Figura professionale: Android developer Jr

Nome Cognome: M. L.Età: 40
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Italia

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Android developer


Freelancer – maintenance and development web site (html-css-javascript and cms) Develop server-side web applications with PHP development template wordpress SEO marketing web Develop Android native Applications

EDUCATION: high school diploma – geometra

PERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES: programming languages: C junior Java junior Javascript(JQuery) middle PHP(OOP) middle Android junior For development Android preference use IDE Android studio ver. 2.3.3 or 3.0(now is Beta), experience in geolocatio(Google maps Api). In-depth knowledge of html and css (preference to use Flex-box layout also in the fiel mobile). Experimental UX/UI design(use Gimp/photoshop and Inkscape). Experiense in use Ajax, Audio Api, JSON, XML.

MOTHER-TONGUE: Italian ENGLISH LEVEL: Write – good / Speak – sufficent

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