer &Trainer 2010
International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) UN/NASA/JAXA Workshop HU* Organizer 2010
Space Weather School HU* Organizer 2010
2nd Egyptian School on High Energy Physics HU* Organizer 2010
1st SWMC Summer Training SWMC*
Organizer & Trainer 2009

SWMC: Space Weather Monitoring Center
HU: Helwan University 

List of publication
1. A.Ibrahim, W. Elmetenawee, W. Ismail, Y. Assran, A. A. Abdelalim, A. Mahrous and M.N.Yassen, Using Cosmic Ray Tests of the Resistive Plate Chambers for muon upgrade in CMS at LHC, Fourth Arab Conference on Astronomy and Geophysics ,20-23 October 2014
2. A. Ibrahim , S. Colafranceschib, R. Chudasamaa, L. Panta, A. K. Mohantya, R. Sehgala and other, Resistive Plate Chambers for 2013-2014 muon upgrade in CMS at LHC, CMS CR -2014/128
3. Performance of the gas gain monitoring system of the CMS RPC muon detector, CMS Collaboration (L. Benussi (Frascati) et al.). Dec 27, 2014. Published in JINST 10 (2015) 01, C01003 INFN-14-22-LNF
4. CMS RPC commissioning of the existing detector during the long shutdown, CMS Collaboration (A. Cimmino (Gent U.) et al.). 2014. 8 pp. Published in JINST 9 (2014) 10, C10043
5. Web-based monitoring tools for Resistive Plate Chambers in the CMS experiment at CERN, M.S. Kim (Kyungpook Natl. U.), Y. Ban, J. Cai, Q. Li, S. Liu, S. Qian, D. Wang, Z. Xu, F. Zhang (Peking U.), Y. Choi (Sungkyunkwan U.) et al.. 2014. Published in JINST 9 (2014) 10, C10031
6. CMS RPC tracker muon reconstruction, CMS Collaboration (J. Goh (Sungkyunkwan U.) et al.). 2014. Published in JINST 9 (2014) 10, C10027,DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/9/10 C10027
7. Radiation background with the CMS RPCs at the LHC, CMS Collaboration (Silvia Costantini (Gent U.) et al.). Jun 11, 2014. 9 pp. Published in JINST 10 (2015) 05, C05031,DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/10/05/C05031

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