Figura professionale: Program/Project Manager

Nome Cognome: D. L.Età: 51
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Program/Project Manager


From 2008 to Today ACTUAL POSITION IN THE COMPANY: Process, Power and Marine – Smart Solutions Program Manager – EMIA Global Business Developer Manager – World Wide Employee of multinational company Intergraph Inc., Italian regional company Intergraph Italia LLC, Milano fiori, Rozzano (MI) Italy. Previouse position in the company: Process, Power and Marine branch as Schematics Technical coordinator for Italy and Greece. I was responsible for the coordination of whole business partners involved in Technical support, Training courses and Client presidiums. Internally I was driving all the Pre-sales and Technical analysis & Design activities. Main Projects: CCIP – Chinese Cruise ship Innovating Program SHANGHAI WAIGAOQIAO SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD. – China Implementation and roll-out Scope of work: The Joint-Venture started a program to initiate the production of Cruise Vessels. My role in the project is to consult the customer in establish a solid IT Solution capable to sustain the innovation along the full lifecycle of the product, from Design to production phase. As well as I will lead the CCIP Program coordinating and managing all interconnected 5 major IT projects (Infrastructure & Security, Design, Legacy Interface, Production and Warehouse) in order to achieve a long-term business objective for the customer. The Program is in the early stage and officially the Program definition will start in 2019. Two of the 5 Projects are in the definition phase too. As Program manager I’m in charge, for my company, to explore and develop the far east market investigating and opening new business relationship with Shipyards, Manufacturer, Supplier and Engineering companies. ISDM – Integrated Ship Design and Manufacturing Fincantieri – Italy Implementation and roll-out Scope of work: Management of full solution design, implementation, acceptance and roll-over. In my role I have actively lead the Program Management coordinating and managing all interconnected 4 major projects (CAD, PLM, CATALOG, INTERFACES) in order to achieve a long-term business objective for my company. In the execution of the program major success were achieved, bringing to production all divisions of the customer on the first level PLM Requirement management and Product configuration) and immediate ROI on Clash Detection for all six shipyards. Main Tasks: • Articulate the program strategy and objectives • Asses the Business impact for my company • Identify business opportunities directly connected with the customer • Monitor and report on program execution to the teams, program leadership, executive management, and external stakeholders management • Manage matrixed Internal Partners and Subcontractors across Finance, Treasury, Billing, Legal, Design, Engineering and Corporate Technology • Single point of contact for each project on schedule, cost, and scope • Understand the needs of the Customer and coordinate the efforts of multiple teams to provide a solution • Leading consensus building on process, scope, and execution of the organization • Lead and influence multiple stakeholders in order to drive execution of product roadmap process • Partner with other teams to source, allocate and coordinate resources • Craft and lead reporting of status and progress along with team communication • Facilitate the resolution of issues within your organization and across teams SmartYard Solution adoption Fincantieri – Italy Prove of Concept / Benchmark Scope of work: preliminary Presentation, then POC, finally Benchmark to Fincantieri to get our Solutions adopted My involvement concerns in all three stages to lead all activities related to Schematics, Integration and DMS (SPF) usage all over the SmartPlant Cloud. The achievement was also to be coordinate with two Intergraph senior VPs, the Italian team and Cloud Team as well to make the better results in the benchmark Main Tasks: • Being the Key leader in front of the Client; • Coordinating the group with other team leaders; • Coordinating the local IT support to put in place a working architecture; • Present results for POC and Benchmark to the client. Engineering Data Integration Imperial College of London/ ABB UK Analysis, Implementation and Technical Support Scope of work: Introduce software’s and integrate them inside ICL workflows. My involvement concerns in detail SmartPlant P&ID, SmartPlant Instrumentation and SmartPlant Foundation. As well as the relationship with colleagues of other disciplines. Main Tasks: • Proposal management • Recruitment of internal resources and Role assignment • Proposal strategy • Existent company workflows analysis; • Create, manage and integrate Process Data and Instrument Diagrams; • Drafting of Technical and Development Specifications. Engineering Data Integration Nynas – Sw Analysis, Implementation and Technical Support Scope of work: help the Client to solve some “Show stopper” issue in adoption of our SPE/SPO solution My involvement concerns in detail SmartPlant P&ID, SmartPlant Instrumentation and SmartPlant Foundation. As well as the relationship with colleagues of other disciplines. Main Tasks: • Proposal management • Recruitment of internal resources and Role assignment • Existent company workflows analysis and Business Process Reengineering ; • Existing show stoppers issues and identify where the issue was; • Realign Customer personnel on latest information regarding Schematics adopted; • Coordinate with 3D Manager to achieve comprehensive integration between two ambients; • Coordinate with SPO Manager to get the desired goal solving the issues, mainly related to integration. • Drafting of Technical and Development Specifications. Production Data Integration Snamprogetti s.p.a./ Saipem s.p.a (ENI corporate) Technical Support, Training, Add-on Design and Development Scope of work: Introduce software’s and integrate them inside company workflows. My involvement concerns in detail SmartPlant P&ID, SmartPlant Instrumentation, SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant Foundation. As well as the Project management shared with a colleague. Main Tasks: • Existent company workflows analysis, Customization and Deployment Schedule; • Customized trainings and Work Instruction; • Development and Customization scrubs coordination; • Drafting of Technical and Development Specifications. Progetto Pilota Integrazione Techint s.p.a Technical Support, Add-on Design and Development Scope of work: Introduce software and integrate them inside company workflows. My involvement concerns in detail SmartPlant P&ID, SmartPlant Instrumentation, SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant Foundation. Main Tasks: • Existent company workflows analysis, Customization and Deployment Schedule; • Customized trainings and Work Instruction; • Development and Customization scrums coordination; • Drafting of Technical and Development Specifications. Experience before 2008 see Anex A

SOCIAL SKILS: Good interaction with client and co-workers, grew during my technical and pre-sales activities. Usually I can identify really fast client’s needs and the possible offer and technical purpose for them. As well as my problem-solving soft skill grew during years of activities even in different cultural environments.

ORGANISATIONAL SKILS: During my career often, I was responsible for work groups, developing and analysis teams, with mixed skills and different level of energy and motivation. I reached the cleverness to identify possible roles and good project organization chart to achieve the best possible performance by the people.

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