Figura professionale: Software developer

Nome Cognome: N. C.Età: 50
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Milano

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Software developer


Febbraio 2017 – Febbraio 2017

Figura ricoperta Software Developer and System Integrator

Datore di lavoro Sital Spa

Luogo Vimodrone

Principali attività e responsabilità

Customization and support of HP Solutions product. The end customer is Unicredit bank. The project involves the management of internal orders for maintenance and distribution of business tools such as computers, stationery, spare parts. Based on nodejs and Java. Maintenance and customization of Sital "timesheet". The main objective of the project is to manage the data of employees, contracts, monitor the activities of the projects of the current customers and manage monthly reports. Based on open source YII2 framework.
– Nodejs, Java.
– Framework YII2

Giugno 2011 – Aprile 2016

Figura ricoperta Software Developer C Shell Script Linux

Datore di lavoro ADB Broadband S.p.A. (Pirelli)

Luogo Milano

Principali attività e responsabilità

Software Developer, ADB Broadband S.p.A. (formerly Pirelli Broadband
2016 Solutions S.p.A.), Milan, Italy.
Development of the Linux-based embedded software platform for broadband access
products. Currently engaged into team on TR069 stack and HTTP protocol layer
team (four software engineers), providing software development, testing and support
for other teams.
Notable developments:
[software entirely designed and developed with ANSI C, XML, Bash Script technologies]
– customization of open source web server Nostromo from OpenWrt stack in order to
work with Pirelli routers, handled HTTPS by GnuTls library instead OpenSSL, .
– Wrote webserver “yaps-httpd” in C, single thread process, no blocking TCP sockets,
browser compliant with GoogleChrome, Firefox, Safari, Polar, Internet Explorer
and all browsers based on Web-Toolkit, Http 1.0/1.1compliant, handled multiple
connections on multiple interfaces, Http(s) compliant using gnutls library, handled
Http pipeline protocol, wrote features to handle firmware upgrade via Http(s)
implemented a legacy scripting languages “yaps-yapl” for Html page generation
(wrote by another team inside the factory) instead CGI technology in order to avoid
forking operations due memory limitations, average process size 3Mb.
– Enhanced old process “cwmp” with new features in order to handle latest technical
specifications related to TR069 CPE WAN Management Protocol TR-069, upgraded
TR069 stack with https capabilities using GnuTls library, wrote new remote process
calling (RPCs) sent by ACS operatos server via HTTP(s) and SOAP protocol. Used
SAX library for XML parser operation, wrote upload and dowload features using
cURL library, wrote basic and digest http authentication. Http(s) stress test and
protocol analisys using Apache Web Server and Wireshark.
– Developed router GUI html pages using Html markup language and legacy sc ripting
language “YAPL” (Yet Another Preprocessing Language) very close to PHP.
– wrote shell scripts for maintenance and optimization of Linux system as creation of
configuration files for webserver during boot phase and firmware upgrade procedure
by mtd tool.
– Developed daemon in C for Swisscom telco company in order to handle communica-
tion with their servers and support remote procedure via http to read or provisioning
data into router stack for voip behaviour. Tcp socket programming, protocol http,
https support by gnutls, json support by jasson library for the parser and the builder.
– Penetration and robustness tests with Kali linux distro focused for the web server
and the http protocol support.
– The Web Server Nostromo, Yaps-Httpd and CWMP-Tr069 are currently in charge
in all ADB’s products.
– All the software has been developed on linux system using open source tools

Gennaio 2011 – Maggio 2011

Figura ricoperta Software Developer C

Datore di lavoro MagnetiMarelli S.p.A.

Luogo Torino

Principali attività e responsabilità

Consultant at Magneti Marelli S.p.A. Engaged into team as C developer at applica-
tion level on Magneti Marelli T-BOX car unit. Retrieve car’s sensors data, modem
management for ota firmware upgrade, alarms management, debugging and testing,
rs232 communication – ST Microelectronics OS-20 operating system – C language.
– support for new features on TBOX products in order to handle car position on
remote server via Http protocol

Settembre 2007 – Dicembre 2010

Figura ricoperta Software Developer

Datore di lavoro Nokia Siemens Network

Luogo Cinisello Balsamo – Milano

Principali attività e responsabilità

"C" middleware developer on Nokia Radio Network Controller IPA2800. System based
on multiprocessor cards powered with PowerQuiccIII and SUN Chorus Operating
System. In particular, developed a daemon process to control and collect statistics data
from network cards and sends all of them to upper system layers. Developer internal
tools for aumatic tests in scripting legacy language “telenokia definition language”.
Developed bidirectional forwarding protocol (BFD) in C and handled via a dedicated
daemon in order to monitor main network cards and bootstrap the backup in case of
failure. Engaged into a team di Agile methodologies, daily scrum, scrum master and
mouth analisys. Protocol data analisys by Wireshark. Code versioning by SVN and
– Chorus OS operating system, C language, tcp/udp socket programming, Gdb, remote
gdb, wireshark, Svn and Clear Case software code repository. Support to integration
phase between software and hardware. Agile software development, using Scrum
process. Multi-site project (Italy, Finland)

