Figura professionale: IT Technician – System Engineer

Nome Cognome: R. F.Età: 29
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Sistemista / Tecnico informatico
Sede preferita: London

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IT Technician - System Engineer



01/11/2015–Present    IT Technician
Dedalus S.p.a, Conegliano (Italy) 
I work in outsourcing for AULSS2 Company (Santa Maria dei Battuti' s Hospital) in Conegliano. I manage relations with the supplier and users and I deal with installation of PCs and configuration of operating systems (like windows XP/7/8/10) and also installations of a few hospital's application. I also take care of testing and evaluating new technology and diagnosing and solving hardware or software faults. I am responsible for managing and creating users. 


01/09/2010–01/07/2015    High School Diploma    
ITIS Max Planck, Treviso (Italy) 
–    Computer Science
–    Systems and Networks
–    Telecommunications
–    Business Organization

English    B2    

Communication skills    
–    Ability to work in a group developed in high school and work environment
–    Good communication skills gained through my experience as Help Desk Technician
–    Team work experience

Organisational / managerial skills    
–    Good organisational skills gained working in an IT team 
–    Good ticket/SLA management (SysAID)
–    Very good problem solving skills

Job-related skills    
–    Citrix basic knowledge 
–    Basic knowledge of Java, C, PHP, HTML, MySQL, Android
–    Knowledge of Windows and Linux OS
–    Knowledge of PC Hardware
–    Knowledge of local networks and webservers
–    Knowledge of Active Directory, DNS,  DHCP and Powershell.


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