Figura professionale: Web Developer, mobile app IOS Android

Nome Cognome: E. R.Età: 40
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Torino

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Web Developer


2008–2012 Bachelor Degree in Software Engineering
Azad University, Marvdasht (Iran)
Some of the subjects that have covered:
▪ Advanced Programming
▪ Data Structures
▪ Artificial Intelligence
▪ Algorithm Design

01/10/2018–Present Master Degree in Computer Science
University of Milan (LaStatale)
Via Celoria, 18, 20133 Milan (Italy)
Implementing a web application for advanced computer programming subject.
Technologies used in the project include:
▪ javascript ES6
▪ ReactJS
▪ NodeJS
▪ Express
▪ MongoDB

2011–2012 Windows Applications Development With Microsoft .Net Framework 4
Industrial Management Company – South region, Shiraz (Iran)
2011–2011 Microsoft .Net Framework Foundation
Industrial Management Company – South Region, Shiraz (Iran)
2018–2018 Object-Oriented programming in JavaScript
Online Course (Italy)
ES6 new features:
▪ Classes
▪ ArrowFunctions ▪ Arrays
▪ Map
▪ Reduce
▪ VariableScope
▪ Closure

2018–2019 Mastering ReactJS
Online Course (Italy)
▪ React Components
▪ Stateless Functional Classes
▪ React Lifecycle Hooks
▪ Modular Programming
▪ NoSQL Approach
▪ MongoDB

2019–2019 The Complete Node.js Course
Online Course (Italy)
▪ Node Architecture
▪ Node Module System
▪ Node Package Manager (NPM)
▪ Building Restful API's using express
▪ Asynchronous JavaScript
▪ Mongoose
▪ UnitTesting
▪ IntegrationTesting

01/06/2019–31/12/2019 Software developer
Per Voghera, 7, Casei Gerola (Italy)
▪ Developing restful APIs for car sharing portal by NodeJS
▪ Designing user interfaces using javascript, html and css
▪ working on popular node frameworks like Loopback, NestJS and express
▪ Managing data using PostgreSQL and MongoDB
▪ implementing client side app using ejs syntax.
▪ converting business logic to code using typescript in NestJS framework.
Business or sector Information and communication
01/01/2017–10/09/2018 Administrator
Online Shop (Iran)
▪ Designing an online shop by Wordpress and Woocommerce.
▪ Content creation.
▪ Search engine optimization

01/04/2015–28/08/2018 Web developer
Pishgaman Asia, Shiraz (Iran) 
▪ Implementing web applications using Javascript and ReactJS framework
▪ design and development of native mobile applications by ReactNative for IOS and Android devices.
▪ handling touch screen events and reading from different APIs.
▪ Creating elegant, powerful and most importantly REUSABLE components by ReactJS.
▪ Implementing back-end web APIs by NodeJS and Express
▪ Test Driven Development (TDD)

01/04/2013–31/03/2015 Web developer
Parsian internet center, Shiraz (Iran)
▪ development of web sites using wordpress, php and MySql

Mother tongue(s) Persian
English B2
Italian B1 

Communication skills 
As a Software developer at Net&Com everyday we had a short standup meeting to discuss about
current status of project and evaluate the works we have done so far. Through this experience I have
gained good communication skills.

Job-related skills 
▪ Typescript
▪ HTML and CSS
▪ Bootstrap
▪ JQuery
▪ PostgreSQL
▪ MongoDB
▪ Code versioning system (Git, source tree)
▪ Ticketing system (Jira)
▪ Agile software development
▪ Discipline and Work commitment
▪ Problem Solving Attitude
▪ Teamwork sprit (as a member of development team I acquired very good communications and collaboration skills)

Digital skills – Self-assessment grid
very good familiarity with VSCode IDE and it's powerful extensions.


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