Figura professionale: Software Architect

Nome Cognome: P. P.Età: 52
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CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Udine

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Senior Java Developer


Agosto 2010 – Oggi Figura ricoperta Software Architect Datore di lavoro Tbs Group Luogo Udine

Principali attività e responsabilità

Team management (3employees).

I have extensively worked on web applications both on frontend and backend, using different technologies and with different responsibilities: architecture design, development and maintenance.

As a software architect I have managed the development of a Blood Bank Managementsystem, which had very stringent security and reliability requirements.I developed the prototype and then participated to the development.

I am currently responsible for carrying out studies for Test Automationand Continuous Integration in order to improve software production process.

Novembre 2006 – Luglio 2010 Figura ricoperta Senior Developer & Team Leader Datore di lavoro Sysdata Italia Luogo Udine

Principali attività e responsabilità

Team and project management (5 employees).
Responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of some Enterprise Rich Web Applications for Assurance and Health Sector.

My responsibilities were also attend meetings with the client to gather the requirements and propose technical solutions.

Ottobre 2004 – Ottobre 2006 Figura ricoperta Software Analyst Datore di lavoro Taghleef Industries Luogo Udine (Italy) & Budapest (Hungary)

Principali attività e responsabilità

In charge of the in-house development and maintenance of the production control software.
Responsible for the integration of production software with SAP ERP.

Responsible for the analysis and developments to introduce the production software in the Hungarian Plant.

Aprile 2002 – Settembre 2004 Figura ricoperta Process Control Engineer Datore di lavoro Danieli Automation Luogo Udine

Principali attività e responsabilità

I was responsible for designing and  developing equipment and software which I was used to monitor and control engineering systems, machinery and processes in Steel Industry.

I took part in plats commissioning and startup, both in Italy and abroad.

Istruzione e Formazione

Dicembre 2001 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica Istituto di istruzione o formazione Università delgli STudi di Trieste Luogo Trieste

Conoscenze linguistiche

Lingua Italiano Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua

Lingua Inglese Capacità di lettura/scrittura Buono Capacità di espressione orale Buono

Capacità e competenze informatiche

Over ten year experience in software development (Agile and TDD) .
Experience in web development and good knowledge of the areas of web design, usability and web security.
Enterprise UI design & development:  HTML/CSS, GWT, JS frameworks like EXT-JS, JQuery, AngularJS.

Java frameworks: Spring, Hibernate.
Web services SOAP and REST.

Application Servers: JBoss, Tomcat, Oracle AS.

Oracle database, SQLServer.

UML and Modelling tools.
Behaviour Driven Development: Cucumber
Software testing tools: Selenium, JMeter, TestComplete, HP Load Runner.
Continuous integration and inspection tools: Jenkins, Sonar.
Apache ANT and Maven.
Versioning tools: CVS, SVN.
Data Analysis and Reporting tools:Jaspersoft, Pentaho.

Bsic UNIX/Windows system administration.

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