Figura professionale: Software Architect / Project Manager
Nome Cognome | : A. G. | Età | : 51 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager |
Sede preferita | : Milano |
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- Software Architect specializzato in tecnologia Microsoft
From 2017-01up to now: I’m currently working for Lynx a consultant and as a trainer in a academy school
§ I worked as teacher in Microsoft .NETtechnologyfor
From 2013-10to 2017-03for Lynx S.P.A. (customer Intesa San Paolo)
§ WEB front-end back customer applicationin Intesa San Paolo based on HTML5, Microsofttechnology, other. RoleTeam leader, Software Architect
Team Leader (team di 7 developers)
From 2012-06to the end of 2013 Lynx S.P.A.(customer CreVal – Trenord – Diebold)
§ Applicativofront-end back customer application inCreVal basedon WPF/WCFtecnology
Team Leader (team di 3 developers)
§ Services WEB/MVC used as SSO (single sign-on)for web site in different domains (trenord, malpensaexpress)
From 2002 to06/2012 Pirelli
Programmer analyst / Team Leader (small team)
§ 3 internet applications in ASP.NET 4.0 (with ajax) forPrelios
§ I have made Prelios (ex Pirelli RE)
§ About6/8 intranetapplications in ASP.NET 3.5 (with ajax, LINQ)
§ About 10 intranet applications in ASP.NET 2.0 (with ajax)
§ ASP.NET 2.0 andWindowsForm deployedusingClickOncetecnology
§ About 10 intranet applications in ASP.NET 1.1 (3 with ajax)
§ HundresdsWebService (ASMX,WCF and WF Service )
§ 3 ISAP filter in C++ and in C# (with COM+tecnology)
§ I worked with Microsoft Italia on behalf of Pirelli on sperimental WS-Security solution.
§ Integration fromWebServiceandMOLAP product named “Palo”for OLAP data analisys.
§ Solution B2B withWebService interoperability comunicationfrom Pirelli systemtoSpanish portal
§ Solution B2B from Pirelli to Intesa San PaolobasedonWebServiceand asymmetric cryptography.
§ Plugin for Visual Studio
§ Some intranet solutions thatuseGoogleMapand Bing Map
§ I know LINQ, WPF, WCF, WWF e Silverlighttecnology
§ I have develppedseportsusing Microsoft Reporting Service
§ I have used SSIS (also legacy DTS)
§ I know and use Team Fondation
I worked as teacher on .NETtecnologyfor ourcustomers. (Pirelli, TelecomItalia, S.S.C.)
Known languages
§ Silverlight
§ C#
§ C++
§ Visual Basic
§ XML (schema and xslt)
§ VBScript, JavaScript
§ ASP 3.0
§ Java (personal)
§ Diploma di capotecnico industriale specializzato in informatica presso l’istituto Badoni di Lecco.
Skill summary
Nato a Napoli il 8-2-1973
§ I obtained many Microsoft certifications on development and Infrastracture subjects and Database development and administration subjects.
The last certifications I obtained include
§ “Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4” (aprile 2012)
§ I have worked with someWindows Serverfrom Windows Server NT, Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003 (certified), Windows Server 2012 (and so on)(IIS 5, IIS 6, IIS 7, IIS 8)
§ I have good knolage on Networking trouble (Usually I make troubleshooting on DNS, Active Directory, Firewall, ecc)
§ I’ve beendevelopingweb applications for intranet and internet for over 12 years(with all ASP.NETand Framework .NET versions)
§ I’ve a strong experience in WPF technology XAML languageand MVVMparadigm.
§ I know Ajaxtechnology (all versions since Ajax Control ToolKitalso forFramewordk 1.1).
§ WebServices, WCF and Workflow Service
§ Isapi filtersforauthentication in C++ for heavy load application (14.000 usersforPirelli’s intranet).
§ I have developped some applications using XML (xml, schema, xlst).
§ I’ve a strong experience with development and administration of Microsoft SQLServer(I am Microsoft DBA certified)
I’ve had a good experience working with other relational Databases such as Oracle (9 and 10), MySql
§ I worked as a team leader for medium and large team.
Recently I’ve driven e team of 50 developers as Solution architect
§ I have usedOracle database (8 and 9)for over a year
§ I have driven a team (5 developer)forcreate an applicationbasedon WPF technologyfor a known bank
§ I’ve a strong experience on ReportingServiceand microsoft data analysis technologies.
§ I can use ETL system (DTS e SSIS)
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