Figura professionale: Marketing

Nome Cognome: A. P.Età: 33
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Web Designer/Social/Marketing
Sede preferita: Milano

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13/06/2016–30/09/2016 Erasmus Placement Alterra (Wageningen University and Research), Wageningen (Netherlands) Empirical research activity on environment carried out through the study of different laws that regulate the field of the environment at the international level. Use of institutional tools such as   database, multimedial archives and online platforms. Daily reporting activity with report writing and research in the field.
12/2014–02/2015 internship Municipality of Barcellona P.G, Barcellona P:G (Italy) Activity of administration and management of citizen requests on U.R.P. portal. Daily management of  the relationships between  U.R.P. and municipal offices. Update activity of multimedial and paper archives. Utilization of institutional portals of the institution/agency


26/09/2017–19/06/2018 Master in global,marketing,comunicazione e made in Italy Italy-Usa Foundation, online Export Credit Risk Management International circulation of goods: customs, logistical and contractual profiles Marketing Principles International Contracts Internationalization and Marketing 14/05/2018–13/06/2018 Training course in Law, society and emergency University of Messina, Political and legal Sciences Department, Messina (Italy) Sea Rescue and assistance to migrants Migration flows, rescue activities Public law of the emergency Humanitarian Operations and Civil/Military Cooperation Anthropic Risk, natural disasters and civil protection emergency 29/01/2015–27/01/2017 Master's Degree in International Relations and Development Cooperation 110/110 cum laude University of Messina, Messina (Italy)  International Relations International Law and Human rights European Law Economy of Development and International relations Migration Anthropology of Globalization 12/09/2011–26/01/2015 Bachelor's Degree in Science of International and Political Relations 102/110 University of Messina, messina (Italy) Political Sciences Micro and Macro Economy International and European Law English and Spanish Political doctrines 03/2013–03/2013 Project of Diplomatic Simulation NMUN (New Model United Nations), New York (United States) Active participation in the simulation of the Human Rights Committee. Final report writing deals with one topic of the commission, activity carried out together with the other delegates that were part of the Committee. Final vote on resolutions and report at the Security Council

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Foreign language(s) English C1 Spanish A1

Organisational / managerial skills Task Management by priority and multitasking Skilled at evaluating options and generating solutions Updating information or records

Digital skills good command of office suite ( word, excel, power point, access,outlook) Good command of google drive and wordpress

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