Figura professionale: programmatore c,c++,c#, java, html

Nome Cognome: v. p.Età: 53
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: calabria

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programmatore c,c++,c#, java, html


  • Strong background in mathematics and physics.
  • – Expert C/C++ programmer.
  • – Good knowledge of java, c#, and android development for mobile computing.
  • – Comprehensive knowledge of 3d algorithms for realtime graphics applications.
  • – Indepth knowledge of opengl api
  • – Application development in Qt, VC++,Android studio, Eclipse.
  • – I pride myself on my adaptability, integrity and ability to work to a high standard under
  • pressure.
  • – I am always willing to learn new technologies and languages if the working environment
  • requires it.


laurea ingegneria elettronica con indirizzo informatico


Programmer by contract
April 1995 – present
Main development platform : Window,Android
Languages : C/C++ ,java, C#
I started my career as an external consultant and as a contract programmer ,my role was to write,
debug and deliever software component and entire applications for various industry scenarios,some of
them include :
ï‚· String format conversion library
ï‚· Fast n x n , 3×3, 2×2 order matrix library
ï‚· Fast n , 4 , 3 , 2 order vector library
ï‚· Linear algebra library
ï‚· Delaunay triangulator generator
ï‚· Convex Hull generator
ï‚· Voronoi map generator ( data acquisition for Red Cedar Technologies )
ï‚· Complex number library
ï‚· Kdtree / Octree / bsp level compiler
ï‚· 3d mesh optimizer (developed for an academic lecture )
ï‚· Kdtree , Octree, Quadtree, bsptree generator ,software occlusion culling
ï‚· Managed resource manager for 3d engine assets

Semantic lexer and text parser ( json-like parser language )
ï‚· Signal generator for audio cards ( commercial )
ï‚· Medical studio management ( commercial )

Software programmer for military industry
I was employed in this position as a software programmer when i served the military service in Italy, my
main focus was to operate and mantain already installed software , operate a large hardware database
centre and to create new application for checking and distribuiting checkpoints around urban area
sites.I served as an internal stuff programmer for an year, after my service ended, i was re-integrated
as a civil expert to train and teach newly stuff members.

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