Aprile 2003 – Giugno 2007

Figura ricoperta Software Developer – C

Datore di lavoro DaSistemi Spa

Luogo Vimodrone – Milano

Principali attività e responsabilità

Software developer on P.O.S. (point of sale) embedded devices powered by Z80 cpu.
Involved into team that has developed applications to automate credit card payments.
All the software was written in order to run correctly on a legacy framework owned by
hardware team. Application’s goal was to handle the bank’s server connection and
communication, data exchange via spdh base24 procotol. All software was written in C
on legacy operating system, handling of screen, mobile keyboard, wireless printer and
zyxel modem. Analisys of data by Datascope, test and debug by Lauterbach Trace32
– C language on legacy hardware based on cpu 16bit Zilog-Z80 with embedded
multitasking operating system – SPDH / BASE-24 ASCII protocols – Datascope
protocol analyzer – Trace32 and Lauterbach Microprocessor Development Tool –
Modem management – EMV electronic credit card and standard magnetic card

Gennaio 2002 – Febbraio 2003

Figura ricoperta Software Developer PLC S5/S7, SCADA, C

Datore di lavoro Siemens Dematic Sorter

Luogo Agrate Brianza – Milano

Principali attività e responsabilità

Software developer for projects focused on automatic storage systems. Type of job
was very close to my previously experience in Stilmas.
– C language on operating system Intel iRmx – Awl on Siemens S7 and S5 – G language
with Labview N.I. – Ethernet and Profibus-DP networking

Aprile 1999 – Gennaio 2002

Figura ricoperta Software Developer PLC / Scada / C

Datore di lavoro Stilmas Spa

Luogo Settala – Milano

Principali attività e responsabilità

Engaged into a team as firmware and application software developer for plants automa-
tion. The developed firmware was for Plc system in order to handle process for water
and steam treatment, osmosis, storage and distribution of purified water. The main
goal was to collect data from sensors on field as temperature, pressure, pH, motor
rpm, process on Plc cpu and do actions on electrovalves and inverter PID regulation.
The data collections were made by analog and digital I/O boards, multiplexed or not.
The systems architectures were related to the Plc manufacturer, tipically client/server
or master/slave. The Plc networks were token-ring or profibus-dp type, this last one
on Siemens S5 and S7 family. The HMI interface was handled by software SCADA,
developed with WinCC, RsView or legacy solution in Visual Basic 6.0 plus dll and by
panel operator installed on field and provided by ESA software. The Plc logics were
developed in assembler languages like "awl" and the firmware upgrade were made via
serial interface and by an external eprom/e2prom programming interface also. Startup
of the machines and technical customer assistance worldwide.
{ PLC Assembler GeFanuc, Siemens S5 and S7 family, AllenBradley, Omron – SCADA
Esa HMI, WinCC, Visual Basic 6.0, ADO/DAO, Microsoft Access DB – C, rs232
communication, Profibus DP – Software Testing and start-up plants and 2nd level
Help Desk – P&I and Software documentation – Assembler Awl – RsLogic – National
Instruments LabView – Profibus DP

Istruzione e Formazione

Studio in corso

Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Ingegneria Informatica

Istituto di istruzione o formazione La Sapienza

Luogo Roma

Marzo 2013

Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Tecnologie audiovisive e multimediali

Istituto di istruzione o formazione Università di Ferrara

Luogo Ferrara

Conoscenze linguistiche

Lingua Italiano

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua

Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua

Lingua Inglese

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Buono

Capacità di espressione orale Buono


Livello Upper Intermediate conseguito presso International House of Liverpool e International House of Belfast

Conoscenze informatiche

Capacità e competenze informatiche

GNU/Linux/Ubuntu, Microsoft Windows, C, PLC assembly, basic Perl, POSIX Shell, basic PHP, basic Python, basic JavaScript, average Java, basic Android, Html, XML, Visual Basic 6.0. GDB, remote GDB, Valgrind, DMalloc, Lauterbach T32 JTAG, Wireshark, network scanner, protocol analisys, Apache configuration, VirtualBox, Git, Gerrit, Svn, ClearCase, basic SQLite on Android, Android Studio, Php Storm, OpenWrt stack, IAR IDE, Eclipse, MySql Workbench, Canopy, LyX, Http/Https, Kali, testing, pattern MVC, system integration, labview, arduino. 

Developer, Java.
Machine learning prototype. Implementation from scratch of a Neural Network by
specs in Java 8. Project uploaded and available on my github account Neural Network (

Developer, Java.
Example of use of graphic library Gdx in Java in a simply desktop game. Project
uploaded and available on my bitbucket account Tag Invaders (

Developer, Php, Android.
Owner and developer of TCAM, Is web application to host multimedia resources like youtube and stream contents on android devices through internet connections, the main feature is the support of augmented reality through Aurasma external app (
Completely based on open source technologies: Apache web server and php scripts – HTTP protocol – Xml – Html, Java, Android Studio with Google SDK framework.
Note: i’m currently migrating the project to github repo, code not available for a while.

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