Figura professionale: Software Engineer

Nome Cognome: S. S.Età: 52
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: Liguria: Genova, Imperia, La-Spezia, Savona Lombardia: Bergamo, Como, Lecco, Lodi, Milano, Monza-Brianza, Pavia

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Software Engineer


Novembre 2006 – Oggi Figura ricoperta Line manager – Senior Software Engineer Datore di lavoro The Logic Group – Barclaycard Luogo Fleet, Hampshire (UK) Principali attività e responsabilità

Role: Technical leader of the core engine development team for the company's product Solve Datashield. An omni-channel P2PE (Point to Point Encryption) solution (first in the world to achive PCI/DSS certification) to manage the complete lifecycle of debit/credit card transactions. Over the years become technical reference for other developers and other parts of the business. Managed a small team people and coordinated the work with other teams to make sure that the software is delivered on target. Became line manager 3 years ago (4 people) and guided the team throught the acquisition by Barclaycard. Involved in the full development lifecycle from the gathering of the requirements to the implementation, testing, documentation and final delivery. Responsible for the quality of the releases into production. Strong software development skills that allow to manage a team of developers effectively. Refactored various parts of the system to improve performance. Mentor to new members of the team. Played a key role in the migration of the application from Jboss 4.3 to Jboss 6.4 EAP. Worked using agile methodologies for the last 3 years.

Technologies: Java, Junit, design patterns, multi-threading programming, Jboss 4.3 and 6.4 EAP, Oracle, PL/SQL, AppDynamics, acquiring banks protocols (APACS70, Elavon, ISO8583, Price Servidores), Settlement file formats (APACS29B, Streamline, Elavon), Jenkins (administrator), Redmine (administrator), Linux, Mingle, Subversion, Luna SA and EFT HSM's, Eclipse, IntelliJ

Dicembre 2002 – Settembre 2006 Figura ricoperta Direttore tecnico e co-fondatore Datore di lavoro Sysnet Sistemi S.r.l. Luogo Milano Principali attività e responsabilità

Main projects:

Project “DAFNE”. Technical and architectural team leader through the complete life-cycle of the system. Developed multiprocessing/multi-threading software in C on a Linux based system to supervise one of the main Italian railway routes. Played key role during the integration phase on site. Co-author of the application level communication protocol between these devices and the existing railway SCADA system;

Project “LAN modem”: Sole developer. Developed software with Z-World’s Dynamic C 7.32P (using Micro C OS-II RTOS kernel) on a Rabbit RCM 2250 module to be used as a modem and TCP/Serial tunneling device;

Project “Fast Mobile Modem” for Hutchison 3G (Italy, Austria, Australia): Sole developer dealing directly with the customer for requirements and testing. Started as single project and developed in 5 different projects with clients in Italy, Austria and Australia. Developed with VC++ 6.0

Technologies: C, Embedded C, Linux, multithreading programming, VC++, serial port communication

Marzo 2001 – Ottobre 2002 Figura ricoperta Senior Software Engineer/Delivery Manager Datore di lavoro Enterprise IS Ltd. Luogo Londra (UK) Principali attività e responsabilità

Role: Joined as a member of the Development team but quickly took on senior roles in the Architectural team and as Delivery Manager. Worked on the company’s product (eNvisage), a J2EE application that manages the complete life–cycle of an insurance policy. Gained experience in OOA/D in Java using design patterns, J2EE technologies and UML. N-tier architectures and MVC paradigm. Performance tuning of eNvisage. Migrated eNvisage from Weblogic 5.1 to 6. Usage of OO database Javlin 1.0 and 1.1. Bug reporting to Javlin regarding their implementation of the EJB compiler, resolved frame synchronisation problems on eNvisage’s web interface (based on Javascript and Joust);

Technologies: Java, J2EE, javascript, Weblogic, UML, MVC, OODB, Javlin, IBM Visual Age

Gennaio 2000 – Febbraio 2001 Figura ricoperta Java Developer Datore di lavoro Streetsonline Luogo Crawley (UK) Principali attività e responsabilità

Java Developer working on an e-commerce website (at the time the second most important e-commerce website in the UK after Amazon). Developed knowledge of servlets, PL/SQL, Apache and Linux

Maggio 1998 – Febbraio 1999 Figura ricoperta Software Developer Datore di lavoro B.C.P. Ingegneri Associati Luogo Pavia Principali attività e responsabilità

Developer in C and Visual Basic on embedded systems (Advantech's Adams modules) for industrial automation

Settembre 1997 – Febbraio 1999 Figura ricoperta Teacher Datore di lavoro ARX Internet Point Luogo Pavia Principali attività e responsabilità

Teacher for post secondary school students (Networking and fundamentals of software development) and adult learning courses (Usage of Windows and Office)

Istruzione e Formazione

Marzo 1998 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica Istituto di istruzione o formazione Università degli studi di Pavia Luogo Pavia

Conoscenze linguistiche

Lingua Italiano Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua

Lingua Inglese Capacità di lettura/scrittura Ottimo Capacità di espressione orale Ottimo

Note Ho lavorato per 13 anni in Inghilterra e posso lavorare, comunicare e redigere documenti in inglese senza alcun problema

Capacità e competenze informatiche

Line manager, Delivery manager, Project manager, Java, Junit, design patterns, multi-threading programming, Jboss 4.3 and 6.4 EAP, Oracle, PL/SQL, AppDynamics, acquiring banks protocols (APACS70, Elavon, ISO8583, Price Servidores), Settlement file formats (APACS29B, Streamline, Elavon), Jenkins (administrator), Redmine (administrator), Linux, Mingle, Subversion, Luna SA and EFT HSM's, Eclipse, IntelliJ, C, Embedded C, Linux, multithreading programming, VC++, serial port communication

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